"Boss Xia, I bought too much... How about I take some out?" Lin squatted down, opened the bag and prepared to take out something.

Suddenly someone patted the back of my hand.

"It's okay, that's it."

Lin raised her head. There were shallow and deep wrinkles on her forehead. The drooping lines at the end of her eyes seemed to hide endless sorrow.

From this angle, Xia Yan could clearly see the confusion and pleading hidden deep in her eyes.

Is there any trace of the difficulty in getting along here?

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

"It's too, too heavy. It will tire you out. I didn't think it through. It's okay. I'll take it out without any trouble. I'll put it in the house and eat it slowly."

Xia Yan directly took her hand and pulled her up, "No, I have space."

Then, she brushed the packaging bag with her hand and put it into the system grid.

Lin's pounding heart gradually stabilized as the food disappeared, and the brackets on both sides of her mouth became a little deeper.

"Trouble, then I, I'm leaving first. Captain Sang and the others are waiting for me downstairs. Boss Xia, I'm taking them to the park to pick fruits today. When I come back in the evening, I'll deliver them to you. Don't refuse, this is me my heart!โ€

Xia Yan smiled, "Okay, then I'll wait."

Chu Wanfu also stood up and they went downstairs side by side.

Downstairs, Sang Zhengyi and others were cleaning the car. When someone came out, they called their teammates to get ready to go.

On the grass outside the base gate, military armored vehicles are lined up side by side, and not far away are civilian off-road vehicles of different sizes.

Not only the officials were dispatched, but all the teams followed to pick up the leaks.

Lin jumped onto the truck, waved to Xia Yan, slowly drove out of the base and disappeared behind the door.

At the same time, there were sounds of cars starting up outside the base and gradually leaving.

The base was mostly empty.

The sentry soldiers on the watchtower were always vigilant with their supernatural guns, and the soldiers maintaining stability in the city patrolled carefully along the streets.

A dozen aunties who were too old to go out turned over the vegetables dried in front of their homes, then took out brooms and cleaned up the dust on the street bit by bit.

"Auntie, you are done with your work soon and you can help us with some work?" the nurse who helped the pregnant woman out to bask in the sun asked playfully.

"Okay, I'm just clumsy, don't take advantage of me!"

"No, just help us change the diapers for these children and then watch them. While the weather is nice, we have to wash them out and dry them quickly, otherwise they won't be used again soon."

"Okay, how about I wash it for you and you go do other things."

"Ah? That's not possible. Doctor Sang knows that we have to say that we don't work properly with the crystal core~"

At this time, a slightly serious female voice came from the open window upstairs: "Which little nurse is this whispering to me behind my back again~ Did I catch her?"

The little nurse groaned and hurriedly lowered her head, hiding it behind the pregnant woman's big belly, only revealing her two eyes spinning around.

Doctor Sang appeared behind the window and laughed out loud: "Sang Yu, what are you hiding from? I've seen you. Don't be lazy. Come upstairs when you're done. I have a set of questions for you."

Sang Yu was surprised: "Isn't it right? I still have to do the questions??"

Is there any heavenly reason that we can't escape the pain of answering questions in the last days? !

The male nurse passing by carrying an empty bucket laughed, "You think you are the only one who has it, everyone has to do it! Doctor Sang said, there is no end to learning, and there are exams later!"

"Oh my god!"


The soft morning light from the east shines into the base, illuminating every smiling face warmly, making everyone feel warm.

The creaking sound of the window lattice being pushed brought a sense of peace.

The patrol passed here without stopping, but the corners of their mouths were raised.

The male nurse walked all the way into the safe area, was startled for a moment, and raised his hand to say hello to Xia Yan at the door.

"Boss Xia, I'm here to get the water."

"Well, let's go inside."

Xia Yan looked back.

Slowly walking into the hall, the hard soles of the shoes made a crisp and sweet sound when they hit the smooth tiles.

This sound hovered in the empty hall, impacted on the exquisite murals, and then returned to the luxurious carvings on the towering top. It took a long time to gradually dissipate.

Pushing open the back door, what she saw was the courtyard that she rarely returned to. Several fruit trees in the corner had completed their mission for the year, and now there were a few leaves hanging on the dead branches.

There is no wind here, and it can only fall after it is completely cut off from its mother body.

Xia Yan was too lazy to clean up. She looked at the door next to the main store, with the word branch written above it.

He took out a long down jacket from the system grid, put it on, pushed the door open, and was greeted by the sound of excitement once again.

"Have you heard that the superiors will arrange to transfer another wave of people in the next two days!"

"I've already selected the number, so I can notify you~"

"Your life is so good. There are so many people. How did you get there?"

"Hey, don't tell anyone. My brother and sister are working there and have priority for transfer!"

"Giao, I take back what I just said. Your whole family is in good health, unlike me, who is now alone..."

Another voice suddenly intervened: "Brother, since you're like this, why are you so anxious? It's the same everywhere anyway, why not give us a chance -"


"Damn it, uncle, why am I no longer a human being? Don't look at how many family members you have. If you push me too hard, you'll have to deal with them all!"

The store manager Xiaowan said in a gentle voice: "Guest, please do not damage the tables in the store."

The man cursed a few times, sat down again with a fierce expression, then jumped up, smiled as if changing his face, raised his right hand and shook it beside his head:

"Boss Xia, you are here."

The two people sitting opposite also stood up and turned around, "Boss is here, haha."

Xia Yan pulled the zipper all the way to the top, hiding the lower half of his face under the thick down jacket.

She looked up and said in a not-so-clear voice, "Were you arguing just now?"

Even though they could only see the black and white eyes, and the tone was still kind, the scalps of several people were still numb, and they hooked their shoulders to each other and said bro.

"No, no, no, we are good brothers! We won't quarrel, and we won't destroy your place!"

Xia Yan looked away and pushed the door out.

Since the beginning of winter, there has been no day without snow at the mountain base.

The residents living here will clear the snow three times a day-morning, noon and evening, more punctual than eating.

When the sun appears in the sky and the snow is a little lighter, it is considered good weather. For example, at this moment, the sun above is shining through the thin clouds, round and golden, but without temperature.

Just like the small light in the refrigerator, it can only provide lighting.

It snowed all night, and the snow-clearing team in three shifts was waving shovels, spewing large clouds of white mist from their mouths, shoveling the white snow pile into the car. When it was full, it was pushed to the center of the square and handed over to the soldiers to pour the snow into the portal opened by the superpower.

No one dared to speak except for the sound of breathing and wind on the field. Even the soldiers guarding near the portal stared at the portal seriously.

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