There’s not much to say about the restaurant on the second floor.

What shocked the three of them was the specialty restaurant upstairs.

Boss Xia said there are hot pot restaurants and barbecue restaurants, and there really are!

Xia Yan grabbed a handful of hollow round mint candies and colorful spherical candies from the tray at the door and handed them to them.

"Take and eat, it's free."

The three of them were flattered and stretched out their hands to catch it, "This is really, thank you very much, boss."

Of course Xia Yan would not tell them that even the youngest children in the base were too lazy to come up and get these candies.

In the past, when resources were extremely scarce, a little sweetness was a good thing.

But they live near the hotel now. There are all kinds of candies in the supermarket on Lidai Island, and the prices are not expensive. Killing a first-level zombie can buy more than ten bags of particularly delicious candies.

Over time, no one can appreciate the candies placed here.

The first release of this book𝟔𝟗 Book Bar provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

It’s just right for them to eat, but it’s still sugar and not sugar.

It’s given for free, so I need a bicycle.

Xia Yan asked: "Let's go take a look in the cafeteria now? As for the upstairs, except for the leisure area on the top floor, you can't enter the rest of the floors, and there's nothing interesting to see."

Du Cheng took a few deep breaths of the aroma of hot pot. He hadn't eaten spicy food for a long time, and just smelling it made his intestines twist.

Jinfeng wanted to stay and eat barbecue, but then she thought about it. If she really wanted to eat here, there should be barbecue in the buffet. If there were enough varieties, it would be much better than just eating one barbecue!

Even before they went downstairs to take a look, they subconsciously concluded that the buffet had everything.

After all, Boss Xia is not an ordinary person!

"Then go downstairs."

Xia Yan suddenly glanced at Zhang Haisheng, who had been busy writing and drawing in his notebook, and looked down as he passed by.

He actually depicted all the hotel's facilities with simple lines.

Although I was in a hurry and it was a bit messy, I could still see the luxury expressed in the painting.

"It's not that troublesome. I can arrange for someone to take some photos for you."

Zhang Haisheng was immersed in his own world, but Jin Feng elbowed him, causing him to wake up from the pain.

"What are you doing? Boss Xia told you to stop painting. I will take a picture and send it to you then!"

"Then, that would be too troublesome for you!"

"No trouble, please help me promote it more when you go back. If there is a chance, I will go to Shangjing." Xia Yan said.

"We must publicize it!" Zhang Haisheng said.

"Boss Xia, you must come to Shangjing. It is much more prosperous and has a large population. All sub-bases will send people there every month! It will definitely be beneficial to your business!" Jin Feng said.

The soldiers' pupils were shaking.

After all, Boss Xia dares to dig him out?

Under your nose?

If General Chu knows this, he can't skin them?

Xia Yan said warmly: "Okay."

It's okay, boss, you're okay with everything. Let's see if they tell General Chu when they go back.

"Ding dong."

The elevator door opened and the group headed straight to the west hall.

Across a glass path, the cafeteria is next to the stairs.

A robot slid over: "Welcome to our restaurant, would you like to have a meal?"

Xia Yan placed his palm on the card swiping position and scanned it with a blue light.

Robot: "Recognition successful, welcome boss in."

With that said, it put down the electric baton in its hand and made way for the only passage.

"Please come in." Xia Yan turned sideways.

"It's so advanced," Zhang Haisheng sighed, "It's actually an intelligent robot!"

Xia Yan smiled: "Don't underestimate them. Their attack power is very strong. Moreover, after entering the hotel, everyone is prohibited from using supernatural powers. Have you noticed?"

After hearing what she said, the three of them panicked and tried to summon powers as usual.

But suddenly he found that his body was empty and he had completely transformed into an ordinary person.

Jin Feng pursed his lips, "What's going on? I can't feel any superpowers at all."

Du Cheng touched his stomach, "Me too, I feel empty."

He looked at the various delicacies on the dining table that were so full that they popped out. He felt even hungrier and couldn't help but lick his lips.

"It will automatically recover after you go out." Xia Yan explained, "In order to prevent someone from causing trouble in the store, no one who comes in can use their powers. If they violate the rules, I will let them live in another way."

She lowered her voice on the last words.

It was a brightly lit restaurant, but they were actually stepping on the hard floor.

But an indescribable coldness crawled up his back, and the hairs stood on end, rubbing against the pilled vest, making it itchy and uncomfortable.

What she said was true.

The three of them believed it.

Xia Yan calmly led them around the self-service area, walked to the stairs, and pointed upstairs: "Upstairs is a bathing center that provides accommodation. You are welcome to come here to rest at night."

Finally, she nodded and said, "The tour ends here. If there is anything else you want to see, you can enjoy it as long as it does not violate the store rules."

After that, she turned back to the cafeteria, made herself an extra portion of fruit, bypassed everyone, and went upstairs to take a bath and rest.

A new curtain has been added to the bathing area. After finishing the sauna, you can wrap yourself in pajamas, lie on a comfortable mat, drink a small tea, eat a snack, and watch a relaxing movie to enjoy yourself.

She could stay here all day if no one was around.

The three people downstairs looked at each other.

"Is the boss leaving now?"

"She doesn't need to watch the store? So much food, so much supplies, just placed right under people's noses??"

Just use a robot to watch, even if they don't have superpowers, they can easily pass a robot without intelligence! !

Du Cheng was ready to move.

The soldier's temple throbbed, and his body stretched out his hand faster than his brain to block in front.

"Don't violate the store rules, unless you want to die."

Really dare, if they hadn't stopped him, wouldn't he have stepped in directly?

Du Cheng squinted, "Just relying on the electric baton in the robot's hand? Do you believe that I ran in first when it hit me?"

The soldiers suddenly didn't know where to start refuting.

When you meet an extremely stupid person, it seems that only a wry smile can express your feelings?

Take out a neatly folded leaflet from your pocket, unfold it, and hold it to his face, "Read it carefully several times."

Du Cheng took it: "What is this, store rules? Really?"

Jin Feng leaned over to read it with him.

"Store rule one... zombie pile..."

"So fierce? Does she have a portal here?"

The soldiers nodded, "There are two that can be seen. One is in the safe zone, the first branch of Tongyin Mountain Base, and the other is in the lobby, the fog door that you just thought was a mural, which leads directly to Lidai Island."

The two were surprised: "Is there anything else that can't be seen?"

"Yes, the number is unknown, but every location is in a zombie pile. If you have time, you can go to the leisure area upstairs to watch the audio and video. Every afternoon at 6 o'clock, it will be played on time and in a loop how the superpowers who have violated the store rules died."

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