Passing through the narrow, thorny bushes, my eyes suddenly opened up.

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Lin said: "Here we are, right here."

Teammates: “Hiss—it’s really a waste of natural resources!”

Under the thick fruit trees, there were densely packed piles of ripe and fallen fruits. The ones closest to the wet mud surface were already covered with green hairs, and the mold was visibly crawling upwards with filaments, more like a hedgehog with fried hair. , with upright hyphae throughout the body.

This is definitely not edible.

Fortunately, there are still many in the trees.

Sang Zheng translated: "Don't worry, everyone, let Huzi go up and check it in case anything unexpected happens."

Huzi is somewhat atavistic, with longer arms and rough and thick palms, making it easier to climb tree trunks and jump between branches.

It would be perfect to send him there.

Generally speaking, plants have some variation, some are harmless and some are aggressive.

According to Sang Zhengyi's long-term observation, the plants that eat meat in peacetime mutated and became better at catching living animals.

The thorny plants become sharper and longer, and some can suddenly shoot out a large number of sharp thorns, making it difficult for people to guard against and directly pierce them into hedgehogs.

Creepers have a faster growth rate and improved strangulation power. He can often see a strong tree being clinging to a thin vine, and the roots on the stem gradually penetrate into the tree, continuously flowing out. Absorbing nutrients, large leaves grow on the top and bright yellow flowers one meter in diameter bloom.

Before long, the tree will dry up and die due to the inability to absorb sunlight and the uncontrolled absorption of nutrients.

What kind of change will happen in front of us?

Most of the mutations in plants are based on improving the survival rate of seeds...

Huzi picked up a stone and threw it cautiously.

The stone hit the tree trunk with a thud.

Everyone held their hearts tight and were ready to escape at any time.

But the big tree didn't move.

Huzi shook his legs and arms, picked up a branch again, and beat it on the ground while approaching.

He was wearing a pair of thick-soled labor shoes, which sunk deep into the pile of fruits when he stepped on them, leaving only a pair of uppers exposed. Juice leaked from the squeezed fruits, which wet the cloth and turned it into dark brown.

After he lifted his feet, he left holes one after another.

Sang Zhengyi took a closer look and found nothing wrong.

The Huzi on the opposite side was indeed called Huzi. He had already climbed the tree in just the time he lowered his head and raised his head.

Sang Zhengyi was shocked: "Huzi?! Why did you just climb up the tree?!"

Stepping on the tree trunk with both feet, Huzi picked a fruit casually and said with a smile: "It's okay, it agrees to let us pick fruits!"


Who does it refer to? !

This time, not only Sang Zhengyi was shocked, but everyone was stunned.

Sang Zhengyi said urgently: "Who are you talking about? It can't be this tree, right?"

Huzi touched the tree trunk, pulled his hair, and twisted his facial features into a ball.

"that's it!"

From their position, Hu Zi really looked like a monkey that had become a spirit.

Sang Zhengyi always felt something was wrong. He had never heard of plants mutating into thinking!

Don't smell any confusing smell and have hallucinations!

He continued to ask anxiously, his feet gradually getting closer, "What did it say? How could you understand it?"

Huzi was even more confused. He placed the fruit in front of his eyes and frowned.

I just heard him say intermittently: "I am this tree. It didn't speak. I felt it. When I got closer, I felt that it was so happy. I wished I could pick the fruit away. It hates the seeds taking root and sprouting under its feet. , competing with it for energy, it wants me to take away all the fruits. "

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Want them to pick the fruit?

So dreamy...

This time, everyone agreed that there was a scent around the tree that could confuse people!

But Huzi climbed higher and higher very easily, and actually stretched out his hand to pick the largest and reddest fruit at the top!

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Looking at the swaying twigs, people are very worried that they will break at the next moment and the tiger will fall directly.

"Little one, be careful!"

"It's okay! You guys quickly take the cloth bag down there, I can't hold it anymore!"

Huzi happily waved the palm-sized fruit and shouted to the people below who looked like little people.

Qi Hua took out the mask from his pocket and put it on, then stopped Sang Zhengyi who was moving forward, "I'll go."

He is the only one here with a high level of superpowers and quick and sensitive reactions, so he is the most suitable place to go.

Besides, there was really no movement in the fruit trees.

Could it be Huzi said, the tree wanted them to take away the fruit?

Sang Zhengyi stared closely at Qi Hua, who was getting closer to the big tree. He would know if he had dementia.

Everyone looked at Qi Hua's figure. Seeing him getting closer and closer, he opened his cloth bag, raised his head and said, "Huzi, throw the fruit!"

The tiger laughed happily and dropped the fruit very accurately, then quickly climbed to another branch and pulled the fruit.

After waiting for more than ten seconds,

Qi Hua turned around, took off his mask and said, "It's really okay, there's no smell."

The tiger on the branch said: "It told us to hurry up! The fruit is about to fall naturally!"

After saying that, a bright red fruit fell into Qi Hua's pocket.

Translated by Sang Zheng:!

Everyone:! !

What else are you thinking about? Pick fruits!

Everyone rushed forward, wearing thick rubber gloves, and began to climb the branches. When they saw that the fruit tree was really silent, they were completely relieved and crazily stuffed their bags into their pockets.

Even the chestnut trees, walnut trees, and wild pear trees next door were not spared. We took as many as we could!

It’s something that doesn’t cost points, and it’s addictive just to hold it!


The sun was setting in the west, and the shadows on the ground slowly crawled, gradually covering the piles of rotting fruits. The coldness gradually set in. The busy people shivered and suddenly felt that the weather was getting colder.

He raised his stiff neck and saw that it was almost dark.

Sang Zhengyi called everyone to stop, "It's getting dark, go back to the base!"

"What about these fruits?"

Sang Zhengyi said: "Come a few people and take them back to the villa with me, leaving only a small part in the car to take back."

Lin rubbed her extremely sore waist and wanted to find a place to sit for a while and rest.

As soon as she turned around, she met Qi Hua's eyes.

The latter didn't seem to expect that she would suddenly turn around. There was a flash of discomfort on his face, but he immediately put on a kind smile, as if it was just her imagination.

Lin looked at him expressionlessly, then turned back and continued to hammer her legs.

She believed her first feeling. The other party was still doubting her, but they hid it deeper.

But it doesn’t matter, what others think has nothing to do with you.

Her purpose was just to save some crystal cores and wait patiently for her daughter to come back.

Lin suddenly thought of what Boss Xia said today: save some food in case she is hungry.

The hand she was beating on her leg suddenly tightened——

Boss Xia found his daughter.

The daughter may be starving.

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