After separating from Chu Wanfu and the others, Jinfeng and the others rode an electric bicycle. When the accelerator was turned, their whole bodies were thrust into the evening wind like an arrow from a bow.

To their right was an extremely spacious square that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. There was a very conspicuous high-definition screen in the center, on which photos of unfamiliar faces kept scrolling.

"Missing notice." Zhang Haisheng muttered silently, and the evening wind suddenly became hot, burning his throat dry, and his heart suddenly became heavy.

He squeezed the car brake tightly, put one leg on the ground, took out his notebook from his pocket, turned to a new page, and wrote: Resort Hotel - What he saw and heard on Lidai Island...

the other side.

After sending everyone away, Chu Wanfu and Jiang Li disappeared. The next moment, they appeared at the door of the private villa.

There is also a delicate beach in front of you, and the name of the island owner-Chu Wanfu is written on the wooden sign on the side.


Suddenly moving to a new place, Jiang Li was obviously a little dazed. She looked at the huge island opposite. Under the sunset, it was coated with a layer of light orange, and there were several small light spots flickering in it, which was very dazzling.

She took off her glasses, took out the thin cloth from her pocket, wiped them clean bit by bit, and put them back on the bridge of her nose.

This time she saw clearly, it turned out to be the light reflected from the exposed teeth of people when they smiled.

"Teacher Jiang, come to the villa to take a look?" Chu Wanfu asked softly.

She looked away and said, "Let's go."

Jiang Li turned a blind eye to the luxurious villa decoration in front of her, but became interested in the various collected equipment placed inside.

He also carefully put a dust cover on it.

"I didn't expect that General Chu would collect these medical machines," she said. "Unfortunately, the current conditions are not enough to use them."

Chu Wanfu brewed the tea and walked out. He looked at the CT machine beside her and said with a smile: "The conditions are lacking, but if it can be put to use one day, it will not be in vain."

Even if these things are placed in the hospital, no one will damage them intentionally.

But after all, it is an extremely expensive precision instrument that needs to be maintained every once in a while. If it is left aside for too long, the machine will be scrapped directly. Just like the machines in the local hospital, he does not need to send people to dismantle them. These machines in front of him are the end of the world. At the beginning, the soldiers were arranged to be stored in the space.

Chu Wanfu handed over the tea.

Jiang Li thanked them and sighed slightly: "Your idea is good, but if you don't solve the electricity problem, they will just be a pile of useless and heavy scrap machines."

Chu Wanfu was stunned for a moment and looked down at the still steaming tea.

"Teacher Jiang, I'm just here to chat, and I haven't introduced the villa to you yet. Come here -"

He motioned Jiang Li to follow him to the kitchen.

Jiang Li wanted to refuse. She didn't understand why Chu Wanfu would waste his time in useless places. Instead of looking at an empty kitchen, it would be better to go to the supermarket he mentioned.

But then I thought about it, based on my understanding of him, he rarely did useless work.

Jiang Li put her thoughts away and walked into the kitchen. At first glance - "It's not bad. It's very spacious. There are all pots and pans available."

Chu Wanfu: "Boss Xia provided these. Teacher, let me add some water for you."

"I'll do it myself. Speaking of which, who is Boss Xia?" Jiang Li declined his extended hand, put the tea cup under the water outlet, and tapped her fingers on the buttons.


The hot water flows down and falls on the stretched tea leaves, rolling up and down.

"——I just wanted to ask you in the hot pot restaurant, she looks so young, how come she has so many supplies?"

Jiang Li picked up the tea cup, and the mist-like water vapor floated in a slightly curved arc in the air with her movements. When she lowered her eyes, she could feel the heat on her eyelids.

She blew the tea leaves away, took a sip and burned her mouth.

The newly boiled water is still hot.

Wait, freshly boiled?

Jiang Li suddenly realized something and suddenly raised her eyelids to look at the button she had clicked just now——

The three words "water key" and the three wavy graphics implying high temperature are lighting up in red.

Look at the other buttons next to them, they are all on!

"The amount of water is insufficient, add water."

An inorganic electronic sound came from inside the machine, and a small sound of water pumping was heard. The small screen next to the button showing the water level gradually rose.

Jiang Li put down the cup and walked quickly to the sink with disbelief on her face. Just when her hand was about to touch the switch, she stopped and took a deep breath.

Then open it again.

A stream of clear, odorless water spurts out!

Jiang Li took half a step back.

The clean and transparent water swirled in the sink several times and flowed down the cold-glow drain.

She suddenly turned off the faucet again, with a look of regret on her face.

She quickly turned her head around, almost trotted to the refrigerator door, pulled it open, and the small light on the top came on, followed by the small sound of the refrigerator running.

Chu Wanfu drank tea with his eyes lowered. In the quiet space, he could hear Teacher Jiang's rapid breathing.

Jiang Li gently pressed the switch with trembling hands.


The lights in the kitchen came on.


The light went out and turned on again with a slightly yellow light.

Chu Wanfu put down his tea cup and said gently: "Teacher, your question has puzzled me for a long time, and I still don't understand it until now. But after spending so long with her, I have some understanding.

Compared with those villains who have no bottom line, her existence can indeed save more survivors, and even we will benefit - have more opportunities to breathe and rebuild. "

Jiang Li turned off the light again.

Perhaps stimulated by the bright light, the kitchen felt a little dark at this moment.

She closed her eyes, with traces of light still remaining in front of her eyelids, and a calm voice sounded: "I understand the difficulty of your decision, but I am more curious about how many times a day water and electricity are provided?"

She admitted that her mood had been in a high state today and her nerves were weak. Coupled with all the shocks along the way, she had not noticed that there was water and electricity in the villa at all.

Even pressing the button, I subconsciously feel that this is a normal thing. After all, pressing this action was done in peaceful times, but after decades of doing it, muscle memory has long been formed.

"No, teacher," Chu Wanfu shook his head, "there is water and electricity at all times."


She could keep her mind calm before, but now that she heard these words, her suppressed emotions suddenly overturned and spewed out, and she couldn't help but jump up.

"What did you just say? Water and electricity are always available?"

"Yes, and the charges are very reasonable." Chu Wanfu dropped the second important point cruelly.

"Oh my God." Jiang Li felt like stars suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She was dizzy as they were spinning around in circles. Her ears felt like someone had poured a large basin of water into them, and there was a buzzing sound that blocked out the outside world.

In a daze, she slowly heard the rustling sound coming from the deepest part.

She must be dreaming.

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