I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 332: Miscalculation

"Do you want to meet her?"

Xia Yan asked softly in a low voice.

From Fu Niang's changing expression, it can be seen that there is a big problem between the two.

For things like recognizing relatives, if the person is unwilling, outsiders should not force the cow to drink water.

To put it bluntly, do you have anything to do with other people's affairs?

If you are not the party involved, you will never be able to empathize.

After hearing Xia Yan's words, Fu Niang raised her head suddenly, with an unconcealable surprise and fear on her face.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

"Meet, meet..." Fu Niang murmured absentmindedly.

Just now, she hoped that time could come back, hoping to return to the time when she had not suffered any hardships.


She is no longer the good kid she used to be...

Her heart is full of trauma, how can she face her mother...

The flower that was once protected under her wings withered at a rapid speed after she left.

Once, she was also her mother's good baby...

Fu Niang suddenly broke down and burst into tears:

"I, I did so many wrong things! She won't forgive me... She clearly warned me, I, I am too willful! How can I face her... Woo woo..."

Xia Yan quickly grabbed the armrest of the sofa that was shaking violently.

The flower bud has been shaking continuously since just now, and now it is shaking more violently from side to side.


The basket filled with fruits fell to the ground, and the colorful fruits inside rolled from one end to the other.

Unexpectedly, the flower bud would be affected by Fu Niang's emotions.

Fu Niang covered her face with her hands, and a string of crystal clear tears fell to the ground with full of regret.

Xia Yan's eyes were gentle. He took out a pack of tissues, took out several sheets, and gently wiped the tears from her face.

He whispered: "If she didn't forgive you, why would she ask me to publish a missing person notice?"

She thought for a while and added: "She loves you very much. I think it has never changed."

"...Really, really?"

Fu Niang had cried several times in a row. At this moment, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, and her voice was even hoarse.

Like a pitiful cub abandoned by its mother, her hands were tightly entangled, and her mouth was pursed tightly.

"Really," Xia Yan's eyes flashed with local residents exploding like balloons. When did the local residents in her building step out of the safe zone?

"She is not afraid of dying outside."

Fu Niang didn't understand, "What do you mean? Is there someone outside who wants to kill her?"

Xia Yan hesitated and nodded, "The other side is killing indiscriminately, and she is also in the target group, which is about the same."

The whole flower bud trembled violently, and the smoked chicken almost slipped to the ground. Fortunately, Xia Yan was quick to straighten it.

Fu Niang's lips were colorless, full of panic, "Then, then she... will something happen?"

"As long as she doesn't leave the hotel, it's fine." Xia Yan picked up a piece of golden fruit from the fruit plate and put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

Although it was juicy, it didn't taste sweet, not much better than wax.

Xia Yan didn't need to say the rest.

Living in the hotel, eating and drinking required points. One day she would run out of points and have to go out to kill zombies. She might meet that group of people. How could her mother be an opponent at her age?

Fu Niang closed her eyes painfully.

Xia Yan looked at her, ate two more bites, wiped his mouth and hands, and stood up to leave.

The purpose of her coming today had been achieved.

What to choose next depends on Fu Niang herself, and no one else has the right to decide for her.

"If you decide to see her, go to Xiaowan, she will show you the way. Besides, I won't tell her about your affairs. The choice is yours."

After that, Xia Yan didn't wait for a reply, silently thinking about going home in his heart, and disappeared in the next second.

Fu Niang looked at the empty sofa and was silent for a long time.

She suddenly stood up, stumbled to the bed, held up the missing person notice, read the familiar words, and cried again.


The next day, the weather was still clear.

Xia Yan went to Lidai Island first.

Brand-new bicycles and electric bikes were neatly arranged in designated locations.

Because they were free to use, customers could return them wherever they borrowed them.

Now she didn't have to worry about the vehicles being parked randomly.

"Ding Di!"

The sound of a car horn sounded behind her, followed by a sentence: "Boss Xia, please make way!"

Xia Yan hurriedly dodged to the side, only to see an electric bike with a bulging basket and a large bag on its back flash by.

"Hello, Boss Xia!"

"Hello, Boss Xia!"*N

Every time she passed a car, someone would greet her.

To be honest, some of them just looked familiar, but didn't actually know their names.

Xia Yan simply treated them all equally, smiling and nodding.

They galloped all the way to the storage area and disappeared behind the door.

It was still unknown how long this wave of stockpiling would last.

But Xia Yan was willing to keep doing it for a long time because she could earn points.

She walked to the beach, got on the speedboat, and planned to go around Lidai Island.

I thought it would be almost cleaned in a week, but in fact, two weeks had passed, and the progress bar of the official detoxification center only showed that half of the purification was completed, which was a serious delay!

He turned the switch, and the speedboat rushed out like an arrow.

The sky was blue, and the breeze blew my hair and slapped my face.

It hurt!

A few minutes later, Xia Yan arrived at the first destination. Looking down, she found that the thick light golden transparent pipe below was already half empty.

The rest were all big creatures - dolphins, killer whales, sharks, etc.

They still maintained their ferocity and tried to bite the different creatures around them.

The big mouth was full of densely packed sharp inverted teeth. It aimed at the creatures around it and snapped them, which was very fierce.

A layer of "film" appeared on the bitten creature, which was extremely hard and the sharp teeth could not penetrate it at all.

The fish flicked its tail and turned around to bite the other fish body, which was also separated by the "film".

The two fish bit each other and rushed around in the transparent pipe.

Xia Yan was very upset. Eating this stupid fish would affect her IQ, right?

Then she went to other pipes to take a look. The further back she went, the more fish there were left, and they were more bizarre, making it very difficult to purify.

Xia Yan looked at the black water outside the safety cover, which was clearly distinguished from the clear and transparent seawater under her boat.

The water was poisonous at first glance, no wonder the fish living in it were deeply poisoned.

It seems that it will take some time.

Knowing this, she drove the speedboat back to the main island and stepped on the gravel through the resort gate.

There was a noisy voice in the hall.

"Hurry, hurry, another wave of newcomers!"

"General Chu, how far did you get these survivors from? They are covered in snow."

"Don't you see what month it is? It doesn't snow in the north?!"

"Okay, stop chatting nonsense. Don't you see that many captains are waiting over there to recruit people? Let's go over there quickly, don't let them snatch people away!"

The two people who fell behind muttered:

"I don't know what kind of benefits will be given to us?"

"No way, don't you see how thin they are? And they don't know much about this place, and can't make much contribution. I just hope that we, an old man, won't be asked to lead the newcomers, and everything will be fine!"

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