Lin sat in the truck bed, silently looking at the opposite side. The group of newcomers were busy packing up the tools for going out. Their movements seemed orderly, but their hands were actually shaking.

Today was the third time that the second wave of survivors went out to collect supplies.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters or disordered chapters.

They have probably been at the base for a week.

General Chu summarized the lessons learned from the last transfer of people and formulated new regulations - in the first week here, they must receive three educational classes organized by relevant departments.

The first time was to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of the base, the store rules and precautions of the resort hotel (in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chu Wanfu decided to let them promote and introduce them uniformly).

The second time will show a detailed map of the island, plus a vegetable and fruit growth distribution map formulated by the official, with the number of zombies on it.

Since zombies can move, the outbound team needs to record the huge changes in the target area and report them in time after returning to the city.

The third time, they have to leave the city, led by the official team, and try the water within a distance of 2,000 meters nearby.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning. The official soldiers take the first step, and the road after that depends on themselves.

At this time, several people came up from the truck and approached this direction. Lin stood up and sat in another corner, keeping some distance from them.

The aunt who just raised her hand to say hello was rejected by the cold buttocks. Her face turned blue and red, and she was extremely embarrassed.

The person walking with her pulled her to sit down, feeling dissatisfied, and raised his voice:

"Why are you saying hello? She is a big celebrity in front of General Chu, how can she care about us low-level people? Sit down quickly, if you accidentally fall and hit someone, you can't take responsibility!"

The aunt didn't say anything, but her face was red with anger. She pushed her hand down, and what she felt was not the coldness of the iron sheet, but the warm body temperature. She stood up again in a flash.

The person walking with her was stunned, and hurriedly grabbed her hand and said: "Big sister, don't dare to hit her, we really can't afford to offend her, Captain Sang will scold you!"

The aunt looked around and said sullenly: "The feng shui here is not good, I'll sit somewhere else!"

The other people in the truck were kneeling and legs, squinting their eyes to rest, but their eyelashes were trembling slightly. If you look closely, you can see that their pupils are staring at Lin who is wandering in the sky.

Why do I always feel that her supernatural power is to cover her with a "golden bell"? Everything she didn't want to hear bounced back, not at all?

"Lin," Sang Zhengyi came over with a map, "Do you think this route is feasible? There's no road construction, right? Lin?!"

Like a fish sleeping soundly on the seafloor whose bubble was popped, Lin suddenly woke up, glanced, and drew a C shape on a certain section of the road with her finger.

"This place is blocked. Before the end of the world, the manhole cover was stuffed with firecrackers by naughty kids, and it flew all over the sky. It was fenced off and no one has repaired it until now."

Sang Zhengyi glanced at her with a strange look.

"...Okay, is there any other problem?"

Lin shook her head.

Sang Zhengyi gave Chu Wanfu a copy of the revised map, "Get ready to go!"

The roar of the car starting up came from all directions, people climbed into the car neatly, and the empty truck bed suddenly became crowded, so Lin put her feet away.

She crossed the gap and saw the scene of those saying goodbye to their families.

"Be careful!"

"Come back safely!"

"Don't worry, it's okay. There are so many people here. You can wait for me at home," she lowered her voice, "Remember to run to the hotel if something happens!"

"...I know...I'll wait for you to come home."

Lin watched them crying steadily. In the sun, clear tears slid down her face and disappeared between her collars. She seemed to hear a hissing sound, like a drop of sweat suddenly falling from the hot ground.

She looked away and suddenly saw Xia Yan in the safe zone, smiling and waving to her, his lips and teeth moving.

"Have a safe journey."

Lin's back straightened, "I know!"

Only then did she have a sense of reality that was connected to this world.

"Look, Boss Xia is on good terms with her."

"Does she have any magic power? Why is everyone willing to take care of her?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let her hear! Besides, it's not a bad thing that she joined. At least it's better than those locals. We haven't owed her any good luck these days. We have more than double the supplies than before!"

"That's right. I just thought about chatting with her because she was always alone and pitiful. We are all women and have a hard life. Don't make it seem like we are targeting her on purpose. I just didn't expect it. Oh, forget it."

The wind will spread the words you don't want others to hear everywhere.

Lin wanted to refute that it was not true, but on second thought, she really didn't want to have a good relationship with anyone.

If it weren't for the lack of crystal cores, she would be like the locals they said, staying in the hotel and watching these people busy with cold eyes.

After Chu Wanfu got the information he wanted, the cooperation between the two would end.

Lin tucked her messy hair behind her ears, looking at the thin clouds gradually dissipating in the blue sky, thinking, let's just do it to accumulate good karma for my daughter.



The familiar roars gathered from all directions.

Sang Zhengyi and Qi Hua jumped out of the car, grabbed the shovel and stood guard on both sides of the truck with the team members.

The military vehicle that was about to disappear in the front suddenly turned its head. Before it stopped, countless soldiers jumped out of it, holding supernatural guns, and surrounded the teams in the middle.

"All teams!" Chu Wanfu said in a deep voice: "Zombies are coming! Get ready for battle!"

The dense and chaotic footsteps dragged like the most turbulent river tide, rumbling and crashing into everything they encountered, gushing out from every block!

In the blink of an eye, the empty blocks were filled with highly rotten faces and scratching dry hands, so dense that there seemed to be no end!


"It's a zombie tide!!"

"All members fight!!!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Chu Wanfu, who was standing on the roof of the car, opened fire first, and the muzzle kept firing a burst of supernatural bullets, rushing straight into the zombie tide with fierce and powerful power!

At the same time, the soldiers in the front row pulled the trigger with their fingers, and dense supernatural bullets fell from the sky like a blanket, and there was a fierce bombing sound wherever they went!

Zombie fragments flew straight up to the sky, broken arms and debris fell like a rainstorm, and the stench exploded.

The remains of the zombies who died twice piled up into a small hill, and the zombies that followed continued to climb to the top and scrambled to jump down!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The huge fireballs rushed forward with heat waves, and began to burn violently when they touched the zombies.


The thick purple lightning crossed the towering mountain of debris and fell fiercely with a force that broke the sky. The ultra-high voltage current directly beat the zombies into charcoal!

The colorful superpowers cut through the sky, dragging a long tail, starting from the protected center, and fell straight into the pile of living dead!

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