I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 341 Donโ€™t Leave Yet

Seeing survivors who are similar to that person, the thorn in my heart will grow deeper. Every time I spend a night with zombies howling, the thorn will grow many branches.

Day and night, constant torture.

Sang Zhengyi once spent countless sleepless nights, walking around in the dark and barefoot on the ground.

He remembered his only sister who didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Before his parents died, there was a hope that he could take good care of his sister.

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿก๐Ÿž๐•ค๐•™๐•ฆ.๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ฅ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

But he lost his sister on the first day of the end of the world.

One is at home and one is overseas.

What was originally a matter of a few hours on a plane is now as far apart as life and death.

He couldn't sleep and was very anxious. The roars of zombies that could be heard outside the door at any time could make his tense nerves tremble.

Sang Zhengyi understood Lin very well at this moment.

He also has a wife and children, and he can also force his attention to divert his attention and develop the courage to protect his children.

But she was a woman, with no one to help her, and her daughter disappeared. The longer she spent in the apocalypse, the greater the pressure in her heart.

In this case, the person is not crazy, it is already a sign of strong will.

He had seen too many people jump off tall buildings and end their lives because they had no worries.

In their words, no one cares anyway. Instead of starving to death in fear, it is better to commit suicide and die while preserving one's sanity.

Although Qi Hua's parents are still alive and he is still an only child, his parents also have brothers, and he also has cousins โ€‹โ€‹of the same age.

When the apocalypse comes, I see them with my own eyes at the same age, bitten by zombies, mutilated beyond recognition, miserable and withered.

It is impossible to say that it is not uncomfortable.

One second we were laughing together and planning to go out to sing K and eat hot pot, but the next second we were dead in front of our eyes.

This was a particularly big mental shock to Qi Hua, who had never experienced the death of a loved one!

A living person died right in front of his eyes...

Lin's sobs gradually subsided. She wiped her tears with her sleeves, calmed her emotions, and looked to the other side.

Sang Zhengyi's expression relaxed, but he still wanted to ask: "You also know that our lives are more difficult than ordinary people, so... we are more cautious. I hope you can understand."

Lin nodded, "I understand. I just wonder if I have done too many sins for my daughter to be taken away from me by God and be so far away from me. If it is true, I want to start making amends now."

"I said, you are a good person. If I help you and make it easier for you to live, will God see that you have saved so many people and help me eliminate a few sins... This is me Donโ€™t worry, as long as Iโ€™m here, you can find whatever resources you want.โ€

When people are desperate, they become nagging.

Lin couldn't hold it any longer.

She has nightmares every day, in which her daughter keeps crying and suffering...

Lin looked at Sang Zhengyi with eyes full of longing, the most sincere and selfless emotion. Her eyes, which were originally a bit white, were washed away by tears and became clear and free of distracting thoughts.

It was a desperate attempt to give it all.

Sang Zhengyi looked at Xia Yan, the meaning in his eyes obvious.

Xia Yan: "I will not participate in your recruitment activities. I am here just to join in the fun and help her prove that she does have a daughter and that she has indeed posted a missing person notice here. If you think Lin What she said is true and sincere. With her, it will be easy for you to find supplies.โ€

A small word to help Lin is not too much.

Sang Zhengyi smiled, and after exchanging information with Qi Hua, he decided to recruit people into the team.

Boss Xia has just made everything clear.

Now Lin is worried in her heart. She is still thinking that Boss Xia can find her daughter. With the support of positive beliefs, she will not do anything bad.

Sang Zhengyi said, "Then let's talk about the distribution of materials -"

Lin interrupted urgently, "I don't want supplies, I just want crystal nuclei!"

Qi Hua was confused: "Are you sure?"

Lin said: "It's useless for me to ask for supplies. As long as there is a crystal core that allows me to live here and have a bite of food, that's enough."

Materials are only desired by those who have hope for the future.

If she doesn't get information about her daughter for a long time, the flame in her heart will surely become smaller and smaller, and she will go to the underworld early...

The two of them stagnated for a moment, but also thought of this, and believed her words even more.

Sang Zhengyi coughed, "Since you join our team, you will be treated the same as everyone else. We will mainly focus on finding supplies. The cores for killing zombies will be divided equally. Do you think this is okay?" "

As he spoke, he glanced at Xia Yan.

As smart as he is, how could he not know why Boss Xia, who never gets involved in any personal matters, still doesn't leave now.

Having said that, aren't you still supporting Lin now?

What is it about Lin that attracts Boss Xia?

Sang Zhengyi looked at Qilin again calmly. People should not be judged by their appearance. Everyone has their own specialties!

Lin hesitated and asked: "Can a person get a crystal core every day?"

Sang Zhengyi laughed, "You are a bit underestimating us. Each of us can get at least five crystal nuclei!"

Lin's face was filled with joy, "That's OK! That's enough!"

Sang Zhengyi said: "Do you have any other questions to ask? We also plan to go to the park in the afternoon, but we are afraid that we will not have enough time to go back and forth."

Lin shook her head and returned to her original expressionless face.

As if she had thought of something, she suddenly said: "If I don't need the supplies that were allocated to me, can I exchange them for crystal cores?"

Sang Zhengyi was about to speak when Xia Yan interrupted him softly:

"Lin, you have to keep some supplies in your hands. If your daughter comes to see you in the future and you have nothing to eat, won't she starve?"

Lin suddenly turned her head to look at her, and a thin layer of mist gradually floated in her eyes.

"...Boss Xia, I listen to you."

"Captain Sang, whatever you divide, I want."

Originally, it had to be divided equally. As long as Sang Zhengyi accepted her, it was impossible for him to keep the portion that should be allocated to her privately.

At this time, Qi Hua asked with a smile: "Auntie Lin, don't look at what the captain said just now. Everyone in our team has always been given exactly what they deserve. You will understand if you stay for a few more days. Our team is harmonious and there is not much to say.

There is just one thing. After you join the team, you must give priority to our team in everything you do."

Lin: "That's no problem. I understand."

Sang Zhengyi stood up with a smile and stretched out his hand again, "Welcome to join, Lin. We are going to the park in the afternoon. I hope you will go with us."

Lin: "I will go. I know a park that is not so far away, but there are also various fruit trees in it. If we leave now, we can be back around six o'clock."

Hearing this, Sang Zhengyi immediately took out a map from his pocket, handed her a pen, and asked her to mark it out.

He looked at the distance between the red circle and the base, and it was indeed closer.

"Xiao Qi, change the destination and go here in the afternoon!"

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