It sounds like Chu Wanfu's relocation plan has begun.

Xia Yan stepped out of the resort door and saw a group of people rushing out.

Through the French windows in the hall, many survivors in heavy clothes stood stiffly, their eyes hurriedly scanning the surroundings, squeezing in the crowd and trying not to be conspicuous.

A group of base residents surrounded them - their positions were also particular, the strongest team stood closest, and the weaker the strength, the farther away from the group of transferred survivors.

Whispers continued to be heard in the strongest team:

"They still have frostbite on their faces and hands, can they do the work?"

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"Do we have to treat them first?"

"I guess the captain will do this. Look at the group of people nearby, they are all waiting for us to speak."

"Yes, there are advantages to having more people. It would be best if the captain could pick some young and strong people back. It would be even better if there are women!"

"You have so many ideas..."

After all the people who were transferred in this wave were in place, an official came out and asked them to change their thick cotton jackets on the spot, and then brought a box made of cardboard.

"Survivors who have paid rent line up to draw lots. The houses in the base are of the same size and have simple configurations inside. You have all learned about these in advance. Draw lots randomly. Take the room number to the staff next to register your information and receive a base pass card."

The survivors on the opposite side were in a small commotion.

Soon, several tall, but thin men came out. They walked closer and took the notes one after another.

The high-level team watching nearby murmured again: "These people look good. Let's ask them if they want to join."

Seeing someone step forward, the survivors walked out of the queue one after another, took out paper from the paper box, registered their information on the side, and received a thin metal card, and then they could move freely.

The teams standing by could no longer hold back and walked towards the survivors who seemed to be very powerful.

"Brother, do you want to join our team?"

"Our team shares resources equally, and everyone is friendly and easy to get along with. Come to our team!"

"Our team is the strongest in the base, and joining us is definitely the right thing to do!"

The faces of the people surrounded were red from the cold or the heat, with two blushes on their cheeks. They looked from one person's face to another's face, frowning and trying to analyze whether the conditions they gave were appropriate.

"By the way, brother, what's your special power?"

As soon as he said this, all the people recruiting teammates around him fell silent and looked at him.

"I'm a fire type."

"What level?"

"Level three."

"Brother, come to our team!!"

"Benefits are easy to talk about!!"

The crowd was noisy again.

After the official arranged the accommodation for the personnel, only the team to maintain order was left. They tacitly approved of this behavior of attracting survivors to join the team - unity always has a higher survival rate than lone wolves going out.

The official will not support any idle people.

Not every new survivor will have a team to recruit.

The other party will give priority to men and women with plump cheeks and full spirit, and then select potential stocks with firm eyes, and there will be no more.

There is no need to bother asking those who are timid at first sight.

But they also had times when they made mistakes, for example:

"What's your ability? What's your level?"

"I'm a plant...only level one..."

"Well, our team doesn't accept people below level three, it's a waste of time."

As they said that, the people surrounding them left at a faster speed than when they came.

The survivor who was questioned was left with a pale face, feeling very uncomfortable. Looking around, most of the survivors who came with him were taken in and had a new home, leaving only the "drags" who continued to stand there.

The body was involuntarily shivering.

They heard clearly that there were many resources outside the base, and correspondingly, the risks of zombies and other unknowns were also high.

If they couldn't join any team, it meant that they could only go out by themselves?

If a person went out rashly in an unfamiliar place, wouldn't that be courting death? !


They had to join a random team first and get to know the environment here first!

"Boss! Boss, do you still need a handyman here? I can do anything!"

"You don't need to give me crystal cores, just give me a meal!"

"We are new here and don't know anything. Please, give me a chance."

The team wanted to refuse, but when they heard that they didn't need supplies or share crystal cores, they just gave them food and worked for free. The main thing was...

"Okay, just two people, no more!"

The survivors were happy and raised their hands high to sign up: "Me, me, me!"

"I can endure hardships! I'm not afraid of being tired!"

"Take me, brother! I can wash your clothes and cook for you!"

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The hand that was originally pointing to the second person suddenly stopped, "Who said that just now? Stand up and let me see."

Looking around, the hands with calluses and frostbite raised high were survivors who were extremely eager to be selected into the team. They had tired eyes, rough skin, and looked very old.

The man suddenly lost interest and randomly pointed to someone who looked pleasing to the eye, "It's you, follow me."

The remaining survivors who were not selected didn't care about the loss, and rushed to another team that was still recruiting.

Before the people arrived, they raised their hands high.

"I'm signing up too!!"

When everyone left, a survivor with her mouth covered was revealed.

Her eyes were full of fear, and her body kept shaking. She didn't understand why someone dared to kidnap people under the noses of the officials.

The person behind her bent down slightly, and the hot air approached: "Don't be afraid, I have no ill intentions. I covered my mouth because I was afraid that you would be selected by them. Don't shout, I'll let you go."

She nodded carefully.

The crowd dispersed not far away, and the official was about to turn his head and look over here.

At this moment, her hand loosened, and she ran two steps out in an instant, looking back at the man.

He was unexpectedly young.

"Sorry," Qi Hua shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable, after all, what he had just done was a little too much.

Mainly, when he saw the other team leader's face flashing... um, he felt that she couldn't be selected.

Love is free, it's like this in peacetime, and no one can control it in the end of the world.

This title is very useful.

He said: "Our team is also recruiting people, do you want to join?"

Is there such a way to recruit people?

Like a bandit, covering people's mouths!

It's definitely a fraud!

The female survivor showed a look of vigilance and disbelief, and took another step back.

Qi Hua was helpless: "... Our team is relatively weak, but everyone is equal, and the resources obtained are shared equally by everyone, or it can be said that we are the weakest group."

He pointed to the uncles and aunts who were limping not far away and persuading the last survivors to join their team.

"That's our team member."

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