
Xia Yan pointed back, signaling for them to stand over there.

Teammates asked: "Is this the end?"

"It seems nothing is wrong. Thank you, Boss Xia!"

Xia Yan ignored them and looked at the other person, "Please reach out and show me."

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Maybe someone took the lead in the front, and before anything happened, the people behind became bolder.

Some people's hands were lighter than their own color, and they were eventually classified into the beginner group, while those classified into the intermediate group had all black fingers, and the palms and backs of the palms were gradually black and light.

Until Xia Yan walked up to a man who was about to cry.

"Stop nagging, hurry up."

"Xia, Mr. Xia, I, my hands..."

As soon as he spoke, everyone knew that he was the one who was electrocuted and screamed in the surveillance camera.

Come to think of it, it must be very dark!

Several people who were classified as intermediate excitedly urged: "Don't waste time, we are still in a hurry to go out and look for supplies!"

"Yes, everyone recognizes you, hurry up!"

Amid everyone's urging, the man could not bear the pressure and slowly pulled out a small section of his wrist.

"Oh My God!"

"Isn't this black coal?!"

"Oh my god, it still works?"

Xia Yan turned her head slightly, and the exposed skin seemed to be covered with a thick layer of black paint. She didn't even need to see what was underneath.


The man's body suddenly became stiff, and his lips moved in an attempt to plead.

Xia Yan interrupted directly, "The one I'm looking for is you."

Upon hearing this, everyone else understood that they were running away with him.


Worry for a long time in vain!

After dealing with the last person, Xia Yan didn't say anything, and tapped his fingers in the void.

Just when everyone was getting curious, a virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of them. It looked very similar to the operation screen of the storage space.

But looking closely at the content, the mood is completely like riding a roller coaster, suddenly falling from the peak to the lowest.

I saw it read:

Zombie level map.

Danger level: 1~5.

Xia Yan glanced at the people on the opposite side. There were the most junior people, so he clicked on the second-level map.

Then everyone noticed that the screen changed instantly, with many small grids appearing on it, similar to floating windows for video playback.

When I took another closer look, I was immediately horrified.

What the hell, why are there really zombies passing by?

There is actually a real surveillance video inside!

In the top row of the screen, a group of zombies walking on the sidewalk staggered slowly closer.

At the front is a social animal who has lost his right high-heeled shoe. He still has a briefcase under his arm and is limping closer. There are four black holes on his rotten face. When he gets close to the camera, the upper part is shown in ultra-high definition. Shaking meat.


[Danger level: Level 2, three stars]

The surveillance camera in another location seemed to be shot from a high place. In the pitch-black scene, only the bright light outside the screen was dimly illuminated. You could see the dense swarm of zombies below, crowding and swaying aimlessly. This scene was extremely resembling. The squirming maggots are gathering in clusters!

Suddenly, an iron piece that had been in disrepair fell from above the surveillance camera.


The zombies collectively raised their heads, let out heart-rending roars, stretched out their arms, and rushed toward the surveillance camera.

Try to pass through the surveillance camera and eat alive the people peeping behind you!

The scalps of everyone watching were numb, and chills surged up their backs.

[Danger level: Level 2, five stars]

"Xia, Boss Xia, this, this is...?" Someone plucked up the courage to ask.

Xia Yan explained: "Article 3 of the store rules prohibits theft, malicious harassment and provoking troubles. Violators will cause zombies to travel for a day."

Her words were like water dripping into hot oil, instantly causing crackling oil spots.


"Aren't you talking about a small punishment? This is not a small punishment, right?"

"Beginner level is already at this level, what about intermediate level? I - bang" (sound of falling to the ground)

As for those who were classified into the high-level group, their faces were as white as freshly painted walls at this moment, their fingers had already been heavily pinched on their philtrum, and their eyes were rolling upwards.

But how can anyone care about them? I am in dire straits and have no time to take care of myself.

Never go to these two places!

Even if it is a second-level zombie, if it suddenly falls into a pile of zombies, it will be difficult for the gods to escape!

The captain, who wore an eagle brooch on his chest, asked, "Can I choose freely?"

Since you can't escape, then rush bravely!

Xia Yan paused with his fingers, "You want to choose?"

The other party nodded and smiled bitterly, "It's better than being assigned randomly and falling into a pile of zombies."

Looking at his teammates, they all had the same idea.

She asked thoughtfully: "What level is your power?"

Opponent: "Level 5."

Xia Yan smiled, "Come on then, choose it yourself."

A level 5 psychic can defeat level 2 zombies without any effort at all.

Anyway, it’s the same in every picture, so it’s better to be a favor, after all, it’s a small punishment.

In the end, the team chose a level two, four-star difficulty map.

Xia Yan waved his hand and sent them in.

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In the blink of an eye, the few people who were originally in the restaurant appeared in an abandoned park. Not far away, a carved stone holding a torch looked at the stranger who broke in in silence.

The zombies wandering nearby turned around suddenly, roared with hunger, and pounced on them.

The team reacted quickly to avoid and fight back.

"They really went in!"

"They are really level 2 zombies! There is not a single high-level zombie!"

"Boss Xia, we also took the initiative to choose maps!"

"Fuck it, let's go!"

Xia Yan suddenly felt like she was doing a charity event. It was obviously a punishment, but it turned out to be an opportunity for them to make a fortune. She snorted coldly and pointed her finger to filter out all the maps with difficulty lower than four stars.

"Come and choose."

Everyone was overjoyed, but when they went forward, the map they had chosen in advance suddenly disappeared. Looking around the entire screen, the difficulty was all four or five stars.


"Choose quickly."

"Then, let's go with this one!"


The range of map selection for intermediate people is level 4 maps, with no limit on star rating. Basically, they all chose maps with one or two stars.

Xia Yan was not embarrassed. After choosing, he sent the person in. The map suddenly became locked, and there was a countdown time on it.

Only after 24 hours, the survivors will be teleported back.

That means they have to spend an unsafe night in the map.

However, there are exceptions. Before the next person finishes choosing the map, the map that was just sealed in front of him is unlocked.

Xia Yan got closer and saw that it was too unlucky. One person was no match for four zombies.

"It's okay, continue to choose the map."

When it was the turn of the advanced group, a level 5, three to five-star map appeared on the screen.

As soon as the screen appeared, it was completely different from the low-level map.

The speed and flexibility of high-level zombies are more than twice as fast, and most zombies will unconsciously use their superpowers.

But fortunately, zombies have no IQ, and the superpowers they use will trip you up in rare cases - you have to rely on incredible luck to encounter them.

"Have you chosen? Let's go."

When she had dealt with everyone, the restaurant was finally empty. As usual, she arranged all the real-time images of people entering the map neatly and projected them on the walls of the leisure area on the first floor and the top floor for people coming and going to watch as a warning to others.

When she turned around, she found Chu Wanfu and Lin sitting face to face, both of them with serious expressions.

"What's wrong with you?"

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