Fu Niang's heart almost broke when she saw her jumping out of the car, so she ran forward and held her arm.

However, Lin grabbed her hard in her hand, and kept rubbing her with her thin and dry palms. It seemed that only in this way could she be sure that her daughter was really back.

Lin's eyes couldn't get enough of her and moved around her face.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

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"Are you hungry? Have you eaten?"

In the end, I only came to one conclusion - "You have lost weight!!"

Lin hugged her daughter forcefully, and the sadness surged forward like a delay, causing her brain to buzz, and it was like the most ferocious tornado had rolled up in her head in an instant.

Fu Niang hugged her mother with her backhand and felt her jagged bones, feeling frightened.

Self-blame, grief, and regret all came flooding back.

"Mom, it's all my fault! I should have come to you earlier! It's my fault!"

Only then did Fu Niang realize how big a mistake she had made.

The mountain that once stood in my heart and could not be crossed can now be blown away with just one breath.

And apologizing to my mother is not as difficult as imagined, even——

"No, daughter, you are right. It's my mother's fault. I should accompany you to see him. Mom will apologize to you and forgive me, okay?"

Lin held her face in her hands, her eyes full of pleading, "As long as you don't leave, mom will promise you anything."

Fu Niang's last tense nerves were completely broken.

It was obviously his willful mistake, why did he need his mother to apologize?

Mothers can tolerate their children, why can’t the reverse be true? Is it really because the person who loved them is no longer there?

Fu Niang suddenly felt the unequal love between the two parties, and choked up in despair, "Don't leave, never leave. Don't apologize, it was me who was wrong."

Lin was stunned, hugging her and crying silently.

Her daughter still grew up in a place she couldn't see.


"Boss Xia, who is that?"

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Lin's daughter."

"Oh, it's great. I found it back. It's not easy. I want to cry when I see it."


Lin seemed to be reborn.

She held Fu Niang's hand, feeling very happy. From time to time she would turn to look at her, and then carefully rub her daughter's not particularly rough hand.

While lamenting that my daughter is capable and able to support herself, I feel sorry for the hardships she has suffered along the way.

The misfortune of children is always doubled on the part of the mother. (From "Me and the Temple of Earth", slightly modified)

Whenever Fu Niang meets her mother's eyes, she always smiles sweetly, and the pear dimple at the corner of her mouth always attracts Lin to poke her with affection.

She knew that was her mother's way of expressing her longing.

"Mom, we changed rooms and stayed in 2610. But I don't have any points, so I asked Boss Xia to deduct them from your card. You won't blame me, right?"

Every child who returns to his mother, regardless of age, automatically becomes a child.

Fu Niang held Lin's arm and shook it slightly, her eyes bright.

There was a smile that couldn't be hidden from Lin's lips. She tapped Fu Niang's forehead and said kindly: "I was just telling you why I suddenly received a message and various points deduction news. It turned out to be you~"

Fu Niang said softly: "I also bought some daily necessities, I guess I spent a lot of points, right?"

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There were a lot of things to buy. Later, Boss Xia reminded me that there were no points in the card...

Fu Niang lowered her eyelids and had to go out to kill zombies and earn crystal cores!

Seeing her daughter like this, Lin immediately recalled the pain of when her daughter was still young and couldn't afford anything she wanted to eat.

She hurriedly said: "It's okay, just buy it, there are plenty of points in the mother's card, it's enough!"

Fu Niang raised her head upon hearing this and smiled sweetly again.

"Mom, from now on I will go out to kill zombies, and you will wait for me at home."

Wait for me at home...

Lin's heart was hit hard.

When she heard it this morning, she felt envious in her heart. She didn't expect that someone would actually say this to her in the evening.

Suddenly she felt her feet floating in the air landing firmly on the ground.

The world before my eyes became real.

She blended in completely.

"No, be good. Mom can still move, and she gets along well with the people in the team. The captain and the others also take good care of me. You don't have to worry about me."

Lin was very happy, but she still disagreed with her daughter going out for her.

She was too worried.

She would rather have her daughter waiting for her at home while she goes out to kill zombies.

At the same time, she also understood from the perspective of those elderly people who stayed at home, looked at the locked gate of the base, and kept praying in their hearts for the safe return of their loved ones.

Waiting is also torture.

Fu Niang's eyes turned red again, her lips tightened, she looked at Lin and said, "I know it all. After you leave the hotel, those people will... take away your life! I, I finally found you, how could you let it go? leave me?"

Fu Niang's tears fell in strings. What Lin once jokingly called a pearl appeared on her daughter's face, and Lin's heart felt like a knife!

She knows everything!

Lin held her chest and took a few steps back, looking in pain.

"That's not okay. I'm a mother. How can I let you risk going out while I'm waiting for you at home?!"

The white light from the ceiling of the hall silently fell, reflecting the same light circle on the bright and clean floor, and clearly illuminated the worried expressions on the faces of the two people.

In this matter, as a mother, she will not back down.

After a while, Fu Niang wiped away her tears and forced a smile, "Let's talk about it later. I'm hungry. Let's wash our faces and go to eat."

Lin breathed a sigh of relief, took out a handful of crystal cores that had not been recharged in time from her pocket, picked out the highest level, and stuffed it into her daughter's hand.

"Quickly recharge the card, I still have some, and today's reward has not been distributed yet. Don't worry about me, I'm fine as long as you are fine!"

Fu Niang gave in one step, and this step could not be given up again. In the end, the two people recharged almost the same amount before it was over.

When it was time to eat, the two people clashed again.

Lin wanted to take her daughter to have a good meal, and she wished she could take her to eat all the best food in the hotel.

But Fu Niang felt sorry for Lin's difficulty in saving crystal cores, and only wanted to eat a bowl of noodles.

"No, don't feel sorry for the crystal core," Lin said in an attitude that could not be refused: "Look at how thin you are, you don't look like a girl at all, mom has to take good care of you, listen to mom!"

Fu Niang held her hand and dared not use force, and refused to follow her mother's wishes.

Living in a hotel, she had to spend crystal cores every day, and she could eat anything she wanted, she was not picky.

In the end, she still won with a sentence: "I haven't had a full meal for too long, and suddenly I have a lot of fish and meat, my stomach can't stand it, mom!"

In the restaurant on the second floor, there was a bowl of noodles in front of each of them.

Lin took the pieces of beef in the bowl and then protected the bowl, "I have it, there is meat under the noodles, you eat it quickly!"

After returning it several times, seeing that Lin was about to get angry, Fu Niang didn't dare to take it again, so she lowered her head and slurped the noodles.

Lin also ate this most delicious dinner for her with satisfaction.

Hot mist rose from the bowl of noodles, like a veil covering her face. The two lowered their heads and chewed silently, not daring to look at the ripples that splashed from time to time in the bowl.

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