I don’t know how this word got around, but when it finally reached Chu Wanfu’s ears, it became: Boss Xia suddenly fell ill and died!

The resort hotel also collapsed and turned into a ruin!

Even Chu Wanfu, who was calm, couldn’t help but twitch his lips.

Just a few people?

How could rumors spread to such a crazy extent? ?

Chu Wanfu rolled up his sleeves, and the iconic card was still in place.

He waved to his men, “Go see what’s going on, and by the way, dispel the rumors.”

After a while, his men sent back the news, explaining the whole story. Chu Wanfu pondered for a moment, “Prepare to enter the central area!”

In the truck bed, Lin looked at everyone in the truck shaking their heads, and her face turned pale.

"You, really didn't receive any news?"

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"Really not, you——"

The soldier came over and tapped the wall of the car, "Get off the car, get ready to go in."

The person whose topic was interrupted stopped talking, stood up, tidied his clothes, jumped off the car with a shovel, and stood in the queue.

After counting the number of people, Qi Hua found that someone was missing. He looked into the truck and walked over, "Lin, get off, you have to go in."

Seeing that she was not in a good state, he said: "It may be that Boss Xia made a mistake in operation. When you go back, you can ask her and she should be able to return it to you. You should concentrate. No one knows what dangers there are in the factory area. We may not be able to take care of everyone."

Lin felt that what he said made sense. There were many people in the store, and maybe the wrong amount would be deducted.

She jumped off the car and was arranged to stand in the center of the team because of her weaker strength.

The soldiers stood scattered at the outermost edge of the crowd. If there were zombies attacking, they would kill them as quickly as possible to protect everyone without blind spots.

The strongest members of each team took the initiative to fill in, standing one step between the two soldiers, and sharing the pressure.

After adjusting the team, Chu Wanfu waved his index finger forward vigorously.

"Let's go!"

This was once the largest food processing factory in the local area, and all the equipment used was made by the world's top manufacturers.

Even after such a long time, there was a thick layer of dust on the table.

After a simple wipe, it was still very new.

There was no corpse in the entire huge factory area. All the zombies ran cleanly along the gap that was blown open. At this moment, except for the cold machines, it was so empty that breathing echoed.

This made the group, who were originally so nervous that their backs were sweating, breathe a sigh of relief.

His subordinates found a floor plan.

"Very good, except for the logistics troops left to guard the gate, all the remaining teams, come forward to claim the target location."

Since there is no big danger here, there is no need to be silent.

The task points will be issued and completed by each team.


It was not until the sun was setting and most of the sky was dyed orange that the team set out on the road back to the base.

Chu Wanfu left 9 vanguards here to guard.

There were too many things in the food factory that could be used, and they could not be transported away for a while. Moreover, even if they were all taken back, they might not have a place to put them.

Chu Wanfu planned to use this place as the base's second lair, and the resources that cost billions of dollars naturally could not be wasted in vain.

"Pay attention to safety at night. If you encounter irresistible dangers, remember to report back to the villa." Chu Wanfu looked at the young soldiers with rough faces and old faces, and gave them a few more instructions with concern.

A general must love his own children.

"Yes!" The soldiers stood at attention with their chests straight and saluted solemnly.

"Eat well at night. Go to the supermarket to buy whatever you want. You will be reimbursed for whatever you spend."

"Hehe, yes!!"

Chu Wanfu looked back through the rearview mirror.

The soldiers who stayed behind were working together to close the gate. Above the empty sky, the orange light gradually stretched out very slowly, and was cut off by the heavy slam of the door.

It was like a huge beast about to wake up, slowly swallowing the ant-like little man into its stomach.


Lin felt the bumps under her body, as if her heart was trembling. An indescribable anxiety was shaken out.

Her palms suddenly became very hot, and the thin sweat from her clenched hands evaporated instantly.

"Please, get me a bottle of water."

The man in front seemed to be startled by her overly hoarse voice. He looked around her face for several times, and after making sure that she had no other abnormalities, he poked his index finger in front, "Get Lin a bottle of water."

The voice was transmitted layer by layer, and the person in charge wrote Lin's name on the notebook, and then *1, took out a bottle of water and handed it back.

Lin couldn't wait to unscrew the bottle cap, raised her head, and swallowed hard in big gulps.

The man in front couldn't help but quietly move his buttocks and lean his back against the car wall to ensure that he could see Lin's movements when he looked straight ahead.

This guy, he drank too much water.

I didn't do any heavy work today, and I was inside the house, so I didn't need to bask in the sun. Why was he so thirsty?

Lin drank all the water in one breath, and the fire in her heart that was about to burn her to death gradually subsided.

The stomach full of water seemed to bend her spine, and it was very uncomfortable.

Lin took a deep breath, stood up and faced the front of the car, and leaned her stomach against the slightly cool car wall.

Her palms were not so hot anymore.

But she still clenched her hands on the car railing.

Looking up, the car heading west was like Kuafu chasing the sun.

The red sun was getting lower and lower, illuminating the fields in the distance, the strange-shaped willow trees, and the ruins of the buildings left by humans, which looked like castles built by ants on the ground.

The unfamiliar evening breeze brought a familiar fishy smell, blowing on her face.

Lin suddenly couldn't help crying.

There was no reason.

It was like the water that had just been poured on the fire turned into mist, eager to flow out through the eyes.

There was a deep grievance, but the source could not be found.

Lin pinched her palms tightly and forced herself to swallow her tears.

It was always faster to go back than to go.

Almost as soon as she calmed down the turbulent emotional fluctuations in her heart, the gate of the base appeared in front of her.

As usual, the inspection before entering the city was completed. After all the staff were clear, the gate opened and everyone went their separate ways.

Going around a street, the hotel was in sight.

Lin was stunned.

In the safe zone, Boss Xia was chatting with someone.

The man heard the sound of the wheels and turned his head - it was a young, good-looking face.

Even after many years of separation, the once very familiar face became blurred in my mind, but I could still recognize it at the first sight.

Lin shouted heartbreakingly: "Girl!!!"

Fu Niang stood up and took two steps forward tremblingly.

She couldn't believe that the old woman in front of her with gray hair, wrinkles and sun spots on her face could be her mother.

Before the car stopped, Lin grabbed the railing and jumped down. She fell to the ground, but she didn't care at all. She staggered to her feet, stared at her daughter who she missed day and night, and staggered to the safe zone.

"Girl! Girl!"

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