Today is different from usual.

First, one-third of the soldiers were left in the base, and then Chu Wanfu did not follow.

"Boss Xia," a soldier ran into the hall, "General Chu asked me to come to you, saying that the fourth wave of survivors will be transferred in advance, please open the portal."

Xia Yan stood up, "Or should I pay after the transfer?"



After receiving the reply, Xia Yan walked into the safe zone, stepped into the portal, and turned off the blockade.

The soldier waiting outside thanked him and went in.

After a while, survivors wearing heavy cotton clothes with similar colors and styles stepped through the portal one after another.

The white snow on the top of his head melted into water droplets in a few breaths and dripped down his hair.

Xia Yan felt the cold air coming towards him and couldn't help shivering.

The soldiers standing by started to work.

"Line up in order and wait for distribution. Don't make noise! ​​No trouble!"

Xia Yan felt that these words were meant for her.

The survivors, whose upper and lower teeth were frozen and whose backs were hunched, almost struggled to look up and look around. They couldn't even sigh from their frozen throats. How could they possibly make trouble?

But to be honest, she felt relieved after hearing this.

At this time, two staff members wearing logistics armbands came over with a large hot water bottle in each hand.

"Do you all have water cups? Free ginger soup!"

After a few shouts, the survivors took off the large packages on their backs and unzipped them.

Xia Yan saw tiny ice crystals flying in the air with the movements. In the middle of several clothes, there was a glass cup engraved with the words "First Branch of the Resort Hotel".

The staff saw that everyone had a cup, unscrewed the lid and poured water one by one.

The temperature in the safe zone was suitable, and the staff prepared water at a temperature that was just right for drinking. The temperature was not visible at first, but when a pair of red, frozen fingers clung to the wall of the cup to keep warm, it suddenly felt like the water was very hot.

The staff asked in confusion: "Didn't we agree on a time? Why are you so cold?"

The person in charge drank a sip of hot water, and the warm temperature slid down his esophagus into his stomach, as if it drove away the coldness all over his body, and he shivered comfortably.

"Afraid of making mistakes, they didn't even sleep when they heard that the transfer was advanced. If it hadn't snowed all night, they would have rolled up their blankets and waited outside!"

"Well, there are records, so what are we afraid of?"

"After all, it's a rare opportunity."

After drinking the water, the survivors finally felt warm, and they took out thin clothes that were still cold from their packages.

Touching the floor, they found that it was actually hot, so they spread the clothes on the ground to cool down, and changed their cotton clothes later.

The temperature here is high, and wearing a thick cotton jacket will cause heat stroke.

Another staff member came with a red square box for them to draw lots.

"Inside is the house number of the place where you will live in the future. There is no shady dealings involved. The house you draw is the one you get. You are not allowed to exchange or change it, not even in private!"

There was also a person next to him, holding a book with family information registered before, recording the number drawn in the corresponding position, and issuing keys.

Someone asked, "What if there is no room for my family of five?"

The staff member picked up another blue box and said, "Then draw here."

After arranging the accommodation, the person in charge briefly introduced the rules again, and there were three meetings to be held, and added one sentence:

"Private teams are allowed in the base, and they must be registered. The maximum number of people in the team is 25.

Each team must report the identity, superpowers and other information of the members in detail, and the establishment standard is: at least 8 superpowers above level 3, at least 5 low-level superpowers, and at least 3 non-superpowers.

Those who meet the above requirements can register at the superpower team registration office in the service area."

In fact, there are more detailed requirements and conditions, which are announced at the registration office, so the staff will not waste their words.

Since this rule came out, the low-level superpowers and ordinary people who were originally ignored in the base have received invitations-

It is not feasible to register according to the regulations. The behavior of more than three superpowers going out to find supplies will be automatically regarded as a black team, and the supplies they harvest will be directly confiscated.

If it weren't for what Chu Wanfu and Lin said inadvertently, he might not have discovered the difficulties of ordinary people in the base in time.

In order to ensure the rights of ordinary people and low-level superpowers to survive, this regulation was introduced after a rough finalization.

Various loopholes may be found later, but each regulation cannot be completely avoided and will be improved slowly.

In order to avoid unfairness in the harvest and distribution system, it is stipulated that the resource allocation of vulnerable groups in the team shall not be less than 35% of the number of harvests each time.

In any case, the people at the bottom can finally be more relaxed.

After everyone in the safe zone left, Xia Yan drove the mopping car and slowly cleaned up the mud marks - the soles of the shoes fell off.

It was at this time that she saw Chu Wanfu leading a few people to operate something in front of the office area.

I saw a soldier blushing and using all his superpowers. A dot appeared one meter in front of his palm. It was seen that it was getting bigger and bigger, gradually forming the shape of a door, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

The soldier pushed the door open.

Xia Yan was surprised to see that there was a wooden door of a completely mismatched size behind it.

The soldier was very calm and walked forward and knocked.

The wooden door opened from the opposite side, and behind the door stood a group of neatly dressed people.

Chu Wanfu went up to them and saluted first.

The other party saluted back and asked: "Are you ready?"

Chu Wanfu: "Yes."

The other party: "The person is in your hands. Be sure to protect their personal safety!"

Chu Wanfu: "Got it."

After a brief conversation, except for the person who spoke, the rest of them crossed the portal one after another, stood on the strange land, and looked at everything in front of them curiously.

When they saw the magnificent holiday hotel with more than 30 floors in front of them, they showed puzzled surprise on their faces.

The edges of the two doors gradually dissipated inwards.

The two had nothing to say, so they saluted each other and that was it.

When the portal was about to disappear, Xia Yan looked in. Against the wide background, it was facing a clean and tidy street block, followed by tall buildings with new appearances. Pedestrians with briefcases hurried past and entered a building with the words "Civic Center" written on it.

Just from the tip of the iceberg, she could already guess that this was the Shangjing base.

Looking at the few newcomers, their cheeks were flushed, they looked up and looked forward, and they were a little surprised to see the dried fruits and vegetables drying in front of every household, but that surprise was thrown out of their minds when they saw Xia Yan driving a moped.

"That's who-?"

Chu Wanfu looked in the direction he was looking, "Yes, it's Boss Xia."

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