Jiang Li was very satisfied with the meal.

Even Du Cheng and his friends who looked down on vegetarian dishes had a full stomach.

The taste was really excellent. In addition to the milky flavor, it also had a rare sweetness.

After the meal, Jiang Li asked General Chu to send someone to protect them when they went out.

"After the meal, we can't forget our work."

"Okay." Chu Wanfu called the elite team that had stayed in advance, "Protect the safety of Dean Jiang and the researchers, and you must return to the city before sunset."


Chu Wanfu looked at the three people who were resting on the stool.

"You three?"

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Du Cheng waved his hand, "We are not in a hurry, you don't have to worry about it, we will rest in a while and walk around nearby-"

Seeing Chu Wanfu call three more soldiers, he felt a little touched.

Sure enough, he still values ​​them!

"——Since we are not going out, we don't need to arrange for personal protection. Since General Chu has called us, we should obey his orders, haha!"

Jin Feng and Zhang Haisheng also showed a satisfied look.

Who knows if there will be potential risks here? Work can be postponed, but life is only one.

Chu Wanfu looked at them with a smile and said to them: "Protect the scorers. If they show signs of saying something wrong in the hotel, just cover their mouths and take them out!"

Ah ha?

This is not only different from what they thought, but completely opposite!

Is it really good to say it in person about covering your mouth? ?

"General Chu," Jin Feng said coldly, "Even if we are just a small scorer, we are sent down to inspect you. Isn't it too much-"

Du Cheng frowned and continued: "Look down on us?!"

Chu Wanfu was not afraid at all. He put his hands on the dining table, and the two of them gritted their teeth at his big and open posture.

He said leisurely, "You two are wrong. I am here to protect you. Boss Xia has his own set of rules. Anyone who violates the store rules will be dealt with mercilessly. Even I dare not offend him. You two, remember to be careful in what you say and do, otherwise I can't save you."

You two? ?

Jin Feng and Du Cheng looked at each other. What about Zhang Haisheng? Don't treat him as a human being?

Well, they thought so too.

Wait! No, this is not a good thing!


Chu Wanfu suddenly turned cold, "The holiday hotel cannot be offended. This is also what the higher-ups mean. If you don't want to live long, just go."

He got up and left, leaving the three people looking at each other.


Xia Yan thought they would come in as soon as possible.

After all, she was still very confident in the magnificent building behind her.

She even moved out the small round table to welcome them.

The water in the transparent teapot was about to bubble up, and there was a top-grade Maojian tea on the side, and the teacup was a fine product with a gold border.

Everything is ready, why don't people come?

Xia Yan made herself a cup of tea and drank it slowly, with a puzzled look in her eyes.

Is he not interested in her place?

But she is very interested in these people from big places.

The short woman glanced here quickly, and quickly retracted her eyes as if she was scalded by boiling water.

But the round-faced man smiled at her at the end.

"What are you doing?" Jin Feng pushed him. "Put away your tricks. Let's go to the other side."

Du Cheng pretended to look over casually, and saw the green tea in her hand, which was as tender as bamboo shoots after rain. He echoed: "Let's go quickly, don't let her see us. That person is not simple!"

Jin Feng lowered his voice and asked: "What do you mean?"

Du Cheng replied: "Tea, I have seen it at an auction before, 750,000 per pound!"

Jin Feng: "Hiss-she drank it?"

Du Cheng: "Yeah, absolutely right, I thought it was just a gimmick, but I didn't expect that there would be a rich first generation to buy it."

The soldiers guarding the three people looked back after hearing it.

Is that thing so expensive?

I saw Boss Xia take a few sips, as if he was not interested, and poured the remaining tea on the ground.

Du Cheng's eyes widened. Damn, it's a waste of natural resources!

But even so, he didn't dare to go up and accuse anything, and he didn't dare and would not have the idea of ​​making friends.

The main reason is that there are too many strong people in the Shangjing base. To be shameless, even if they are weak, they have been spoiled.

Isn't it just a hotel? It's not a business.

No power, no influence.

In this remote place, you can still be a tyrant. When you reach the center of power, you don't know how you died without a background.

Thinking of this, I feel much more comfortable.

"The streets are clean and there are no foreign objects in the sewers. I can give it five points."

Zhang Haisheng took a pen and ticked it on the book, then wrote five words.

"Why are there only old and weak people left in the base?" Jin Feng frowned.

The soldier looked at her with a strange look, "Everyone went out to collect supplies."

"Oh." Jin Feng saw something else in a blink of an eye, "Child, come here, show your sister what you eat?"

Turning to Zhang Haisheng, he said: "Write this down too, just write that the main snack for children is sweet tree roots!"

Zhang Haisheng's face was round, as if he was very entangled.

"Sister Jin, but this child is eating White Rabbit milk candy!"

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"What? How is it possible? ! Let me see."

The child's cheeks were bulging, and a stream of milky white drool flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Jin Feng felt sick.

"Do you have any candy in your pocket?"

The child nodded and grinned. What was stuck between his upper and lower teeth was not a piece of soft candy full of tooth marks?

Jin Feng ignored the milky aroma filling the tip of her nose, touched her small pocket as if to verify, and took out a piece of hard candy.

A grinning rabbit was painted on the white packaging bag, and the words on it were obvious - White Rabbit Milk Candy!

"Really..." Jin Feng was dumbfounded.

How could there be candy here?

Looking around again, which of the children who stayed in the base didn't have a piece of candy in their hands?

At this moment, a group of children seemed to have finally found a place to show off. They crowded over and raised the candy in their hands high.

"We all have candy! "

"Big White Rabbit~Big White Rabbit~"

The crisp voice shouted out the most heartbreaking words.

Jin Feng took two steps back, holding her chest.

Even the rich Shangjing base could not guarantee that every child could eat candy, but this place where birds pooped a lot could do it?

The soldiers seemed to have finally let out their anger, swept away the haze on their faces, and deliberately scolded:

"Little boy, what do you have in your pocket? Take it out and have a look."

"It's a cheese stick my mother bought for me, not a dangerous item..."

The little girl's big eyes were filled with innocence. She took it out and tore open the package, revealing a soft round cheese on a small stick.

She put it in her mouth and took a bite, leaving neat teeth marks.

Cheese stick!

There's actually a cheese stick!

Jin Feng gasped sharply, and her eyes rolled back as if she was about to faint.

The soldier caught it quickly.

"Hurry up, send her to the hospital!"

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