Their appetites would astonish even three strong soldiers.

Seeing Du Cheng holding himself up with a look of pain on his face, he still had to drag his feet to get a piece of golden and sweet durian.

Still couldn't help but advise: "Don't force yourself to eat when you're full, or you may injure your stomach."

There is no stomach medicine in the hospital, so don't waste their resources.

"I can't survive. I'm so full from eating." Jinfeng spread her arms and her stomach bulged. She could only breathe through her mouth. She felt pain and happiness at the same time. She couldn't help complaining, "Why don't you see General Chu?" Report this to the police? We can't even eat three meals a day, but you can actually eat enough."

Jealous, she was jealous to death.

Jinfeng didn't hide the look in his eyes - you are actually eating alone.

This book is first published on ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

She clearly knew that the three little soldiers opposite had no right to know.

And she also knew that reporting this kind of information had to go through layers of review and approval. The top leaders would only make a decision after several meetings and careful consideration. What's more, General Chu had already made a deal with the other party.

It is enough for him to take the initiative to purchase the urgently needed supplies for the base.

Shangjing has its own multiple paths to survival and will not bet all the future of mankind on a certain group or individual.

But - Jinfeng looked at the bone stick in front of her and wanted to cry - she still wanted to eat big fish and meat.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

How will she face the rice cereal and stew at home when she returns?

Du Cheng stuffed durian meat into his mouth in small sips, and suddenly met Jin Feng's angry eyes that were about to cry.

"? What's your problem? I haven't eaten your food. I look like I'm trying to kill myself?"

Jinfeng patted the backrest and rubbed the soft cloth with his fingertips, "Eat as much as you can. It's just for these few days anyway. You'll have to dream about it when you get back."

Du Cheng burped, and a strong smell of durian came out.

This made Zhang Haisheng, who doesn't like durian, almost couldn't help but pick up the plastic bag.

"That's a problem." Du Cheng pinched the last piece of durian and put it in his mouth.

He couldn't eat anymore and felt uncomfortable even moving his teeth.

However, the sign prohibiting waste in the restaurant was too conspicuous, and the robots that served and replenished the food would also pass by the tables from time to time to check whether they had too much food left.

Du Cheng glanced at the electric batons in their hands and chewed them slowly resigned to his fate.

This was the first time that eating was painful for him.

My stomach was about to explode, and I started to sweat on my back.

"What time does the hotel close?" he asked the soldier.

"12 o'clock in the evening." the soldier replied.

"Oh, it's quite late."

Jinfeng's eyes lit up. Du Cheng had teleportation powers. He asked what time the door would close. Didn't that mean...

She leaned forward and said in a good tone, "Do you still want to eat durian? I'll get it for you, take a walk to digest it, and then eat a plate of beef."

Du Cheng heard the most terrifying words in the world, "No, please, I will be useless if I eat any more."

"Oh," Jinfeng sat down again, "Actually, I can't eat anymore."

The soldier said: "Now that you have eaten, let's go. The meal time is almost over."

"What will happen if you don't leave when the time comes?" Du Cheng asked lazily.

He wasn't deliberately looking for trouble, he simply ate too much and his stomach was stretched to the limit, making it difficult for him to get up.

Even if you force yourself, you won't be able to escape the word "support the wall."

"This..." The soldiers looked at each other. They really didn't know, so they asked the passing robot.

"Teleport outside the door."

The soldier turned his head and said, "Listen -"

Jin Feng and Du Cheng smiled happily, "That's great. Finally, we don't have to go out by ourselves."

Soldier:? ? ?

Even Zhang Haisheng, who had always been the opposite of the two of them, was speechless.

Boss Xia is quite a nice person.

This time it was the soldier's turn to struggle.

If something happens if the three people are left alone, the general will be able to skin them.

Just stay here, and worry about being recorded for violating store rules. It wouldn't be nice if you were blacklisted.

After much deliberation, they had no choice but to run back to the hospital and plan to borrow a stretcher to carry the person back to the dormitory.

What kind of thing is this happening every day?

But when they just borrowed some people and ran back with the stretcher, they saw three people suddenly appearing in front of the protective shield in the safe area and being sent to the ground outside.

"Giao, you're late."

Fortunately, the distance was not high, and apart from the stomachache, they did not suffer any injuries.

"Quick, put on the stretcher."

As the soldiers walked toward the dormitory, children who had come out to play after lunch gathered around them curiously.

"What happened to them? They were lying down too."

"There is a scent on my body, it seems to be the smell of meat."

"Did you eat too much?"

"Ah, shame, shame, shame."

A group of children gathered around the stretcher, shaving their faces with their fingers and singing their own adaptation of children's songs.

The three people lying down were so embarrassed that their faces turned red and their eyes were tightly closed.

"Go and play aside. Don't cause trouble here." Fortunately, the soldier opened his mouth and drove them away.

When I returned to the dormitory, I lay on the simple bed. The hard bed board made my back hurt.

But they looked at the board above their heads and kept recalling the scene of eating and drinking just now.

The meat is a big piece when you bite it, it's soft and flavourful.

From now on I have the material to dream about.

After a while, they heard the sound of a car passing by outside the window.

General Chu's deep voice peeked in through the open window, "Teacher Jiang, you've worked hard this afternoon. I'll treat you tonight..."

What treat?

Why do you only finish your words?

I hate people who only finish their words.

Du Cheng rolled his eyes and got out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Haisheng, who was lying next to him, was almost asleep. He opened his sleepy eyes when he heard the noise.

Du Cheng held the edge of the bed, "I feel uncomfortable. Take a walk. You go to sleep. I'll go outside and won't disturb you."

Zhang Haisheng closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Du Cheng picked up the book he had placed on the table and put it in his pocket. He held on to the wall and walked out little by little.

Not far downstairs, Chu Wanfu and Jiang Li were moving things out of the car.

There were small bags, wrapped tightly, and it was impossible to tell what was inside.

Du Cheng took a deep breath and tried to make his steps light.

"What are you busy with? I'll help you."

"No need, we've finished moving." Jiang Li patted the dirt in her palms, "Where are the two of them?"

"They're asleep." Du Cheng said.

Jiang Li just asked casually, not caring about the two people at all. She looked at Chu Wanfu, "Is the place you mentioned on the road really full of water and electricity, and no one will disturb you?"

"Well, I'll take the teacher to see it later, and you will decide in the end." Chu Wanfu stretched out his hand, "Teacher, let's have a cup of tea now?"

After getting Jiang Li's consent, he looked at Du Cheng, "If you have finished your work today, let's go together?"

Du Cheng understood immediately, "No, no, I still have a few places to go, you go."

Where does he have room for tea?

It's just a bowl of water, nothing good to drink.

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