"Fortunately, thanks to our quick hands, we took out the last crystal core."

"We did a good job tonight! We gained a lot!"

"Today is a holiday, bathing, barbecue, buffet, beach vacation, all arranged!"

The level 5 team cheered. Although they had dark circles under their eyes, they were throwing up and down in their hands, but they were full of colorful crystal cores!

Big fortune!

Next to them, a 'black man' who looked like he had dug a tunnel was still lying on the ground, with only his eyes bright on his face covered with black soil.

But at this moment, his eyes were filled with despair of life--

Look at others, who struggled for so many crystal cores in one night.

Look at yourself, you are only concerned about escaping. If you kill so many zombies, won't you have no worries for the rest of your life?

"Everyone," Xia Yan waited for them to catch their breath, and handed out a stack of flyers, "I think you have spent an unforgettable night, and now you can better understand how rare it is to have a holiday hotel. "

Everyone fell silent. After taking the list, they saw the words "Holiday Hotel Rules" written at the top.

Xia Yan continued, "My original intention of building this hotel was to provide people with a shelter where they can sleep peacefully, eat and drink.

In my place, no violence can occur. From the first step into the safe zone, everyone must forget the set of rules that the strong are respected and those who do not obey will be killed that they learned in the end times - after all, none of you can be stronger than me. "

She clearly used a very calm tone, but no one in the room dared to question what she said.

If Xia Yan was just a weakling with low-level superpowers, let alone making rules, even saying a word might be regarded as fart.

Rules are made by the strong, this statement is absolutely true.

If you touch the rules, you will be punished or wiped out by the strong, this is also true.

But the latter's starting point is good, in order to establish a good living environment, so that people don't have to keep one eye open when they sleep.

"If everyone has no objection, remember the store rules well after returning. If you break it again, I won't waste resources. "

Xia Yan glanced at everyone, and the meaning of his words did not need to be made clear.

Everyone paused, "Got it! "

After saying that, he folded the store rules neatly and put them in his inner pocket.

It is an insult to your intelligence to think about it for a second more than to get rid of your anger and be dealt with by the boss, or to be a good baby and live comfortably!

The customers who finished breakfast on the second floor took the elevator downstairs, and the voices of calling teammates to prepare to go out came into the hall through the open door.

The voices of instructions, the voices of scolding children, the hum of cars... The breath of a peaceful life lingered.

The base seemed to come alive in an instant, and vitality suddenly burst out.

Lin took Fu Niang's hand and walked all the way to Sang Zhengyi.

"Captain, this is my girl, do you think, can you take her into the team? This child insisted on coming out with me, and she is very stubborn. Please arrange a position similar to mine for her, so that she doesn't take up other people's positions!"

Sang Zhengyi stopped the work in his hands, looked at Fu Niang, and smiled and teased Lin, "This girl is pretty, prettier than my two girls, can you really bear to let her go? ”

There is no mother who doesn’t like to hear people praise her children.

Lin was so happy that her eyes were full of wrinkles, "The girl has grown up and knows how to care for others. She said she was worried about me and insisted on going out with me! I couldn’t persuade her!"

"She is really a good child." Sang Zhengyi asked kindly: "Girl, what is your name? Do you have superpowers?"

Fu Niang’s dimples never disappeared. Seeing this, she said politely: "Uncle, my name is Fu Niang. I have a level 5 superpower in the plant system. Please let me go out with my mother. I promise not to cause trouble!"

Sang Zhengyi waved his hands hurriedly, "I dare not say that. You look weak and fragile. I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. With a level 5 superpower, you can choose any team. I formally invite you to join our team!"

Fu Niang bowed slightly, "Thank you, Uncle Sang."

Sang Zhengyi lifted her arm, "This child is polite. Uncle likes her! Get in the car quickly. We will set off when everyone is gathered! "

Lin took her hand and got on the car first.

The car bed was already full of people, and they all heard their conversation. They were very curious about Lin, the daughter who suddenly came back. They also knew that the other party was a level 5 superpower. They wanted to make friends with her, but when they thought of Lin who kept people at a distance, they watched silently.

Lin was stunned by the countless pairs of eyes.

To everyone's surprise, she suddenly smiled.

"Girl, these are all members of our team! This is Aunt Wang, a kind and warm-hearted person!"

Fu Niang opened her mouth and called people obediently.

The aunt was dumbfounded when she was pointed at, but immediately smiled and said, "Call me Fu Niang, right? It's a blessed name!"

Lin pointed at the person next to her and introduced, "She is about the same age as me, so she has to call me aunt."


"Hey, good child, you are in a hurry to go out, and you don't even have a piece of candy with you," the woman was embarrassed, "I'll give you candy when I come back! "

"Why don't you thank your aunt?!" Lin smiled and patted the girl's arm, turned her head and said: "Your birthday is younger than mine, so I will call you elder sister. Candy is precious. You have children at home, so save it for the children. The girl is grown up and won't fight with the children for candy."

"Look at what you said. No matter how old the child is, he is still a child in front of his mother! Son, come quickly!"

The woman stood up and waved to the boy who was running wildly across the street.

"What's wrong with mom?"

The woman took out a square cloth from his left pocket, wiped the clear snot hanging under his nose, and touched his right pocket, and took out two pieces of White Rabbit milk candy from it.

"Mom, what are you doing with my candy?"

"Give it to my sister, go play, if you are hungry, remember there is rice in the pot, take it and eat it yourself, be careful of the heat."

The little boy looked at Fu Niang and ran back.

The woman remembered something and shouted: "Don't make trouble, and don't fight! If you get caught again--"

"I know~"

"This child."

She smiled and shook her head, lifted the corner of her coat, wiped off the loose dirt on the packaging bag with a clean lining, stuffed it into Fu Niang's hand, and said embarrassedly: "Don't dislike it, child, it's just a little dirt, it's not dirty inside!"

Fu Niang's dimples were shallow, "Auntie, I don't dislike it."

Lin kept smiling, happier than being treated well.

After getting to know everyone, the car drove out of the base.

Lin took Fu Niang to find a corner to sit down.

Feeling the bumps under her body, the breeze rushed across her face, soft and with the fragrance of grass.

Through the gap, Fu Niang saw the green grass that was rapidly retreating, with bright, unknown wild flowers blooming.

She touched the two candies in her pocket and unwrapped them.


Lin turned around, "What—um."

Fu Niang shook the candy wrapper in her hand and stuffed the other one into her mouth before her mother opened her mouth.

The sweet milk fragrance exploded between her lips and teeth, moistening the tip of her tongue.

Fu Niang leaned her head on her mother's shoulder and looked at the blue sky and white clouds.

So sweet.

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