"That's true. I've been to other bases before. Food and weapons are the most expensive. A few secondary crystal cores can buy a box of self-heating clay pot rice. If another natural disaster strikes, the price will be even higher. Straight up!”

"Oh, then we need to collect more food?!"

"No, but you still have to keep a low profile. Don't let others know that you have a lot of food. Be careful of being targeted!"

The aunts finished whispering and started eating.

Wang Xuewei scooped the last vegetables from the bottom of the basin onto Qi Hua's plate, and was secretly angry at the food with too much soup and too few vegetables.

"Qi Hua, if you can't get in line, give me a wink. I'll leave some meat for you. I thought there was no one around, so I was serving food honestly."

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Qi Hua: "It's okay, it's enough."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Wang Xuewei hurriedly called to stop, took out her dinner plate and picked up a few pieces.

"I'll share some of my meat with you. I'll rely on you to be the main force after I go out. You have to eat well."

Qi Hua smiled and didn't stop him.

Seeing his relaxed expression, Wang Xuewei continued: "I just heard what you and Captain Sang said. Please bring my brother with you this afternoon. Recently, he has been making noises about going out together. My mother also agreed. She He said that boys can’t stay in their rooms all the time, they also have to learn to grow up and take care of the family.”

Qi Hua was curious: "Wasn't Auntie reluctant to let go before?"

Wang Xuewei made a sound and threw the spoon into the pot with a clang. She seemed to be in a bad mood.

"They felt that they could no longer count on me. Not afraid of your jokes, I also rented a storage space and put my share of food in it. My parents wanted to give my brother everything and take back the food. I’m not allowed to touch them.”

Then she muttered under her breath, "I have to think about myself too."

It is difficult for an upright official to stop household affairs.

Qi Hua didn't ask in detail, "Okay, I'll go talk to Auntie later. You know, you have to be responsible for your own safety when you go out. You have your own position. You can't throw away the safety of other teammates just because your brother has joined. ”

Seeing that he agreed, Wang Xuewei felt relieved in her heart and couldn't help but smile and said: "I know, I won't forget it. When the time comes, go and make it clear to my mother. Don't blame me for everything in the end."

Fortunately, Qi Hua had the right to speak in the team, otherwise he would not have been able to say these things to Captain Sang.

After the matter was done, the big stone weighing on Wang Xuewei's heart disappeared and her whole body felt relaxed.

"Let's go eat~"

The public restaurant was now full of people. Qi Hua and Wang Xuewei looked around, and finally found a table in a corner that they could share.

It's just that person...

Qi Hua frowned.

He is one of the local residents whom he has been working undercover to guard against.

"Let's go," Wang Xuewei urged, "Don't we have to go out after dinner? There happens to be a seat there."

Her voice seemed too loud. The aunt raised her head and glanced at the two of them, then sat down expressionlessly.

"Auntie agrees that we share a table!" Wang Xuewei walked over in a few steps and sat across from her. She put down the dinner plate and patted the seat next to her, "Qi Hua, come on!"

Qi Hua had no choice but to walk over and sit down.

As soon as he came, he took it easy. He picked up his chopsticks and ate naturally, secretly paying attention to the person opposite him.

Generally speaking, they all eat in the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel. Even when they come to Ridai Island, they just lie on the beach and bask in the sun, just fooling around.

Moreover, after many days of observation, he found that the aunt across from her had an awkward personality, spoke little, was very vicious when she spoke, and had almost no friends.

She seems to be quite aggressive towards everyone, and those children are all afraid of her.

There is only one exception - Boss Xia.

Qi Hua picked up a chopstick of rice and stuffed it into his mouth. He really knew who he couldn't offend.

Her name seems to be Lin, right?

"Qi Hua, why are you—"

"Your name is Qi Hua——"

Suddenly, Wang Xuewei and the aunt opposite spoke at the same time.

Qi Hua's scalp went numb and the dish on his chopsticks fell.

He calmed down, put down his hand naturally, looked at Lin, and said gently: "Yes, aunt, my name is Qi Hua."

When Lin caught his gaze, she shied away for a moment, as if she was not used to it.

Wang Xuewei on the side saw Qi Hua's change, ate slowly and stared at her.

Lin lowered her head and moved the rice grains from the edge back to the center, "You..."

Qi Hua looked over and found that the lunch box was almost half empty.

She closed the lid, put the chopsticks together on the top, and then clasped the fingers of her hands together, making the joints look skinny and the nails white.

"I want to join your team," she said.

Aren’t these local residents all very talented?

Why does it feel like she needs to save the rest of her meal for next meal?

Before Qi Hua finished thinking, he felt a sentence hit his eardrums, making his head buzz.

"What did you say?" Wang Xuewei reacted first, stood up and raised her voice.

Lin glanced at her and repeated: "I want to join your team."

Wang Xuewei said, "But don't you never go out?"

Lin said calmly: "I have no crystal core."

Wang Xuewei groaned again and wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

But Lin saw it through at a glance. This time it was Qi Hua who said: "I don't have as many crystal nuclei as they do. I can't go out now. I have lived here for most of my life. Wherever there are vegetables and fruit trees, I will It’s very clear that I can help you get supplies as quickly as possible.”

This was the first time Qi Hua heard her say so many words.

He motioned Wang Xuewei to sit down. Many people nearby were paying attention to this place and showed great interest in Lin. They had always wanted to recruit a local resident, but this group of people refused to leave the hotel.

If someone showed them the way, why would they have to explore bit by bit?

Qi Hua said, "The conditions you offer are indeed very tempting, but I am not the captain and cannot make decisions on my own. Let me call the captain over."

Lin did not speak, but just looked at him silently.

Qi Hua nodded and walked away.

He told Sang Zhengyi about this matter.

"Captain, do you think we should let her join the team?" Qi Hua didn't know what she was up to.

He had always suspected that the other party was a "spy". Now he wanted to infiltrate the team. Is there any conspiracy?

What does she need in the team?

After listening to this, Sang Zhengyi continued to eat as if nothing had happened, but in fact his mind was flying, and all kinds of thoughts flew through his mind.

He ate the last grain of rice and then said to Qi Hua: "Let's go and talk to her to see what her real purpose is. If she is just for supplies and crystal cores, we can still cooperate."

It's cooperation, not joining.

Sang Zhengyi is suspicious of them and will not give in easily.

But if they cooperate, it is easier to expose her real purpose.

The two of them were thinking about how to ask questions and how to persuade her to dig out her real purpose.

A perfect set of rhetoric has gradually formed in their minds.

But when the two came to the table and were about to speak, they suddenly found that Boss Xia was sitting next to her.

"You are here."

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