There are soldiers guarding both inside and outside the portal to prevent zombies from suddenly appearing through the door and running into the base.

Seeing that the second wave of transfer plans is about to begin, we must be careful about everything.

Xia Yan was wrapped tightly, even her eyes were covered with windshields, but some people still recognized her through the colorful down jacket.

"Boss Xia is here~"

"Go this way. This road has just been cleared. There is no snow and it is not slippery!"

Xia Yan took out his hand from his pocket and waved it twice. His green-white fingers were suddenly turned red from the cold.

"You are busy, so don't worry about me."


Just as he was talking, fierce gunshots rang out from the other side of the portal. Everyone trembled and all moved ten meters away from the portal.

The soldier guarding the door loaded his gun and asked in a deep voice: "Do you need support?"

A burst of supernatural bullets roared out of the gun's muzzle outside the door, followed by the sound of an explosion as the bullets broke through the skin, with a quick sentence in between:

"No need! There are only a dozen zombies, they move slowly and are easy to kill!"

Not five or six seconds later, the gunfire from the opposite side stopped.

"The crisis is over, let's continue working!"

The residents breathed a sigh of relief and gathered together to shovel the snow again very skillfully. No one noticed when Boss Xia left.

"Work, work, finish early and go back to bed early!"

"Knock knock knock!"

Xia Yan reached out and knocked hard on the door.

Fu Niang's house was wrapped in layers of vines, so the people inside couldn't hear her without any effort.

Besides, it was daytime now, so she didn't have to worry about disturbing people late at night.

Soon, a thin sound came from inside the door, which was the sound of vines moving.

Fu Niang approached the door and asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"Xia Yan."

The movement inside the door suddenly quickened, and with a click, Fu Niang appeared behind the door, covering her little face that had finally turned white after a winter.

"come on in!"

Xia Yan walked into the door, stepped on the soft rattan mat floor, and his expression became serious.

Seeing her like this, Fu Niang couldn't help but lower her head, bite her lip, and tangle her fingers.

"There's something I need to tell you."


"She guessed you were still alive."

Fu Niang raised her head in surprise, "Why, yes."

Xia Yan said with regret: "I really wanted to hide it for you, but she was recently short of crystal cores and joined the outing team. She didn't ask for supplies. She only relied on crystal cores to live day by day. I advised her not to ask for it. Refuse, if one day you go to find her, you two can’t both be hungry. You may have guessed from this, you two are very smart.”

She never said any unnecessary words, but she couldn't resist the eagerness of a missing girl. After finally getting a glimmer of hope, she chewed it over and over again every night, speculating on the deep meaning buried inside.

"She asked me to bring you two bags of food." Xia Yan said, taking out the things and putting them on the floor, "Fu Niang, I have been involved in your affairs too much. No matter what you do in the future, I will not care about you anymore. These two times, Lin has helped me, even if it’s repaid.”

Just run the leg twice, it can't be endless.

The time she came to see Fu Niang was because she was curious and came over to confirm.

If the two of them are still awkward, refuse to meet each other, and worry about whether the other party has enough food and clothing, it will be annoying to ask her to run errands back and forth.

It is her principle to keep things to a minimum.

It is also her habit to say bad things in front of others.

Fu Niang looked away from the food packaging, her face a little embarrassed, "I, I know."

Seeing her like this, Xia Yan suddenly felt a hurtful remark in his heart: He is a very smart child, how come he loses control at the critical moment?

It stands to reason that people who have experienced the turbulence of the end of the world will not have any thoughts when they learn the news about their family members. They should reunite their families first. This lucky lady's mind is too delicate and has put too many blocks on her heart. She was obviously a very independent and self-reliant woman, but when she met Lin, she felt panicked and didn't dare to meet her.

A thought came to Xia Yan's mind, "Fu Niang, are you not afraid that your mother will beat you?"

It was a little too much, but she just wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually hesitated and nodded!

Xia Yan:???

(black face)

Fu Niang: "Not only because of this, but mainly because I am worried that my mother will not be able to accept it..."

Xia Yan couldn't explain it: "She can accept your death and still persists in looking for traces of you. What could be more difficult to accept than finding you but not wanting to go back?"

Fu Niang felt as if she had been hit in the head, breaking through the barriers of her thoughts. Her face was filled with the clarity of clearing away the clouds and seeing the light of the sky. "...You are right, why have I never thought of it this way?"

"Perhaps it's called, the beholder is clear! Okay, just think about it slowly, I have to go back."

Xia Yan waved to her and teleported back to the hotel lobby.

Fu Niang looked at the two bags full of food at her feet, and the strength she had just pretended suddenly cracked.

She opened the bag and glanced at the colorful packaging bags, various snacks, breads and biscuits, and even buckets of instant noodles and self-heating pots.

All the flavors she loves.

A childish voice suddenly sounded in my ears:

"Mom, I want to eat potato chips. My friend said the tomato-flavored ones are particularly delicious."

The young woman picked up the packaging bag and shook it. The crispy potato chips turned upside down in the inflated bag and made a clattering sound.

"Girl, listen, there isn't much in it. Can mom prepare it for you when you get home?"

"No, you can't make tomato-flavored ones. I want to eat tomato-flavored potato chips."

"...Tomato flavor..." The woman's eyes quickly glanced at the amount of money below, and she trembled as if she had been burned. "My dear, don't make trouble. Have you forgotten that mom is a superman? Mom can do anything. Today Definitely make it for you!”

The little girl saw the woman's movements, and she also glanced at the string of numbers. She had an indescribable feeling. She always felt that the writing was twisted and turned into a vicious dog, which would pounce on her and bite her.

"Mom, hug!"

When life got better in the future, every time she went to the supermarket, without her having to say anything, her mother would always push the shopping cart and stop it in the potato chip section.

"My girl loves tomato flavor the most, so I have to take two bags." My mother muttered silently and carefully put the potato chips into the car, for fear that if she moved too much, the potato chips inside would be incomplete.

The little girl had grown up by this time. She didn't speak at this time and only smiled sweetly.

"Mom, your cooking is delicious!"

The mother's eyes were complicated, "Don't try to make me happy, just sprinkle some salt on it, how delicious it will be! Oh, it was too difficult at that time, you suffered... Mom has money in her hands now, as long as you want to eat, Mom Buy them all for you!”

Fu Niang pulled away from her memories and brushed aside the superficial food.

In the middle, she once again saw the familiar, tightly wrapped tomato-flavored potato chips.

She held the potato chips tightly to her heart, and a big black hole suddenly opened there. Even if she shed all her tears, she couldn't fill it.

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