Just when the faces of several people changed unpredictably, a smart one ran over with a shameless face and shouted:

"Captain Sang, my ears are seriously damaged, and I didn't hear what you said just now. Please forgive me and let me join? Besides, you have already accepted five people, and adding me will make everything go smoothly! Good luck every day! Safe travel!"

The rest of the people:

"Giao! That villain!"

"If I can't find the location of his hometown, I must let his ancestors see the light of day again!"

Several people looked at each other and ran to catch up.

"Captain Sang! Add me!"

"And me! Exactly eight people! Eighty-eight fortune!"

Originally planned to squeeze through the crowd to ask Captain Sang for mercy, but he winked at the people around him, and several tall men took a few steps and stood in front of him.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

Even the clever man who squeezed through first was grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown aside.

Several people saw it clearly, but their faces were still pale.


"Can't you be flexible? We were just considering it!"

"Yes, we have all our arms and legs..."

"Yeah, you said your team is much worse than other teams, there are too many disabled people, and it's not certain who will take care of whom..."

As soon as these words came out, the good-tempered uncles and aunts were instantly angered, and they turned back angrily and confronted: "What are you talking about? Who needs your care? I have lived in the end of the world for so long, have I ever borrowed a little light from you? Have I ever eaten a mouthful of your rice?"

"Just now I persuaded you to join, and you all acted so arrogantly, without even taking a piss to look at yourself, and you even forgot how much you weighed. You are blinded by missing arms! We don't want you in our team!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Do you really think they are easy to bully?

If you don't show some ferocity at this moment, you will really be ridden on your head later!

Perhaps they didn't expect the other party to scold so directly, and the thick skins of several people turned red.

Seeing that many other teams nearby stopped to watch the excitement, they pointed and said that they would remember their faces and prohibit them from joining in the future.

The people who were scolded lowered their heads, covered their faces with something casually, and hurried away, away from the place of right and wrong.

But there were one or two who were not convinced and wanted the masses to judge justice:

"Everyone come and see! Just now, this Sang was begging us to join, and we all agreed, but now they regret it!"

"We can't find a suitable team now, it's all their fault. No, you must find a team for us! We are unfamiliar with the place, and it's like sending ourselves to death if we go out alone?!"

The sharp voice caused everyone to laugh.

Sang Zhengyi stopped and looked back at the two people who were looking for trouble, his eyes were very gloomy: "Say it again."

Beside him, all the team members turned back one after another, staring at the two people opposite, gritting their teeth, wishing to eat them alive.

The onlookers were stunned. This was the first time they saw them angry.

It turned out that they also had a temper.

They were not as soft as imagined.

The two looked grim, but they still wanted to stick their necks out.

What was there to be afraid of? This was General Chu's territory. When someone came, they would just say so. Anyway, there was no surveillance. Who could prove the truth of what happened at that time?

After all, the two felt guilty, so they looked around while no one was paying attention.

When they saw this, they shivered all over and sweated!

Behind them was the main branch of the resort hotel? !

What was the black thing standing upright on the gate? !

Squinting and taking a closer look - surveillance camera! ! !

There was a flashing red dot on it, it was powered on! It was working!

Before the two of them could completely stiffen, they heard the people around them giving them a ‘kind reminder’ –

“Hey, you two are almost done. Captain Sang is a well-known good man here. We can’t stand seeing you dumping this dirty water.”

Another person said: “That’s right. Captain Sang has a sister who is a key member of the hospital. On weekdays, everyone has to ask Doctor Sang to treat their injuries. Be careful not to offend her, or no one will care about you~”

What? He has a sister who is a doctor? !

Or a key member? !

This time the two of them were completely dumbfounded.

You know, in the end times, medical resources and food are equally precious.

In the past, when everyone was starving to death, no one cared whether they had medicine to take when they were sick, but now, as long as they have crystal cores in their hands and as long as the holiday hotel is there, they will never worry about having no food to eat!

Moreover, if you look at the various fruits and vegetables drying in front of every household in the base, you will know that as long as you are capable, everyone has food to eat.

When you are full, you will naturally have higher needs – worry about getting sick!

Minor colds and minor illnesses can be tolerated, but what if there is a problem with an organ that requires surgery?

The more the two thought about it, the more scared they became. Sweat broke out on their backs, soaking their loose short sleeves.

They just offended the base doctor's brother? !

"... Then, that... Captain Sang, I..."

One of them turned pale, knowing that under the watchful eyes of everyone, if he wanted to stay here, he had to make amends now.

But before he could think of a good excuse, he saw the other person running away with his tail between his legs!

The man's eyes lit up, it was an opportunity!

"Captain Sang, I was too arrogant just now, I was wrong, please forgive me this time!"

After saying that, two lines of dramatic tears fell.

Sang Zhengyi had been through many battles and had seen countless people, so he could naturally see his true thoughts. He simply said:

"No one here is a fool, just be honest."

The man was stunned and watched them leave.

Seeing that there was nothing good to watch, the onlookers also walked away.

After the department responsible for the internal order of the base learned about this, they sent someone to hold a meeting for the survivors who had just arrived at the base.

The emphasis was on reminding everyone in the base to be equal, and it was strictly forbidden to deliberately provoke privately, disrupt the order of the base, etc.

As for who was being talked about, everyone knew it in their hearts.

After that, a rule was set-every wave of survivors must be ideologically educated.

In the end, it became a top base that everyone yearned for, of course, this is a later story.

And Xia Yan, who always loved to watch the excitement, never showed up at the scene.

It's not that she didn't want to watch. Just after taking a few steps, she heard the elevator door open and someone called her.

"Boss Xia! Finally found you!"

A man and a woman walked out sweetly, holding each other's arms.

Xia Yan said politely: "Please go ahead."

The two looked at each other, and finally the woman said: "We want to check out!"

Xia Yan: "Have you submitted the application?"

The woman: "Submitted, both of us submitted it."

Not for the same room?

Xia Yan opened the hotel backend and saw two newly submitted check-out applications.

They were two single rooms.

It was then that she remembered why these two people were so familiar - weren't they the customers whose clothes, socks and shoes were washed together? !

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