"Ah haha!" Du Cheng suddenly raised his head and laughed, "It was just a joke, how could we violate the store rules, you think so.

Jinfeng also laughed, "Yes, why are you so serious? Smile, maybe we will treat you to a good meal and improve the food."

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Du Cheng stepped forward to slap the soldier on the shoulder, but was dodged.

His expression did not change, "We are already at the door. What are you waiting for? Let's go have a meal. Understanding the local food is also part of our job."

He took a step forward.

When the robot recognizes that someone is approaching, a blue bar lights up at the eye position.

"Welcome, would you like to have a meal?"

Du Cheng laughed strangely, "It's quite decent. Ahem, yes, dinner."

Robot: "The dining rules and fees are as follows, please read them carefully."

The screen on its belly lights up, scrolls upward at a moderate sliding speed, and also has voice commentary.

"What is a points card?" Jinfeng asked.

One soldier rolled up his sleeves to reveal a small card on his wrist.

"That's it. After you apply for a points card, you can not only dine at any dining area in the store, but also order takeout at any time, go shopping at the supermarket in Ridai Island, etc. It has many uses. If you want to eat here, you have to apply Card."

They heard only the last four words of a long sentence.

Apply for a card to eat.

Du Cheng tastes delicious but also cherishes his life.

He asked: "Is it just you who has the card, or does everyone in the base have it?"


He asked again: "Are there no sequelae?"

"Compared to not being able to eat and starving to death, nothing."

He took a step back and said, "Zhang Haisheng, I will give you a crystal core. You go and apply for a card first."

Zhang Haisheng:?

I thank you, the second aunt of your sixth uncle.

He was about to refuse when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Turning back, the soldier responsible for following him curled his lips and said, "Agree."

I have lived for so long and have never encountered such a good thing.

Zhang Haisheng:?

Are you serious?

Zhang Haisheng: "Well, then, give me the crystal core."

Is this done?

The soldier blinked, nothing was wrong.

Du Cheng looked at the two people who were flirting openly and openly under his nose. He felt that he had been cheated, but he wanted to believe in his own prudence.

The soldier standing behind him also patted him on the shoulder, "Believe in yourselfβ€”β€”"

"Okay," Du Cheng quickly took out his pocket, "Hurry up and apply for the card."

Robot: "The card application was successful. Do you want to pay for the meal?"

Zhang Haisheng: "Yes, pay."

The robot took a step away and got out of the way.

Just as he was hesitating whether to wait a while, someone pushed him in.

Looking back, he saw that the soldiers following him had also swiped their cards in.

"Hey, get paid to eat!"

Du Bencheng wanted to sneak in, but saw the robot's eyes turn red instantly, and at the same time, the electric baton in his hand fired out a thick electric current, making a horrifying noise in the air.

He almost got electrocuted and jumped back three feet away.

"It still really has electricity!"

"You thought it was a joke."

While the soldier was talking, he discovered that Du Cheng was trying to pass through again regardless of life and death.

"You are really looking for death." The soldier gritted his teeth.

The robot's eyes turned red again, and the extinguished electric baton also flashed with electricity.


"Warning! Retreat immediately!"

The soldier frowned fiercely and quickly reached out to grab it.

The crackling sound increased, hitting the eardrum hard, and the body couldn't help shaking.

Jin Feng hunched his shoulders and took a few steps back in fear, "Ducheng, are you crazy? Stop it quickly."

Du Cheng didn't look back and continued walking forward without hesitation, so close that he was only a dozen centimeters away from the robot's electric baton.

The soldier's scalp was fried. Before he was about to fall to the electric current, he grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back violently. He dragged the man in front of him and yelled extremely fiercely:

"Looking for death? Can't you see that it's a high-voltage current? If I had been a step later, you would have turned into a stick of black coal by now!"

Du Cheng looked at him steadily, his eyes full of fear, his legs were as soft as noodles, and he slid straight to the ground, and he stuttered when he opened his mouth.

"No, no, I didn't go there. I don't know what, so I took the initiative to bump into it."


The soldier looked at the ground paved with natural marble. The stones were still in place, and even the patterns on each brick were in order.

The soldier felt like he had been fooled, so he pulled him closer again and threatened: "You know exactly what is going on. Next time you seek death, it's up to you. I won't take action."

This madman.

This is a natural stone, can it move on its own?

The soldier looked up at the surveillance camera facing him.



In the bathing center upstairs, Xia Yan, who was reclining, slowly raised the corners of his mouth and gently raised his tea cup to pay tribute.

On the screen that originally played a relaxing movie, the surveillance footage from downstairs facing the cafeteria was now played very clearly.

Du Cheng, who had been punished by her, was now as quiet as a quail, obediently taking out his crystal core to apply for a card.

This is right. She can't be a good side when she's here, and then switch to a side that ignores everything after she leaves.

Still want to forcefully break into the card, thinking her surveillance is just a decoration?

Xia Yan guessed that the Shangjing base could not guarantee power at any time, and they did not react for a while.

Du Cheng in the surveillance video was only gloomy for a moment. When he saw the bowls of delicious food with fresh steam on the table within reach, Xia Yan could hear a huge swallowing sound through the surveillance camera.

Du Cheng: "Big fish and big meat, here I come!"

He took out a stack of plates, ran to the table quickly, put the plates under his arm, held the tongs in his right hand, and his eyes swirled wildly in his eye sockets like a cursory glance.

"Which one do you want? Which one do you want? I want to eat them all."

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He wanted to eat the fat-lean, fragrant and non-greasy braised pork in the hospital, but the clamp he had just stretched out turned halfway and picked up the tender roasted lamb chops - the aroma of cumin had penetrated his nose unconsciously, and he had kicked the braised pork out long ago.

As soon as he picked up a piece of lamb chop, his eyes glanced at the beef brisket stewed with tomatoes next to it.

Lying quietly in the rich soup were lean beef brisket, red tomatoes, and some white radishes that were cooked and bursting with juice when bitten.

Du Cheng couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Beef brisket soup with white rice is absolutely delicious. "

God knows how long it has been since he last had white, springy and chewy rice?

But just as he scooped up a spoonful and hadn't had time to put it on the plate, he suddenly thought, did he spend money to come here to eat rice?

What a sin!

What rice to eat, Kuku dry meat!

"What is he struggling with?" Zhang Haisheng took a lamb bone in each hand, dipped it in the sauce and took a big bite, asking incoherently.

This mutton is really fresh and sweet, without any fishy smell, even the fat tastes like grass, not greasy at all, and it looks like a sheep running freely on the prairie.

Jinfeng picked up the steak with chopsticks and ate while looking for the next delicacy.

"Who cares, eat yours."

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