Xia Yan tried to ask: "Did we talk about some...unpleasant topic?"

Could it be that you are nagging about Lin’s missing daughter?

Xia Yan sat on an empty chair, carefully looked at the expression on Lin's face, and then unblocked the restaurant.

The elevator had stopped at this floor a long time ago, and it only made a 'ding' sound at this moment.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

The transparent barrier in the nearby stairwell that prevented guests from entering quietly disappeared, and the people crowded behind did not notice it for a moment, leaning forward unsteadily and rushing out.

Almost hit the opposite wall.

"Why can't you come in, huh? Boss Xia is here too?" Qi Hua and the others steadied themselves, then looked at Lin and General Chu across from them, and then the conversation changed sharply, "You go ahead, let's go down to eat."

Xia Yan stopped: "No, it's been dealt with. The restaurant is open for business as usual."

Then everyone walked slowly inside and went to the dining counter to swipe their cards and get their plates.

Xia Yan noticed that Qi Hua and others had thick dark circles under their eyes, and they were breathing heavily, so he knew that they stayed up late last night to deal with supplies.

After a while, Sang Zhengyi, who came upstairs in the same state, confirmed her idea.

It seems that a lot of supplies were harvested yesterday. Could it be that Lin and Chu Wanfu are discussing this matter?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Lin say in a tired voice: "General Chu, ask the captain about everything. He knows everything."

Chu Wanfu: "You know that's not what I'm talking about."

Lin blew out a sharp breath from her nose, "I don't have the energy, and I won't cooperate with you. I'm not the only local living in this hotel! Besides, there are many things I don't know much about, so go find them them!"

Chu Wanfu raised his chin helplessly and pointed at Xia Yan aside, "She won't allow me to come in and take people away."

Xia Yan? He said, "Yes, that's a textbook idea. Maybe you can wait until they leave the hotel, then I won't have anything to do with them."

Although everyone knows that by the time they take the initiative to go out, the day lily will be cold.

Chu Wanfu looked at Lin again, "So, I can only ask you to cooperate."

Lin's face turned red, she was panting like an angry cow, her chest heaving violently.

"Sure enough, persimmons only pick soft ones! Me, me."

Chu Wanfu suddenly said seriously, "Lin, our existence is to protect the thousands of people in need of help under our wings! Where we grow, the pollution index of most of the land seriously exceeds the standard, and only a small amount of soil can be planted. There are too many variables in between from sowing seeds to taking root and sprouting and growing food!

Even if all large and small laboratories implement soilless cultivation 24 hours a day, the food produced will be a drop in the bucket, and it is really difficult for everyone to eat.

The abundant supplies on this island can extend the lives of countless people. We must get ahead of the other party and collect all the supplies as soon as possible. If there is a guide to show the way, it will be twice the result with half the effort! "

Lin was silent.

Fingers intertwined.

Chu Wanfu looked at Xia Yan and made a heavy statement: "I know you have a missing daughter. If she is still alive but dies of starvation due to lack of food, would you like to see this scene? If there is no shortage of food in the base where she is located, then She can exchange labor for food...

What you should feel sorry for is not that she will suffer, but that she will not be able to find a place to recruit workers and will starve to death. "

Linden's eyes widened immediately, his brown eyes filled with fear and pain.

Chu Wanfu knew that these words would irritate her, but this was the truth.

At the bottom of the dark and cold overpass cave, in the corners filled with ice and snow, and in the group houses in the base, there are always people leaving quietly because they can't get a bite of life-saving food.

Either they rot slowly, or they freeze into popsicles, or they are stripped of their clothes and thrown into a corner naked to be used as tools to attract zombies and break out in the future.

Lin turned her head, her eyes terrifyingly empty.

She said in a hoarse voice that seemed to be squeezed out of her throat: "Boss Xia, I want to buy some food. Can you please deliver it to her?"

At that moment, she seemed to have aged ten years again, with white hair sprouting from the roots.

What Xia Yan saw was the suffering of a mother who cared about her children.

She suddenly blamed Fu Niang for her ignorance, and her children's self-imposed fear of approaching her was reduced to dust in the longing for her mother day and night and her aging face.

But this is the way of life. Outsiders always think it is simple, with windows as transparent as paper, but in front of the person involved, it seems like there is a mountain that cannot be climbed.

There is no way, only self-destruction.

Xia Yan looked at her silence and said after a while: "Buy less."

A smile broke out on Lin's face.

Chu Wanfu looked back and forth between the two of them, and he had some concerns in his mind.

Lin's daughter is at the Inn Mountain Base.

Coupled with the fact that in the middle of the night last time, Boss Xia suddenly ran to the base and stayed at Fu Niang's house for a long time...

Chu Wanfu lowered his eyebrows, Fu Niang must be Lin's daughter.

Most of the pain in Lin's heart was wiped away, "General Chu, I agree to what you said. But I have to follow the Sang team during the day. When we come back, I will go find you and tell you everything I know!"

Chu Wanfu smiled, "That would be great."

Lin stood up, said hello to Qi Hua, and left in a hurry.

Only Xia Yan and Chu Wanfu were left on the dining table.

The two looked at each other.

Xia Yan: "Have you guessed who it is?"

Chu Wanfu: "Fu Niang."

Xia Yan originally wanted to ask him how he knew it, but then he thought about how he had basically never hidden any traces during his two visits to Yinshanling Base. As long as he wasn't stupid, he could guess it by association.

She still reminded him: "Although that is your territory, I still want to say that you should not force Fu Niang to recognize her relatives. She will come over after she figures it out."

Chu Wanfu's eyes flashed with disapproval, but he agreed, "Don't worry, I won't mention Lin."

The two of them have different responsibilities and different thinking logic. In Chu Wanfu's view, as long as it does not affect his next goal plan, he will naturally respect Fu Niang's behavior.

But if the plan goes wrong, personal thoughts are not important in the survival of the survivors.

Xia Yan did not have these concerns. What came first was naturally personal wishes.

The suffocating silence fell on the table again.

Because of the atmosphere between them, the entire restaurant tried to be as silent as possible, even the chopsticks touching the plate and the teeth grinding the food.


The elevator prompt sound was particularly deafening.

Lin rushed out with two large bags of food and ran over in a hurry. The sweat on her forehead and nose popped out countless small spots of light under the light.

"Boss Xia, please deliver these things to her."

The packaging bags on the ground could be heard with the clinking of bottles and cans, and the rustling of packaging bags rubbing against each other.

Lin's hands were left with deep red marks, and her fingers were white. After putting the things down, they remained bent and could not be straightened.

Suddenly realizing that Boss Xia had asked her to buy less, she rubbed her palms to cover up the embarrassment.

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