I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 370 For the Reality

"So this is why you brought me here?"

Jiang Li sat in the sunken sofa, feeling the extremely soft support under her buttocks. She relaxed her shoulders and neck, letting her entire back sink in.

"Yes, teacher, you once taught us that seeing is believing." Although sometimes it is not true.

Chu Wanfu added a little in his heart.

Jiang Li exhaled from her nose, looking at him with emotion and satisfaction, "Students and teachers really understand each other. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe it."

Not to mention her, even if she told this to anyone, they would regard the person who said it as a lunatic.

Could it be that after many years of the end of the world, there are still people who stick to working in the hydropower plant?

There is still water and electricity at any time. It's really a toad yawning, and it's not small.

Chu Wanfu appropriately showed a look of "I knew it was like this".

Jiang Li smiled, and she looked around the living room again, "Do you want me to rent a villa and use it as a laboratory?"

"Yes, you see, there is water and electricity here, and you can cook. The most important thing is that there is no one to disturb you and it is absolutely safe. It is very suitable for you to do experiments here."

A trace of excitement appeared on her face.

These points hit the pain point. Any experiment cannot be stopped at any time. Once the experimental data is affected, the best is that the previous efforts are wasted, and the worse is that there will be unverifiable erroneous data and further research will be carried out later.

The time, manpower and material resources wasted are huge.

A peaceful and stable place is what all experimenters desire.

In particular, they have always wanted to find an absolutely safe place to study vaccines...

She looked at the hall. It was spacious enough, but the safety system was definitely not up to standard.

"Will Boss Xia agree to the renovation?"

After all, this is still the boss's territory. Will he agree to let them do some potentially dangerous experiments?

Chu Wanfu was much more relaxed: "It should be no problem. Dean Ji on the island next door is also doing experiments."

"Have you seen him?" Jiang Li stood up, looking very interested.

"I met him once, but we didn't talk much. Dr. Sang in the hospital knows him. You will get to know him slowly." He said.

Knowing that there was still a group of people doing experiments on the island, Jiang Li's anxiety buried deep in her heart suddenly disappeared.

It turned out that in a place they couldn't see, there were still scientific researchers alive, and they were trying their best to study a vaccine to save the world. They were not fighting alone.

Jiang Li clenched her fists and rekindled her fighting spirit.

"Let's go and find Boss Xia to rent a villa."


In the supermarket.

Du Cheng pushed the cart and ran past a row of shelves that had been emptied with tears in his eyes.

"Where are the instant noodles? Why don't you leave me a bag? Big sister in front! Leave me a bag of bread. My child hasn't eaten for a day. He's hungry!"

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The corners of the woman's mouth twitched. Her hesitant hand firmly grabbed the packaging bag and stuffed it into the gap between the piled goods.

The woman turned back and glared: "Brother, who are you calling big sister? I'm not even 30 years old, and you're calling me big sister before you get married. If you can't see people clearly, go buy a pair of glasses and put them on. You're blinding your dog eyes, hum."

Unfamiliar faces suddenly appeared behind the shelves around them, blinking their eyes and turning around the two of them.

Du Cheng said, "When has he ever suffered a loss? He fought back on the spot: "Look at your wrinkled face. What's wrong? Haven't you recognized the reality yet? What should I call you if I don't call you big sister? Big sister? "

The woman choked, her fingers touched the rough face, and suddenly she felt a little inferior. She gritted her teeth and stamped her feet: "What does it have to do with you, widower."

After that, she pushed the cart away in a hurry, turning into another corridor as if to avoid everyone's sight.

The rapid sound of the wheels gradually slowed down, and her eyes could hardly move away from the exquisite skin care products.

After hesitating for a long time, she pushed the cart away firmly.

It is more important to live inconspicuously.

There was a long line in front of the checkout counter.

In addition to the robots, there was no living waiter in the supermarket. For self-service checkout, the unpaid goods would automatically float up and return to their proper positions.

Du Cheng, Jin Feng and Zhang Haisheng gathered at Together, they lined up at the end of the line and looked forward to it.

For them, today is definitely the most wonderful day, which is more exciting than the zombie outbreak.

**, who would have thought that this "ordinary" hotel actually leads directly to the island, and there is a supermarket on the island that sells everything?

It is so hidden, no wonder this place escaped the disaster when the survivors swept.

"The boss is really relieved," Jin Feng lowered her voice, "so many good things are placed where you can reach them, aren't you afraid of being robbed?"

Before she finished speaking, Jin Feng suddenly felt her body light up, as if she was being stared at by something.

"Shut up." Du Cheng squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, "The robot is staring at you."


Jin Feng raised her head and just met the robot's slightly red eyes, and the electric baton was raised.

Robot: Zizi?

Shocked, she blurted out: "I didn't say anything, I definitely didn't think so! "

The person in front looked back at her with questioning eyes, as if she was a fool.

The robot put away the electric baton and its eyes returned to normal color.

Jin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and never dared to be presumptuous again.

When it was their turn to pay, they were dumbfounded halfway through the checkout.

"Insufficient points card balance?"

"This one is only 6.99, 9.99, and the most expensive one is only 29.9. I didn't take anything expensive, so why do I have no points?"

"Did you calculate it wrong?"

Du Cheng was anxious as he looked at the half-full food in the car. He should have counted the food that lasted for a long time.

The same situation happened to the other two people. Zhang Haisheng pointed his finger to confirm the payment.

He said: "Don't look at each number as small, but it's not small when added together. Get used to it. Pay the points quickly. What's most important is to buy it."

Also, the robot saw that they had delayed for too long and was still inclined to come over.

This is not a human. He will shock anyone if he wants to. He will think he is unlucky if he is stabbed.

Du Cheng and Jin Feng paid the money reluctantly, holding the heavy packaging bag in one hand and the bill in the other, and began to calculate silently in their hearts.

Impossible, just a few small numbers, how many hundreds of points can be added together?

They would never believe it.

But in the end...

"How come I calculated more than this?" Du Cheng scratched his hair, his eyes confused.

Jin Feng put the packaging bag between her feet, and after getting the number, she stuffed the paper into the bag, "Thank you for your hard work tonight, Xiao Du, we have to send the things back."

Then bring some crystal cores.

Jin Feng struggled to carry the bag to the basket, she thought, if possible, resell it?

Wouldn't this thing make a lot of crystal cores?

A bag of biscuits can be sold for one crystal there, but in other places where supplies are extremely scarce, it can be sold for two crystals.

And the price in the supermarket is that one crystal can buy ten bags!

Jin Feng's hands are shaking.

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