I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 331 Making a Mistake

Although Boss Xia said so, she knew that General Chu would never give crystal cores to others for no reason.

The operation of the base, the purchase of materials, and the salary of the staff... all of them are inseparable from crystal cores...

Although she used all the crystal cores in her hand to improve her superpowers, fortunately, they can ripen fruits. If she eats them sparingly on weekdays, she can still support until the beginning of next spring.

When the time comes, she can go out to kill zombies.

Fu Niang calculated, pinching the bamboo chopsticks in her hands.

Xia Yan looked away from the wrinkled paper that was spread out on the bed again.

More certain of her inner guess.

Alas, this person is a kind-hearted poor girl.

Xia Yan put on disposable gloves and broke off a lamb chop and put it in her bowl.

"Eat it, Fu Niang, I know you came to see me today, and I know why you came to see me."

Fu Niang was stunned after hearing this, and her thin waist and back bent down.

Her voice was a little distressed and painful, and there was a hint of expectation that she didn't even notice.

"She lives with you?"

Xia Yan knew who she was referring to.

Xia Yan nodded.

"Then she--" Fu Niang sighed silently, her eyebrows drooped, and her eyes were pink again.

Xia Yan looked away, not looking at her vulnerable side.

"Well, she's still alive. She asked me to post a missing person notice. She said she's been looking for you."

Fu Niang's mouth was straight, "Looking for me... I hurt her badly at the beginning, and I broke off the mother-daughter relationship with her..."

At the beginning--

"As long as you step out of this house!" Lin's chest rose and fell violently, her eyes were red, and she roared in despair: "We will break off the mother-daughter relationship!!"

Fu Niang's hands holding the suitcase were clenched, her joints turned white, she bit her lips tightly, and tears rushed out of her eyes.

"...Mom, take care of yourself."

After saying that, she lifted her heavy feet and stepped out resolutely, away from the home where she grew up and lived for twenty years.

Behind her, Lin screamed in despair, but threw away everything and chased after her, her voice full of the unique retreat and tolerance of being a mother.

"Girl, girl, it's mom's fault. Don't go to your dad. He's not a good man. He doesn't know what he's up to—"

Fu Niang's anger flared up, and she shook her hands suddenly.

"Mom! You've told me these words countless times! What's wrong with my dad?"

"You always say he's idle and not doing his job, but now he's working peacefully and positively! What else do you want from him?!"

"I've listened to you since I was a child. You lied to me that he was dead and told me to forget him, and I listened. But have you ever thought about me? Other children have their fathers to pick them up and hold them, but I can't even call them dad! I can only call them secretly in my bed! I also want to call them dad openly!!"

Fu Niang sobbed, "I knew he was still alive a long time ago, you've been lying to me..."

Lin's face turned pale as if she was struck by lightning, and her lips trembled weakly.

"I, I just don't want you to go find him, he's not a good person..."

"That again! What on earth did he do!!"

The blond and blue-eyed neighbors around opened their windows when they heard the noise and leaned against the window sills to watch the excitement.

"Lin! You're not doing this right. Why don't you let the father and daughter recognize each other? Be careful or I'll call the police~"

Lin turned around and picked up a bag of dog shit and threw it over, "Call the police? Why didn't you call the police at the beginning?! You clearly heard the cry for help!!"

The dog shit flew into the air and fell, splashing everywhere with a bang, and the lawn was stained.

"Dead woman, if I don't call the police, you will have to come and clean up the dog shit for me in a while." The woman cursed in a low voice, took down the telephone receiver on the wall, and shouted to Fu Niang while dialing: "Go, people can't forget the father who gave them life, I support you. And, your mother here-"

The woman pointed to her head, "You're sick! You actually want us to help her? Haha!"

The neighbors around laughed.

The deafening laughter seemed to give Fu Niang infinite power.

She trembled and said to Lin, who was pale in front of her: "Mom, look, you can't even get along with your neighbors. Let me go, okay? I also want to live a life with my father's love, please."

The emotions in Lin's eyes were complicated and Fu Niang couldn't understand.

The stiff voice seemed to be squeezed out from the driest throat.

"If you leave, I'm afraid I will never see you again."

Fu Niang forced a smile, "No, I will stay with my father for a while and come back to see you, okay?"

The method that Lin used to coax her children was now learned by Fu Niang and used on herself.

Lin's eyes were dazed, and her fingers touched her arm, "You can't leave, Mom only has you to worry about, if you leave, how can I live?"

Fu Niang struggled to break free, "Children have to leave their parents when they grow up! Just think of me as going out to explore the world, my train is about to stop, let go!"

"No, you can't leave! You can't go to him! He is a-"

Lin gritted her teeth again, her expression extremely painful.

She couldn't say that sentence anyway.

Fu Niang didn't understand at the time. She glanced at the watch on her wrist. Time was running out. The train was about to leave!

"Mom! Take care!"

After saying that, she struggled to break free and ran forward quickly with the suitcase.

Lin chased after her, desperate, helpless, and heartbroken.

"Come back! Otherwise, we'll break off our relationship!"

Fu Niang didn't even turn her head back. She didn't agree in her heart, "Then we'll break off our relationship!"

Anyway, Lin will always be her mother. As long as she cries and acts like a spoiled child, her mother will always tolerate and forgive her.

However, some things cannot be wrong and there is no turning back.

And some walls are useless no matter what others say. Only when you hit your head and bleed, you will know the pain and regret.


Fu Niang picked up the water cup and took a sip.

Her half-closed eyelashes kept trembling, and suddenly a round transparent liquid fell down and hit her knees, causing her to hunch over in pain.

Later, she understood why her mother could not tell her why the man was not good -

As a mother, how to tell her daughter that she was raped?

Without fatherly love, it is already miserable. If she finds out that she is the product of sin, how should Fu Niang live?

Lin is great. For twenty years, she has been fighting against the pain in her heart and the memories that are reawakened every time she sees Fu Niang.

She used her thin body to bear all the suffering, just to give Fu Niang a healthy growth environment and all the motherly love.

Will there be some sleepless nights, with Fu Niang crying in bed and Lin crying outside the door?

Fu Niang didn't dare to think about it any further.

Now that she has grown up, she can better understand her mother's difficulties and hate her own ignorance at the time.

If time could be turned back, it would be great.

She would definitely turn around and hug her begging mother and say, "Mom, I won't leave. I will never leave you!"

"Do you want to meet her?" Xia Yan asked.

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