"Hey wait——"


When the soldiers heard the words "resort hotel", their scalps exploded.

"What? Buffet? There's a buffet here?" Jin Feng's voice screamed like boiling water.

The soldiers stood sideways in front of the head nurse, shaking their hands behind their backs.

"No, no, you heard it wrong, we don't have this thing here!"

Don't make a fuss, they can do whatever they want in the base, but they dare not use it in front of Boss Xia!

Du Cheng's eyes glowed green, and he pushed him away and said to the head nurse behind him: "Didn't you say there was a buffet restaurant just now? Is there braised pork in it?"

The head nurse ignored the soldiers' winking expressions and nodded.

"What's the point of braised pork? There are also fried steaks, roasted lamb legs, roasted beef fillets, etc., hurry out, don't stand in front of the ward door."

The head nurse waved her hand to drive people away without any explanation.

"Jinfeng, you said that since we are here, we should check all the merchants in the base?"

At the entrance of the hospital, Du Cheng looked at the top of the hotel, rubbing his chin constantly while looking at the big words.

Jinfeng crossed her arms, "You really eat wherever you go, aren't you afraid of death?"

Du Cheng was happy, "Look at what you said, we are just going to take a look, who doesn't make money by being friendly? Moreover, if the price is right, we can support her business."

As he said that, he did not move, his eyes casually looked around, swept over the child who was taking out the warm lunch box from the simple stove, and opened the lid to reveal a home-cooked potato shreds.

He also passed by the wrinkled dried fruits and vegetables drying in front of every household.

"Look, everyone here is busy living their own lives, there is no big consumption, and besides, we are on business trips after all, we have public food and drink, and we don't have to spend our own crystal cores!"

Du Cheng approached her and whispered, his eyebrows dancing.

Jin Feng thought about it and felt that what he said made sense.

Although Shangjing Base has the most abundant resources and is responsible for allocating supplies to all sub-bases under its name.

It stands to reason that they should be able to enjoy a life of worry-free food and clothing living under the main base, but the leaders of the authorities strictly ordered that all bases have equal resources, and even divided a part of the share of their own base to the poorest base.

Even the staff working in the headquarters can only enjoy the same treatment as the staff of the sub-base.

The leaders set an example and everyone is treated equally.

So, they are bright and beautiful on the outside, but hungry on the inside.

There are also restaurants in Shangjing Base. The price, emmm, is quite high, and few people eat there, but they have been operating. The reason is that everyone knows-sometimes the leaders negotiate transactions with the outside world. Small business does not need it, but big business has to invite people to dinner to show their strength?

Jin Feng looked at the restaurant where General Chu just took them to dinner with dissatisfaction, and felt unhappy.

Well, there is still some gratitude and prudence - General Chu has provided food to Shangjing a lot during this period, accounting for almost 60% of the total!

Even the monthly share of supplies, except for medical supplies, General Chu declined the rest.

From this perspective, General Chu has secretly achieved wealth!

For a time, almost all the scorers were scrambling to get assigned here.

The application documents submitted by everyone can bury people directly.

Jin Feng wanted to laugh when she thought of this. What can that group of people compare with her? The one who has the final decision is her eldest brother, haha.

"What are you happy about? Are you going or not? If not, I will go by myself." Du Cheng touched the three crystal cores in his pocket, doubting whether it was enough for a meal. Maybe he could borrow some from General Chu, who would not refuse.

The two people who made up their minds looked at each other.

Jin Feng: "Then let's go. Everything is not for work."

Du Cheng looked at the soldiers, "Please lead the way."

Soldiers: ? ? ?

Are you blind?

Such a big hotel is right in front of you. You can find it even if you close your eyes. Why do you need a guide?

I can only give 99 points to this 13 for pretending.

Isn't it just to pretend that they led them there without knowing it, so that you can blame them when something goes wrong?

Those who are so cunning are all holes, right? !

The soldiers didn't waste words. One on the left and one on the right, they stuck the two in the middle, and the last one followed Zhang Haisheng.

Then, he straightened his body, looked straight ahead, with an indifferent face, and didn't say anything at all.

Do whatever you want to do, the main one doesn't understand.

Du Cheng urged twice again, and his eyes rolled, "Two colleagues, start working, be sure to remember it in detail and make a documentary report."

Jin Feng understood what he meant. The two walked in front, touching this and looking at that seriously, and even wanted to lift the manhole cover to see if there were any pipes underneath and whether it was a decoration.

Zhang Haisheng followed behind them, and the pen in his hand kept recording their casual words.

Of course, he would polish it a little bit, try to be as pertinent and close to reality as possible, and then make it impossible for people to find fault with it.

Fortunately, they also know that this is a favorite place in the eyes of the leaders in Beijing, and their work behavior is much more restrained.

Even if some minor problems are reported, it is at most a punishment for reflection within the organization, and there is no need to work hard.

The soldiers behind him couldn't help but sigh, it's just this kind of person who is the best at changing his mind with the wind and changing his mind with the wind.

It's like a stinky borer. It takes time and effort to pull it out, and it can spoil the taste of the whole pot of soup.

But there is one thing that makes people admire him——

"You are Boss Xia, right? I have heard of you for a long time!"

Du Cheng raised his most friendly smile, walked over quickly and stretched out his hand to shake.

Xia Yan glanced at him, "Who are you?"

Du Cheng took his hand back very naturally, "We are auditors sent from the Shangjing base. We happened to pass by here while inspecting the base, so we came to say hello."

Xia Yan smiled: "Oh~ Welcome."

She turned her head and looked at the woman who thought she would not be discovered by her secret observation.

Jin Feng felt that her thoughts were seen through instantly. She laughed hurriedly and found a sentence casually: "Yeah, Boss Xia is really young."

Xia Yan joked: "Young?"

Jin Feng was shocked and quickly changed her words: "Young and promising! Young and promising haha."

Xia Yan lowered his eyelashes and hid his smile.

It's really interesting.

Du Cheng secretly cursed Jin Feng for failing at the critical moment. Where did her usual fearless spirit go!

He made a face to Zhang Haisheng, signaling him to say something to save the situation.

How come he was at a disadvantage right after meeting?

This base is not poisonous. First, General Chu’s vegetarian banquet ruined their mentality.

Then, they were stimulated by a group of children and patients, and their hearts almost stopped beating.

Finally, he came to this self-employed person, and after saying a few words, his palms were full of sweat. Bit Meow was nervous when he saw the leader.

Zhang Haisheng has an honest face, so hurry up.

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