The public kitchen is equipped with a full range of seasonings and kitchen appliances such as rice cookers, microwave ovens and ovens.

You can cook a meal by spending a small amount of points.

It is up to the customer to decide how much to cook.

But I donโ€™t think anyone would cook enough food to last for several days at a time - there is no refrigerator, and the temperature is high, so it is easy to spoil.

Everyone has deeply experienced the taste of hunger and knows what it feels like to be starving to death. Now that they have food, they canโ€™t wait to lick the bowl clean. No one will waste food.

At this time, Sang Zhengyi came over with the packaged rice, and Qi Hua and others also brought back fresh vegetables bought from the supermarket and handed them all to the aunt who can cook.

(Dried vegetables are spare food, which can be stored for a long time and are truly personal property. Buy the ones from the supermarket first. If the supermarket suddenly runs out of supplies one day, they still have food in their hands and will not starve to death.)

Since it is a collective meal, everyone has to help.

If you know how to cut, go to cut vegetables, and if you donโ€™t know how to pick and wash vegetables, in short, there is no one who is idle.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

"Xiao Qi, come here." Sang Zhengyi sat at the public dining table, took out the looted map from his pocket, and spread it on the table.

There were more than a dozen circles drawn on the map with a red pen, and small words were written next to them - base, urban area, church, etc.

There were also several places that were circled and marked with bold exclamation marks, dangerous.

Qi Hua put down the work in his hands, washed his hands and sat opposite him.

"We will go out after dinner. In the afternoon, we will mainly pick fruits and vegetables, so we don't have to walk too far. Which direction do you think we should go?"

Sang Zhengyi handed him a pen, and did not treat him as a young man in his early twenties. He basically let him participate in everything and treated him as the deputy captain.

On the one hand, he admired him as a person, and on the other hand, there must be a high-level psychic to support the team.

Qi Hua took it modestly and marked the information he had learned from other teams on it.

On weekdays, each team has a different route to go out. While ensuring the safety of the team, they try their best to expand the search range and be the first to reach new places that others have not discovered, so as to obtain more resources.

Whoever has more information has absolute dominance - except for the official.

"It just so happens that I exchanged information with others - there is a park with particularly rich resources, and all the fruit trees are ripe. I heard from them that chestnuts and walnuts fell all over the ground and were moldy due to the heavy rain some time ago. It's a pity."

Qi Hua pointed to the circle with wet handwriting and looked at Sang Zhengyi.

"There is only one thing," he slid between the two circles, "it's a bit far. If you set off after dinner, you may not be back until eight or nine in the evening."

Sang Zhengyi frowned and followed the pen.

Chestnuts are good things. They are rich in starch and can be steamed, fried, stewed or cooked. They have a strong sense of fullness.

Walnuts are even more nutritious. In addition to high-quality unsaturated fatty acids, they also have a large number of trace elements, which are particularly suitable for recuperation.

So Sang Zhengyi nodded in agreement, "We'll set off in a while. What else do you think we need to prepare?"

Qi Hua thought about it and said, "Buy a few more sacks, prepare a pair of rubber gloves for each person, and I found that the supermarket sells headlamps, which can be charged and worn directly on the head when in use, which is very convenient."

Sang Zhengyi: "Okay, you take people to buy them now, and you can use these ten secondary crystal cores first, and keep more and replenish less!"

Qi Hua then remembered that the receipt for the purchase had not been reported, and hurriedly took it out from his pocket.

"I almost forgot about this, please register it again, this is the cost of buying vegetables for lunch today."

Speaking of which, everything in Lidai Island is good, but when shopping in the supermarket, it is very troublesome that you cannot pay with crystal cores alone.

Especially when they buy supplies in a group mode, they can only store the crystal cores in someone's card, and mix them with his original balance. Every consumption is recorded.

It's very cumbersome.

Qi Hua thought about finding time to talk to Boss Xia tomorrow to see if he could open a points card in the name of the team...

"It's time to eat! Everyone, come and get some food!"

"Let's go, eat first." Sang Zhengyi put away the map, put the pen in his jacket pocket, and stood up first.

"You go first, I'll put away the crystal core." Qi Hua clicked the points card, opened the recharge port, and threw all the crystal cores into the mouth of the little fish.

The carp flicked its beautiful tail and disappeared in the air.

Qi Hua was about to get up, but saw that the kitchen was already full of people, so he sat down again.

Let's go later, anyway, there will definitely be enough food.

"Let the newcomers come first, you all go to the back, really, you don't know how to be humble at all!"

The aunt waved her hand to drive people away without hesitation, and personally went down to rearrange the team, letting the ten newcomers stand in the front.

"We always have three meals a day on time. It's okay for you to eat a little later, but they can't! I don't know how many meals they've been hungry! Come on, girl, go get some food and tell her how much you can eat."

The shortest and thinnest woman held the plate, looked at the three full pots of stir-fried dishes with a lot of meat, and the fragrant white rice, and swallowed hard.

"I want to eat all three dishes!"

Wang Xuewei, who was in charge of serving the dishes, asked her to hold the plate steady, and scooped up three full spoons of dishes, plus a shovel of white rice.


The second one was slightly taller, "I want all three dishes too."

"Satisfied! Come on, next one!"

"Me too."

Later on, there was basically no need to ask. Wang Xuewei Kuku filled up three large spoons and finally covered it with a layer of white rice.

The new teammates held the heavy plates and sat at the dining table near the coast. They picked up the chopsticks very devoutly, picked up a piece of meat with more fat and less lean meat and stuffed it into their mouths, and couldn't wait to bite it hard.

Soft and tender, after a bite, the fat exploded in the mouth, very sweet!

The body, which had been lacking oil and water for a long time, urgently needed fat to nourish it, and the desire for fat meat reached an unprecedented height.

If it were in peacetime, this kind of meat would not even be touched, but after experiencing the end of the world, the fat on the body was quickly consumed due to hunger, and the whole person was as thin as a skeleton.

The body kept shouting, want to eat meat! Want to eat fat meat! Want more fat meat!!

Almost after eating a bite, they could no longer control themselves, chopsticks flew wildly and stuffed the food into their mouths, chewed it hurriedly and swallowed it into their stomachs.

There is only food in their eyes, nose, mouth and stomach, and all rationality is gone.

They want to eat!

"Oh my God, how long have they not eaten?"

"I heard from others that there is also a branch of the hotel over there, which mainly operates a restaurant and the food is the same as here. They can't be so hungry, right?"

"It's not that simple. They were rescued to the base. There is a snowstorm in the north. Just think about how expensive the resources are. I guess they are all spent on this."

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