I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 344: Out of spite?

When Team Sang rushed back to the base, the moon in the sky was big and round, and there was silence all around.

"Stop! Who is it?!"

The soldier on guard in the watchtower called them to stop and shone a flashlight on them from head to toe.

"Show me your ID card."

The soldiers illuminated the cards in their hands, confirmed them again and again, and ordered the door to be opened.

A patrol team and a doctor in a white coat walked out from behind the door.

"Get off the car."

Sang Zhengyi and his team jumped out of the car one after another, opened their hands, indicating that there was nothing.

The patrol team still searched them carefully, and after confirming that they were safe, the doctor walking at the back took out the test paper from the medicine box and distributed it.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

Sang Zhengyi and his team were already familiar with this set of procedures, and they would go through it every time they went out and came back to prevent infected people from sneaking into the base.

Although the test paper is not 100% accurate, it is better than nothing.

About ten seconds later, the doctor came to check.

"No problem, no infection."

"Go in, come back earlier next time, if you are past curfew, you are not allowed to enter the base."

The captain of the soldiers waved their hands and asked them to leave quickly.

Sang Zhengyi smiled and said, "I know, thank you for your hard work. These are the walnuts that were picked today. They haven't had time to remove the poison yet. Take them and eat them as snacks later."

The captain looked into his open pocket and smiled.

"Captain Sang, you have harvested a lot today! Hurry up and go in quickly. It's not safe after dark. We have regulations that we can't take a grain of rice or a thread from you. Let's go."

Sang Zhengyi didn't force it after hearing this, but just added, "Did General Chu rest? We found a park with rich supplies today. The fruit trees in it are not aggressive to picking fruits. It's best to hurry up and pick them."

Lin, who was hiding in the shadows behind him, was stunned.

The captain of the soldiers laughed even more happily, "Then go in quickly, General Chu should still be reviewing documents now."

Who doesn't want more and more food in the granary?

Sang Zhengyi said twice, and asked his teammates to get in the car and prepare to enter the base.

The patrol team followed the car, looked around vigilantly, and closed the door again.

Every household in the base had closed doors and windows, without a trace of light, and was sleeping quietly.

Only two places were still lit: one was Chu Wanfu's office, which was shining with milky white light.

The other was in the lobby of the central resort hotel, which was still lit with warm light of goose yellow.

They could also see Manager Zhigang and Store Manager Xiongxiong lying on rocking chairs, looking up at the bright moon.

The wheels of the car rolled on the concrete floor, making a lot of noise.

Zhigang and Xiongxiong raised their heads at the same time, and sat up at the same time, and got up to direct them to reverse into the warehouse-

The car belongs to Boss Xia, and it must be returned every day.

After the car stopped, everyone jumped down to move the supplies.

There were dozens of green sacks in the truck bed. Qi Hua bent down, and another person helped to move them to his back. He held them tightly with his left hand, and with a push of his right hand, he stood up straight.

He shook the sack up to make it more comfortable to carry.

The fruits in the sack rubbed against each other, making a crackling sound, and the juice that leaked out from the bottom after the skin was squeezed out fell to the ground with a pat, pat.

"Captain, where to put it?"

Sang Zhengyi: "Move it directly to Lidai Island. Everyone will work hard tonight and try to purify it overnight. Leave a few people to deal with it as soon as possible tomorrow."

When they thought that they could pick fruits in the park at will and there was no danger, everyone was more motivated.

Didn't you hear Captain Sang say just now that he would go to General Chu to report about the park in a while.

Everyone knew that Lin had joined the team and had harvested so many supplies today. In this almost transparent base, such a big thing could not be hidden at all. It was better to report it actively and get a good reputation from General Chu...

Working regardless of gender, age or status, as long as there was strength in the body, they had to carry sacks at this moment.

If they couldn't carry heavy things, they would carry light things. If they really couldn't, they would help to support the bottom and bear some strength from behind. No one was slacking off.

At this time, Qi Hua's parents and other parents came through the hall in a hurry. Seeing that the children were in a hurry to move things, they looked at their faces and made sure that they were not injured. Then they rolled up their sleeves and started to carry sacks.

Although they would not distribute supplies to them, they just couldn't bear to see food wasted. In the past, in the countryside, if a family was drying grain and it rained and didn't have time to harvest it, almost all the villagers would go to help.

Is it to get food from the host family afterwards?

No, it's just that they can't bear to see half a year of hard work in vain and food being wasted.

Only those who have been hungry know how important food is.

Zhikang pushed the cart over, "You guys take it."

Qi Hua was shocked: "That, that's not good..."

Zhikang: "It's okay, it will take you a long time to carry it, pushing the cart is fast and saves energy, you still have to leave early tomorrow, right?"

Qi Hua: "Yes, yes."

Zhikang stuffed the cart into his hand without letting him refuse, "Don't be afraid of using things, finish the work early and rest early."

Qi Hua took out a cloth bag, put a handful of walnuts, and a handful of chestnuts and fruits in it, handed them to Zhikang without letting him refuse, and only said four words:

"There is a give and take."

Lin wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the towering hotel in front of her. She was very anxious, but she knew that Boss Xia was resting at this moment.

She kept thinking about that sentence on the way back, and became more and more certain that her daughter must have been found.

Is she still angry?

Are you still angry because she was not allowed to leave to find her father?

Lin thought about it and there were only two possibilities for her daughter not wanting to see her:

1. The man changed his ways and treated her sincerely, so her daughter was angry and didn't want to come back.

2. ... Something bad happened and she didn't dare to come back...

Even if the first possibility was so small that it almost didn't exist, Lin prayed sincerely that it must be the first one!

She could regard how the man treated her as a thing of the past, and didn't care at all, as long as he was good to her daughter!

Lying on the bed, Lin looked at the dark ceiling, pulled out the man who was locked in the deepest part of her mind, and looked carefully at the face that had made her nauseous and vomited, and carefully looked from the hair to the chin, trying to piece together what her daughter looked like now.

If he didn't put on a fierce expression, the whole person would still look very kind.

His eyebrows were thick and upward. His daughter inherited his thick eyebrows and her own willow-shaped eyebrows, which made her particularly gentle and lovely.

Looking closely, there is a bit of beautiful purple, which is a very pure color and also her daughter's favorite color. When her daughter comes back, she will find Boss Xia and buy all the beautiful purples.

As long as her daughter likes it, she will buy everything!

Lin suddenly turned over and sat up, picked up the clothes and shook them down, only one or two crystal cores fell out.

She showed an annoyed expression.

There were too few crystal cores, she had to work hard to earn crystal cores, and couldn't let her precious daughter suffer...

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