The auntie who was pointed out liked Qi Hua, a handsome and responsible boy, very much. Seeing this, she took the initiative to wave her hand enthusiastically, and smiled and expressed her kindness to the female survivor next to her.

The auntie made a megaphone with her hand and shouted to Qi Hua: "I will make you pancakes after I'm done! Go back and call your parents to come together!"

Her voice instantly attracted the attention of the hesitant survivors in the safe zone.

They were so entangled. Those who didn't want them were trying their best to get in. They thought that the team was not good enough to invite them to join the team.

Otherwise, why would they like me? !

When I saw the team members with obvious walking defects in the team, my heart was even more complicated.

No matter how bad I am, at least my legs are good, and I can run faster than zombies, right?

Even if they knew they would be used as cannon fodder, they would prefer a strong team-a small number of zombies can be solved in a few strokes, and everyone's life will be in danger when encountering a zombie tide.

Relatively fair

But the opponents are either missing arms or legs, or lame, and they look more like a "drag" than them...

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Is it really appropriate to join such a team?

I'm afraid that if more than ten zombies come, my scalp will start to numb. It really can't be compared with other teams!

The female survivor on the opposite side has confused eyes. She wants to find a small team to develop first and get through the "novice period", but is this team too weak?

Qi Hua is unhappy and regrets meddling in other people's business just now.

"Qi Hua, have you completed your mission? Are you going out later?"

Qi Hua turned his head and saw Wang Xuewei.

He said: "It's almost done. There are only the last few survivors left."

Wang Xuewei strode over and saw that they were hesitant and unwilling to join, as if someone was begging them to come!

If Sang Zhengyi hadn't said to try to absorb the disadvantaged groups, based on their strength, they could compete with the top three teams for people!

What a waste!

She couldn't help but feel depressed, and she had a deep question from the bottom of her heart:

"Do you still need to consider it? Do you have any other choice? Although there are many disabled people in our team, I tell you, since the construction of the base, the death rate of our team has been 0! What is the concept of zero, I don't need to explain it to you?"

"And don't think we are really that bad, just pick out a person who has a higher ability level than you!"

As she said, she casually pulled over a man who looked stupid, had a bad brain, and had very long arms, and said: "What level is your ability?"

Hu Zi scratched his head: "Level 4."


The sound of gasps was heard all around, and the faces were full of shock.

A fool has a level 4 ability? !

It doesn't seem that weak.

Wang Xuewei wanted to sneer, and she looked down on them just like this? !

She really forgot her own weight and picked it up?


In a blink of an eye, she saw Sang Zhengyi's calm eyes, her brows trembled, and any thoughts of laughing disappeared.

"...Captain Sang, you are here too."

Sang Zhengyi hummed, slowly looked around the survivors, and released the pressure of a long-time superior without reservation, and said in a steady voice: "Xiao Qi, don't force everyone to join the team, everyone has their own aspirations."

Not everyone can join his team.

No matter how much he wants to accept more disadvantaged groups, he can't and won't tolerate a survivor who looks down on disabled team members to join the team.

Instead of becoming a stepping stone that they can throw at any time, it is better to set the standard directly and not even give the possibility of joining.

Especially those who look down on them are most likely to stab them in the back.

Qi Hua breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, fearing that Captain Sang was kind without bottom line and would cause endless trouble in the future.

"Got it."

He waved and called back all the teammates who were collecting people outside.

"Recruitment is over, go back to eat!"

The teammates also held their breath, shut up and left immediately, and only five survivors who volunteered to join followed behind.

Sang Zhengyi looked at the survivors who refused to join with a gloomy face, and remembered their faces in his heart.

In the future, everyone will stay away from them.

People who are ambitious but incompetent and cannot see their own situation clearly are the best at taking advantage of the weak.

And the disabled people under his command are the weak in the eyes of the other party.

"Let's go."

Everyone turned around and left. The aunt who asked Qi Hua to go to her house to eat cakes was a kind-hearted person. She took a few old sisters and walked to the new survivors, chatting with them with a simple smile.

They must be afraid of the new environment. I have experienced it myself and understand.

"Sisters, you don't have to be afraid of anything once you join our team. Everyone in the team is so nice, especially this handsome guy, his name is Qi Hua. He originally had his own team, and he joined us when he saw that we were short of people. He is a very nice person."

"That's right, those people are short-sighted. They only look at our disabilities and don't see which of these young people is not a high-level superpower. They will regret it later!"

"Yes, sisters, you haven't eaten yet, right? Let me take you home first, and then get to know the way. Let's have lunch together at noon!"

Hearing the latter, the survivors who were still a little restrained and dared not speak raised their eyes, looked around, and murmured in a low voice:

"I ate a meal before coming here, I'm not hungry, and I'll go out once when I come back and eat again..."

How could they not know how tight the food was? They didn't do anything and didn't create any value for the team, but they ate first?

No, no.

Moreover, this kind of words is too much like a big cake to win people's hearts. Their hungry stomachs are almost gone and they can't fill it.

Originally expecting a few people to show happy expressions, they were dumbfounded when they heard them say this.

After looking at each other and communicating the information, the aunt suddenly understood, laughed like a rooster, and patted the shoulders of the people around her.

"I know what you think! You think I'm lying to you, right? Haha, if it was before, I wouldn't believe it. Food is so precious that it can buy lives! It's okay, sister, you can see later whether I lied or not!"

The aunt smiled and walked a few steps quickly, rushed to Sang Zhengyi, said a few words, and tilted her head to wink at them.

Sang Zhengyi didn't even turn his head, but said in a voice that everyone could hear: "Okay, go to Lidai Island to cook at noon! Work in the afternoon!"

The survivors were shocked in their hearts. That posture didn't seem to be a lie!

Really eat first and then work!

The five people's tense shoulders relaxed, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but rise.

This team came to the right place!

Also shocked were the survivors who followed them and eavesdropped on the conversation in front of them under the pretext of looking for a house.

"What? Food?!"

Several people swallowed hard!

Because there was ice and snow outside the mountain base, not to mention zombies, even mutant beasts could not be seen!

Even if there was a branch of a holiday hotel in the base, you had to spend crystal cores to get food.

This disabled leader, providing food? !

"Captain! I want to join the team too!!!"

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