"You're right. Our own lives are not very good, so how can we have the leisure to care about others."

"...That's about it."

When they saw the safe area, several people stopped talking.

No matter how many times I come to the hotel, I am still amazed at the luxury and luxury of the lobby.

Places that were inaccessible in peacetime are now often visited.

Life is really unpredictable, the big intestine wraps up the small intestine.


Knock, knock.

It was the crisp sound of shoe soles hitting the smooth floor.

The new survivors who joined the team always thought that the decoration of the branch was very exquisite and gorgeous.

Until now, I have seen the resort hotel main store with my own eyes, and even walked in in person.

So shocking!

That’s awesome!

Does this really exist in the end times? !

If Captain Sang hadn't brought them in, I would have lent them ten more courage! Don’t dare to walk in rashly!

This feeling is like someone who has lived in the mountains and valleys for many years and suddenly arrived in Xanadu, the most prosperous city!

Even though they knew that Boss Xia would not be rude and would not drive them out, they were still afraid.

What does this feel like in particular?

Oh, I traveled to a well-known city in peacetime, and found that the streets were full of young people dressed in fashionable clothes! I was obviously very satisfied with what I was wearing, but I suddenly felt like I was a tacky person!

"Don't be afraid, Boss Xia is a nice person."

Aunt Xu Shi saw their cautiousness, stretched out her warm and dry hands and touched their backs.

The new teammate nodded gratefully, feeling much better.

The aunt continued: "You have just arrived and don't know much about this place. Let me give you a brief introduction."

She pointed to the foggy door in front of her, "That's the vacation door. Go through it and you'll get to another island - don't worry, it's safe inside."

It used to be that points were charged for entry and exit, but later Boss Xia waived this fee in order to make it easier for everyone to post missing persons notices inside. If you also want to find someone, just tell me and I will teach you! "

When they arrive in a new place, it is easiest to feel overwhelmed. If there is someone who can take them around in a friendly way and understand the environment, then they can get through the 'mushroom period' as quickly as possible and get used to life in the base.

If no one is there, there is another way - bring in new people.

The newcomers in Team Sang are being taken care of, so they basically don't have to worry about touching the interests of the aborigines. All they have to do is be more open-minded and take everything the aunts say to heart.

The other thing is to work hard and don't be sneaky.

Sang Zhengyi was the first to cross the holiday gate and disappeared behind the thick fog.

"I'll go first, you follow." The aunt warned, showing the newcomers in slow motion how to get in, "That's it, step in -"

The person disappears inside the door, but the sound can be heard.

"——Come in quickly, you have to hurry up to cook, and you will have to go out to collect supplies soon!"

The newcomers looked at each other in confusion and stepped forward to follow with their calves shaking.

I always worry that the thick fog will suddenly stretch out countless pairs of extremely rotten hands...

The unknown is the scariest thing, and people are always good at using their imagination to scare themselves.

The thick fog slid over my face, feeling slightly cool. Before I could feel it carefully, my feet had already stepped on the door, and there was a small friction sound.

So soft!

Then a salty sea breeze blew in my face, carrying the smell of the sea!

Looking up, all the newcomers were stunned!

Surprisingly, it’s really the beach!

The sky is blue! The sea is clear! The island is very wide!

Just by passing through a door, surprisingly, everyone can have a vacation? ?

The newlyweds' mouths were rounded, their cheeks were flushed, and their pupils were trembling upon closer inspection.

There is actually an island in the main resort hotel? !

In this comparison, the branch store is more than one and a half stars worse than the main store in terms of scale and configuration!

Boss Xia, you are too partial! !

The volcano in the hearts of the newcomers bursts into flames, and they are so excited that they want to return to their ancestors and bang their chests to vent!

Suddenly, a pair of hands appeared in front of me, and they waved vigorously, calling back the god who had already drifted to the horizon: "You should know how to cook, right?"

"Uh? Yes."

"Then don't be stunned, go to the public kitchen to wash vegetables and cook!"

The aunt led the way, "Captain Sang and the others have returned to the villa to get ingredients. Our team is different from other teams. All the materials collected are distributed equally, but for things like rice, flour, grain and oil, everyone has to produce crystal nuclei together, so we eat more." , the fees paid will be more.”

villa? ?

The newcomers are very good at grasping the key points and are shocked again!

The team that seems to be the weakest actually has a villa to live in?

"Well, there seems to be no villa...base, right?" the newcomer asked cautiously.

Without looking back, the aunt waved her finger: "Look over there. There are 24 islands in the middle of the sea. One of them belongs to Captain Sang. We usually put the dried fruits and vegetables in it and no one can take it away."

The newlyweds looked over and saw that the sun was dazzling, so they put their hands on their eyelids and looked into the distance.

I saw that near Ridai Island, the blue water was undulating, and there were really countless islands surrounding it!

Even from such a distance, you can see the tip of the luxurious villa! Look at it, the area is absolutely huge!

The aunt looked around and whispered in a low voice: "You probably don't know yet, but villas are not rented by just anyone who wants to live in them. They are all for people with great kindness or strength!

For example, General Chu, and Captain Sang's sister's friend - they are top talents in experimental research. Tsk tsk, those people, they look pale and weak, but they have a lot of crystal cores in their pockets, and they carry everything they buy in pieces! "

After saying that, the aunt warned them: "Don't talk nonsense when you go out. Some things are enough for you to know in your heart. Don't talk nonsense everywhere and offend people!"

The newcomers nodded repeatedly, secretly happy in their hearts, thinking that they bet on the right horse.

It seems that the base is the weakest, but in fact, they make a fortune quietly.

Just two words, low-key!

The aunt stopped and slapped the seat of the electric bike.

"Ride a bike, the public kitchen is still quite far after the move, and it takes about ten minutes to walk. ”

The newlyweds watched the auntie get on the car with her legs crossed and turned the key. The screen showed that the battery was full. They were so shocked that they could not move.

They all came to the beach for vacation. It was not surprising that there were many bicycles and electric bikes on the island, right?

Since coming to the main store, the adrenaline secretion was more and more, and they were surprised and happy. The shock made their brains start to shut down...

They sat on the back seat with their bodies flexible and their minds stiff, and pinched the loose T-shirt in front of them with their fingers.

The body suddenly fell back. It turned out that the electric bike started.

The sea breeze became stronger, and the The scenery kept going backwards.

They saw many strange express boxes in the west. People carried things in and came out empty-handed, but they were smiling happily, as if they had hidden some treasures.

On the beach on the far right, a group of people in swimsuits were lying in the sun, holding orange juice with ice in their hands, enjoying the afternoon leisurely.

I don’t know if it was the orange juice or the bright colors on the swimsuits that suddenly hurt their eyes, and tears slowly welled up.

It turned out that there was a peaceful place in the dark end of the world.

Fortunately, they found it.

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