Lin, a local resident living in the resort hotel, joined Sang Zhengyi's team.

The news quickly spread in the base and shocked all the teams.

It turned out that they could leave the hotel, but the reward was not in place!

The team that first learned the news drove behind Sang's team that day.

Follow from a distance, you stop, I stop, you go, I go.

What can you do to me?

Qi Hua told Sang Zhengyi about this, and the latter looked at the rearview mirror, and after a long silence, he said:

"Let them."

It can't be stopped.

He looked at the truck bed, Lin raised her head and looked at the small spire in the distance, the white clouds rolled and relaxed, swallowing it and spitting it out.

She didn't care if someone was picking up the leak behind her.

Or maybe she didn't have the extra energy to disperse.

Along the path covered with weeds and colorful wild flowers, at the end, a deserted square appeared in front of her.

In the center of the square stood a marble statue of a flying bird. The bird's beak held a few rusty words that were eroded by feces and rain and could not be recognized.

The blue bricks below were lifted up from below by the vigorous weeds, as if a corpse buried here had resurrected and was trying to get out by holding up its arms.

The bluish-white steps were filled with human garbage blown by the wind.

The handsome spokesperson on the packaging bag was still smiling, but because of the loss of color, he became like a black and white photo in the mourning hall, with a terrifyingly empty look in his eyes.


A rotten foot stepped on it.

The zombie in overalls stopped, and his face, which was bitten beyond recognition, swayed from side to side, and his neck made a creepy snapping sound.

There was a dog leash tied to its wrist. Looking at the end, there was only a small skeleton left in the collar that originally tied the dog, and the whole body was so smooth that there was not even a hair left.

Team Sang drove slowly into the square. Everyone in the truck leaned over and stared at the zombies on the steps and in the bushes through the gaps. Their breathing quickened.

The trees near the square were tall and lush, with branches intertwined, covering the upper space that stretched to the square.

It formed an overwhelming darkness, and the branches and leaves were dim, as if many terrible monsters were hidden.

The wheels rolled over the rotten leaves and gradually stopped. The sound waves of the engine humming were constantly rebounded by the tree trunks, as if a tornado was forming above the square.

Don't let the zombies hear it--

Everyone kept praying in their hearts.

At least wait until the car stops completely, then...


The zombie turned his head suddenly, the cracked corners of his mouth stretched to the limit, and mucus sprayed out with the movement, running towards them at high speed!

The car stopped.

"Get out of the car and defend!"

Sang Zhengyi pushed the door and jumped down, pulling out a sharp shovel from the truck.

Seeing this, the teammates hiding in the truck bed stood up, picked up shovels, turned over and jumped down, surrounded the car body, and pointed their blades at the zombies running out from all directions.

One, two, three... twelve!

We can definitely beat them!

Sang Zhengyi took the time to point at two people and said, "Hide the car quickly, and the rest of you move forward to kill the zombies!"

"Got it!"

Everyone leaned against the car, raised the shovel high, and stabbed it into the neck of the zombie running wildly. The blade broke through the rotten flesh and penetrated into the neck, stuck between the two cervical vertebrae.

The zombies who were not completely dead yet stretched out their hands with their teeth and claws, and the purple nails scratched in the air blankly. The gray-white eyeballs that were close at hand bulged high, almost bursting through the eye sockets and falling out.

The puppy's skeleton was dragged on the ground and bumped and rubbed, and its chest was filled with rotten leaves and soil.

Wherever the owner went, it followed.

"You die!"

The teammate held the shovel handle tightly with both hands against his abdomen, and pushed the ground with his only right foot, trying to fight the zombie with all his strength, so that the blade could penetrate deeper into the bones, trying to separate its body.

At this time, the complementary teammate beside him took out a hammer from his pocket, aimed at the zombie's head and hammered it down desperately.

It was like knocking a watermelon, cracking the crack, but what was exposed was not the pink and sweet melon pulp, but the black slag-like rotten matter.

The black sewage flowed down the crack, and the zombie quickly dropped his hands and died completely without any activity.

"It's done!"

The two cheered, picked out the pink crystal core from the black slag, wiped it carefully and put it into the zippered pocket.

Income +1.

Other teammates also killed zombies before and after, regardless of the level of the crystal core, knocked it out and put it in their pockets, and then distributed it evenly after returning.

A small battle was resolved in this way.

Lin stood in the crowd, looking at the smiles on people's faces, touching the small crystal core in her pocket, and suddenly felt that it was heavy and hot.

Snap, snap!

There was a sound of leaves swaying violently behind the bushes, as if something was rushing around inside, looking for the place where the sound came from.

Everyone tensed up again and held the shovels across their bodies.

Qi Hua and his men stood up and looked solemnly.


The bushes broke apart on both sides with a bang, and dozens of zombies rushed out with a ferocious face like a living dead.

Sang Zhengyi: "Prepare to attack!"

This time, all the people with superpowers waved their superpowers.

Qi Hua and his men took the lead and went straight to meet them. Wherever they went, zombies fell to the ground one after another.

For a while, various superpowers illuminated the twisted shade of the trees and passed through the vines that climbed up to each other.

There was no crying or desperate prayer. Everyone's eyes were firm, without any cowardice, and they bravely confronted the zombies head-on!

The new teammates refreshed their understanding of this weak team again.

They look disabled, but their hearts are complete and strong!

There is no cold eye in this team, nor is there any indifference. They will even trust their fragile backs to their teammates.

When everyone is united, the casualty rate can be minimized.


Another team behind them arrived late.

Looking at the ruins all over the ground, someone picked up a branch and searched in the zombies' heads to see if there were any missing crystal cores.

The ending disappointed them because there was only black slag inside.

Looking around the lush bushes around the square, there was a place that was cleared by humans, and a small path that could only accommodate one person was opened.

It seems that they should go that way.

"Captain, are we still following?"

"No, go the other way."


"Captain Sang, they went in another direction."

Qi Hua hurriedly caught up with the team and walked to Sang Zhengyi and whispered.

A few minutes ago, Lin had determined the location of the fruit tree closest to the square, and when the whole team was ready to set off after cutting through the thorns and making a small path, Sang Zhengyi quietly asked him to stay and see which team the group of people following behind were from and whether they would catch up.

Fortunately, the other party still had some rules and went to the other side.

What they did was not too excessive.

If they really shamelessly followed them to pick up leaks, he would not mind digging a trap and burying a trap.

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