The people who made the most noise stayed behind?

All the faces of the people present changed at once, and a storm of intense memories suddenly surged in their minds.

Was the voice just now too loud?

Was my tone gentle to the guests dining here?

Did I force anyone to stay and join the team?

Three question marks in a row, and I asked myself blankly, trembling and afraid to look at people, like a teacher calling on them in class.

Chu Wanfu couldn't help but hold his forehead when he saw everyone's appearance.

From the end of the world to now, it has changed from the original equality of men and women to speaking by strength, and respecting someone is also based on strength.

However, people are not born in the end of the world, and their current behavior will be more or less affected by the discrimination and injustice they have suffered in peacetime.

Having strong strength halfway, but without the corresponding reason, will cause some people to become self-centered and truly bully the weak and fear the strong.

What's more serious is that without the corresponding institutions to restrain their behavior, such people will be more reckless and only rely on the self-discipline of the education they have received in their hearts.

But due to the extreme shortage of food and clean water, it won't be long before the only thing left in my mind is: hunger, the need to eat, and the desire to live.

For all bases established by private or official organizations, the best way to control so many people who are almost starving is to eat.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory shows that the lowest level of needs is just simple food, water, and air, followed by safety and a stable life, and then the needs of the three emotions, and then respect.

Chu Wanfu thought of this and looked around at the people with different expressions.

There was fear, retreat, and fear of learning a lesson, but there was no decadence when there was a lack of food and water.

If it was in the base, no one would bring up the matter of respect, and they would even think it was ridiculous.

But this is in a holiday hotel, "You must learn to respect", everyone thinks this sentence is normal.

It's as if as soon as I stepped into the door of the hotel, the long-lost quality ran back with me.

Xia Yan turned on the surveillance playback again.

The screen unfolded, and the familiar noise was still coming from all directions, but this time everyone pricked up their ears and found their own voices in the chaos. They looked depressed and huddled behind people.

But when they heard the next few voices, they straightened their chests again-

"This blonde girl is really fair and tender!"

"It's better to trick her into our team. If nothing else, it's pleasing to the eyes."

"Well, if you want to have some other ideas, you have to see if others like you."

After a few seconds, the voice was lowered-

"You say, the surveillance in this store... should also have blind spots, right?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Even if you join the team, you can only watch. It's better to touch this fair and tender little hand now when there are so many people and eyes. It's worth it today~"

"...I I dare not, life is finally easy, I don't mind living long!"

"Look at your cowardly look! It's okay, there are so many people, the surveillance can't see it at all! Look at me-beauty, what are you worried about? Our team is full of high-level superpowers, the captain is not here, he is higher than me, don't you believe it?

Come on, let me let you shake hands and feel it, ah! Why is there still electricity in your hand? ! My hand is blackened by electricity!"

The voice of the blonde: "Why are you touching my hand? ! Get out of here!"

Xia Yan cut off the surveillance playback and looked at the customers who were struck by thunder with a smile.

"Please everyone, stretch out your hands."


How could it be!

Haven't we carefully observed it many times and confirmed that it was a blind spot?!

A small number of people took several steps back, and the panic on their faces could not be hidden.

The customers who stayed in place were like frightened rabbits, looking back and looking confused.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you doing later?"

Xia Yan: "If it is judged as malicious harassment and there is touching behavior, the hands will be blackened by electricity. Now, please take the initiative to stand up if you make mistakes."

The system will not only monitor physical behavior, but also monitor the level of malicious value. When both items exceed the standard at the same time, the store rules will be triggered.

The customer in the front spread out his hands and looked at them repeatedly. Suddenly, a shadow came in front of him. He looked up in surprise and said hurriedly: "Boss Xia, my hands are clean, there is nothing!"

Xia Yan looked and found that there was indeed no trace of being burned by electricity. "Well, go downstairs."

Seeing that it was so easy to pass, this person was relieved and wanted to stay here to watch the fun, but Xia Yan waved his hand and teleported him directly to the lobby on the first floor.

She glanced at the crowd casually and was too lazy to remind him again.

Good words are not repeated.

Looking at the crowd one by one, those who took the initiative to extend their hands were basically fine, so they were teleported down.

Soon, a large number of people disappeared in the restaurant.

"Stretch out your hand." Xia Yan stood still, raised his eyelids and stared at the man who was a head taller than him.

He had an eagle brooch on his chest, the surface of which had been deliberately worn, revealing the yellowed copper inside.

He seemed to be the captain of a team.

Behind him, in an inverted triangle, stood the equally tall team members.

The man's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to smile to ease the atmosphere, but when he met Xia Yan's cold eyes, his mouth couldn't move.

"Boss Xia, didn't you just say that we would find the most violent troublemakers? We have always been friendly and have never made loud noises."

Xia Yan stretched out a finger and shook it, and uttered two words with his lips slightly parted, "Find them all."

The man's face froze, his eyes quickly swept over Chu Wanfu not far behind her, fine beads of sweat oozed from the tip of his nose, and he forced a smile that was uglier than crying.

"For the sake of our reputation of never making trouble, please give us a chance, boss."

At this time, his teammates behind him could not hold back their excitement and nervousness, and stepped forward past the captain, "Boss Xia, we really didn't mean to harass him. That man wanted to run, so we went to catch him in a hurry-"

The man stopped with both hands.

The next second, Xia Yan's eyes fell on his hand, and he took it back and put it in his pocket.

But she saw it clearly in this short second.

Except for the thumb, the four fingers, from the fingers to the tail, are gradually turning light black, especially the fingertips, like touching coal.

His teammates also noticed it, with a look of annoyance and regret, impulsive!

In their extremely nervous mood, Xia Yan walked directly to the other people with an expressionless face and said, "Stretch out your hands. If it's not serious, it's just a small punishment. There's no need to cover it up."

"Then-" The teammate wanted to struggle again, even though he knew it was futile.

Xia Yan was about to raise his hand--

The man gritted his teeth, "Stretch out your hands for Boss Xia to see!"

Five or six hands stretched out at the same time, but each fingernail was like being caught by the door, black and purple.

Like their captain, the darkest between the fingers gradually transitioned to lighter.

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