Little guy, let you look down on our base again.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Last time at the Yinshanling base, I suffered a lot of discrimination from the two!

The young and energetic soldier exchanged glances with his companions, lifted up Jin Feng's arms on both sides, and rushed to the hospital like a flying foot.

Now is the time for the sick meal, we have to shock them again!

"Nurse, come quickly! This is the scorer who just arrived at the base. I don't know what happened. He rolled his eyes and was about to faint!"

The soldier saw the old acquaintance and waved hurriedly, winking where others couldn't see.

"Oh~ Come on, put her on the gurney. She is probably not used to the local climate, it's not a big problem, push her to the ward and let her rest for a while."

Jin Feng lay down obediently with her eyes closed.

She really needed to calm down. The scene just now was too explosive. Her little heart couldn't bear it at all...

"Don't go to that ward!" The nurse raised her voice and pushed open the door opposite, "Come here, over there, there are many people over there!"

Jin Feng felt her body turn, and her eyelids were instantly pierced by the light.

She couldn't help but raise her hand to block it.

The nurse saw her like this, and snorted in her heart, pretending to be 13, leaving only Du Cheng and Zhang Haisheng, and drove the rest of the people out of the door.

"The ward needs to keep the air flowing, and not too many people can go in!"

The little soldier tugged at her sleeve and whispered, "Why don't you go to that ward? It's big and good."

The nurse came closer, "Lunch has been distributed over there!"

The little soldier suddenly realized and gave a thumbs up.


Really high!

This tacit understanding is awesome!

The nurse gave him an arrogant look and turned around to do other things.

The soldiers didn't dare to leave, and stood guard at the door of the ward with their chests held high and their heads raised, looking forward.

There were five beds in the ward, including Jinfeng.

Du Cheng stood there and looked around, trying to find a stool, and finally sat down at the end of the bed.

Jinfeng kicked without even opening her eyes.

"Get up, you're pressing my feet."

Du Cheng lowered his head, "Bullshit, I just sat on the side!"

Jinfeng kicked again, "You're blocking my light."

Du Cheng glanced at her and immediately realized that this ancestor had nowhere to vent his anger and was deliberately looking for trouble.

Du Cheng pinched her ankle and exerted a little force, "If you dare to kick me again, I'll break it for you."

Jinfeng felt pain, sat up suddenly from the bed, and slapped him hard on the arm.

"Let go! It hurts so much!"

After her feet were released, she kicked over again and again, "Get off, don't sit on my bed!"

Du Cheng glanced at the patients watching the show with a bad face, stood up, and leaned against the wall like Zhang Haisheng.

He muttered and cursed: "Crazy woman, if you didn't have strong connections, you would have been killed eight hundred times, and you will suffer a great loss one day."

Jin Feng looked at him sideways, "What did you say?"

The door was pushed open, and the head nurse's stern voice rang out in the corridor.

"No noise in the ward!"

"If you make noise again, you will be discharged from the hospital to make noise!"

The head nurse dared to scold even the doctors.

Even the most disobedient patients would behave well when they saw her.

The little nurse pushed the dining cart in, "Lunch is ready."

Then she said in a low voice: "Keep your voice down, the head nurse just came back from the operating room, and she is upset, don't get into trouble."

Oh, it turns out that she is still a circulating head nurse.

No wonder.

Jin Feng fell back on the bed and stopped talking, watching the little nurse take out the lunch box from the dining cart.

It was actually a stainless steel insulated lunch box.

It's quite generous.

Du Cheng, who always ate the best, was silent at this time. Only Zhang Haisheng took out a book from his pocket and wrote the hospital food rating on a new line.

"I was waiting, and you are here." The patient next to him sat up with a smile.

"Well, it's a little late, but it's still hot, eat quickly."

"What's the meal today?"

The young nurse grabbed the handrail of the cart and prepared to go out, "braised pork, stewed beef brisket and three fresh stir-fried dishes!"

"What?!!" Du Cheng stood up suddenly.

The lunch box with the lid opened wafted out a very overbearing fragrance, which went straight into everyone's nose, stirred in the stomach and intestines, and made a gurgling sound!

The patient next to him took out chopsticks, stirred the crystal clear rice and rich soup together, and picked up a piece of golden pork belly. The tender skin was slightly concave under the chopsticks, and the whole body was covered with honey-like soup.

Put it in your mouth, almost lightly bite it, the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, full of fragrance.

Du Cheng even smelled an alluring salty aroma and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

What did that damn Chu Wanfu give them to eat?

A vegetarian feast? !

Damn it, damn it!

This is the biggest insult to a gourmet!

"Nurse, is there any more? Give me one." Jin Feng forced herself to look away.

She had just eaten a belly full of vegetables, and now she had digested them long ago. Besides, she was a patient now, so it was okay to have a patient meal, right?

The little nurse smiled at her apologetically, "Sorry, the food here is fixed, there is no extra."

The patient next to her picked up a piece of beef brisket wrapped in pink tomatoes. Hmm, so chewy and appetizing.

People's eyes will actively focus on moving objects, not that she has to watch them endlessly.

Hiss, rice soaked in beef brisket soup is the best, fragrant, sour and sweet...

Did they eat tomatoes at noon?

Jinfeng worked hard to turn his brain that was almost out of service.

Du Cheng sniffed the fragrant smell in the air and cursed Chu Wanfu in his heart.

"Then prepare one for us in the evening." Du Cheng said, "We will pick up the lunch box then."

Jinfeng reacted, "Yes! We'll come here when we're done. Isn't this an insulated lunch box? It won't be cold."

She eats it even when it's cold.

It had been a long time since she had eaten such a decent meal. She couldn't bear it, she absolutely couldn't bear it!

"No," the nurse disagreed. "Only hospitalized patients can order meals for free, but you guys can't."

Jin Feng and Du Cheng shouted in unison: "What? What did you say? Provided for free?!"

Zhang Haisheng on the side silently marked double full marks behind the line.

He thought, how about applying to be transferred to this base after returning?

There were heavy footsteps in the corridor, and the head nurse's extremely majestic face appeared behind the nurse.

"What's going on with you three new arrivals? I see that your illness has completely recovered and you have been discharged! The soldiers standing guard at the door have taken your people away, which has seriously affected the patient's rest."

The soldiers felt extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, we are so awesome!

Looking at the two people who were shocked as if they had seen a ghost, several people tried their best to recall the most painful scene in their lives in their minds, just hoping not to raise the corners of their mouths and make a sound.

"You three, please come out."

No one wants to offend a medical practitioner, who might one day save their life.

Jinfeng and the others walked out with their feet soft and frivolous.

Du Cheng suddenly turned around, "Head nurse, what should we do if we also want to eat such a meal?"

"Easy, either get sick and be hospitalized, or go to the hotel to eat at the buffet."

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