At night.

Inside the family room.

Lin couldn't bear to turn off the light, and couldn't bear to blink when she looked at the little face exposed from the soft quilt.

Fu Niang pursed her lips shyly, her unabashed love for her mother felt both happy and remorseful.

I really should have come to her sooner...

"Mom, go to sleep. Don't you have to get up early and go out tomorrow?"

"...Well, let's sleep now."

Lin always felt like she was dreaming.

The pale yellowish-orange light softly blurred Fu Niang's face, seeming to have coated her outline with a layer of light that only appeared in dreams.

Lin couldn't help but reach out and touch.

The rough, calloused fingertips touched her daughter's smooth, warm skin.

"You're really back..."

Fu Niang's eyes instantly poured out the same tenderness as the light.

She buried her face in her mother's rough hands and rubbed them gently.


"...Good boy," Lin said, "Go to sleep, I'll pat you."


The lights went out, and the moonlight, as white as silver gauze and flowing water, spread silently through the gaps in the curtains.

The room was quiet.

Not long after, a gentle slapping sound was heard.

Lin sang with the gentlest voice in her memory: "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby..."


Xia Yan waited until Xiong Xiong came back from get off work and took the replenishment order.

"Xiong, our sales haven't been very good these days."

When placing an order for replenishment, Xia Yan chatted with it.

Xiong Xiong was wiping the countertop with a rag. Hearing this, he said: "Well, since the third wave of people left, almost half of the city has been empty, and there are vacant residential buildings. The other half of the people don't want to because of the cold weather. come out."

Xia Yan thought of the soaring turnover of the main store in the past two days and nodded: "As long as you spend money with us. You will see the situation when the time comes. If there are no people there, we will close the store completely and come back. The island will be almost purified. It is estimated that it will be open for business soon, and I will need your help to look after the store then. ”

"I know." Xiong Xiong smiled cutely, his two furry ears twitching, "Our store is getting better and better, and the boss is really motivated!"

Xia Yan smiled and said nothing.

She slid her fingers in the mall and suddenly stopped. She glanced at the black down jacket lying aside and felt that the color was really depressing.

Click your finger to place an order.

"Xiong Xiong, come and try this down jacket. It's pea green and looks so cute!"

I almost said it was obvious.

Fortunately, the insole has been straightened.

Which bear doesn’t like new clothes~

Xiong Xiong happily put it on and even put on a hat. He was used to lying down with his ears, but suddenly he found that his ears also had small hats!

"Hey, there are little ears on the hat~"

Xia Yan smiled and looked at the little ears that kept shaking on the top of Xiong Xiong's head. They were swinging up and down very cutely.

"Like it?"

"I like it very much!"

After chatting with Xiong Xiong for a while, Xia Yan yawned and prepared to go back to the room to sleep.

Passing by the real-time surveillance displayed on the wall of the hall, she took a look and found that most of the surveillance images were still.

After taking a closer look, I realized that they had found a temporary place to stay for the night and were taking turns to rest.

Only a few images are jittery and slightly brighter than others.

Xia Yan stood still in front of him and raised his head.

Some people are more unlucky and have no hiding place nearby. However, after dark, zombies go on a rampage en masse, making chasing them miserable.

There is also a picture of a survivor who seems to be crawling. He is wearing a lamp on his head, and his big white face almost fills the whole picture. Even the rapid breathing movements can be seen clearly. It is difficult for Xia Yan not to notice it.

In the middle of the night, if anyone walking downstairs saw this scene, they would be scared out of their wits!

Xia Yan hung three black threads on his head, opened the background, and switched the picture to another perspective.

In the same second, the pale face disappeared, and the perspective changed to two meters away from his back.

Through his swaying beam of light, Xia Yan could barely see his surroundings - it turned out to be an abandoned subway station in a certain city!

At this moment, he was lying on a one-meter-thick pipe, panting as if he was exhausted.

With every movement of his breath, dense dust was blown up.

He tilted his head, glanced downward, and then quickly looked back, with a look of horror on his face.

"Mom, where the hell did this zombie come from!"

And through his actions just now, Xia Yan could clearly see that under him, there were countless highly decayed faces crowded like sardines, stretching out their arms to scratch at him above!

If he fell at this time, he might not even have a chance to join the zombie brigade and chase the surviving humans!

"Bang--bang bang!"

He turned back sharply.

Next to the white spots in his pupils, Xia Yan saw zombies piled up like swarms of ants, forcing him to his current position!

"Giao! Can you still let me take a breath! You are young and don't respect martial ethics! I want to report you!"

While he climbed up on his limbs, he looked back to confirm the blue work tag hanging from the zombie's neck.

"You work for the Bureau of Statistics, right? Wait, if I don't report you, you'll be in trouble, and you won't act for the zombies!"

Xia Yan thought to himself, but he didn't expect this to be a joke.

In the last scene, the situation is very different from the previous one——

On one side, people are being chased by zombies, and on the other side, zombies and people are colliding head-on!

I saw those five-level superpower teams taking the initiative to attack. Even if it was night and zombies were rampaging, they were not afraid at all, and even took the initiative to appear on the traffic road.

Level 5 vs Level 2, no need to think, Kuku is a stunner.

Xia Yan watched for a while, yawned, and went back to sleep.


At 7 o'clock in the morning, Xia Yan appeared in the hall on time.

She ordered a breakfast and ate it. She opened the monitoring background and checked the countdown time on the monitoring screen.

When it reaches zero, she will send back the survivors who are still alive.

Because the time they were sent in is different, the time they come out is also different.

At this time, a picture flashed, and a line of words appeared on it:

[No. 03's penalty time is over, do you decide to recall? ]

Xia Yan drank some soy milk and clicked yes.

In the picture, several survivors who were sitting on the ground and looking up at the top of their heads suddenly disappeared, and appeared on the floor of the hall the next second.

They didn't even have time to change their anxious expressions, and they came back.

They jumped up on the spot, staring and turning around.

"Fuck, it's so magical!"

"You came back just like that?!"

Xia Yan didn't care about them. In her perspective, pictures started to flash one after another.

The group of people who had been killing zombies all night accelerated the action of prying the crystal core.

The funny man who climbed to the end put his hands together and prayed almost in tears. One meter away from him, the hideous zombie was about to touch his feet.

Yes, yes, yes, everyone agreed to come back.

Almost at the same time, everyone was called back, and exclamations resounded throughout the hall.

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