It was late at night.

The base was silent, with only the chirping of strange insects.

A bright moon hung in the sky, illuminating the path with its white moonlight. The slightly chaotic footsteps came from far away, and a patrol team composed of the masses walked by yawning.

After they left, the dormitory door was pushed open very lightly.

"I said I was teleporting in the room, but you had to come out." Jin Feng complained in a breath, "You acted like a thief."

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"Shut up, do you want everyone in the two bases to know that we took a large bag of supplies back?" Du Cheng cursed.


Du Cheng poked his head out and saw that the patrol team had disappeared at the corner of the street. He hurried out and used his supernatural power at the fastest speed.

If there was no limitation on the area of ​​the site to open the teleportation gate, why would he run out in the middle of the night to sneak around.

Under his hands, a very simple wooden door gradually took shape, and inevitably the brown light became stronger and stronger, illuminating their panicked faces.

"Hurry up, Brother Du, it's too bright, we'll be discovered." Jin Feng's body, half hidden behind the door, swayed slightly, her fingers clenched the plastic bag, and her eyes kept rotating on both sides of the road.

Her cochlea was filled with the intense heartbeat in her chest.

The tense atmosphere was like a pair of big hands tightly holding Du Cheng's neck, making him breathe less and less.

At this moment, the footsteps of another patrol team were heard.

If they were caught by the patrol team, where would they put their old faces? The main thing is that they sneaked back in the middle of the night to deliver supplies, and anyone with eyes could see their purpose!

Thinking of this, his face turned even more liver-colored, and sweat drops as big as soybeans oozed from his forehead, trying his best to output his supernatural power.

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up."

As the two shouted anxiously, the wooden door gradually stabilized.

The patrol team seemed to have heard something, quickened their pace, and was about to appear at the corner.

Du Cheng didn't bother to wipe his sweat, picked up the bag and pushed the door open and ran in.

Jin Feng's scream was about to burst out of her throat, but she was suppressed and followed in, followed by Zhang Haisheng.

The teleportation wooden door disappeared quickly.

At the same time, the patrol team came out from the corner panting.

"Who is it?!"

The path in front of me was empty. On a windless night, even the air was stagnant. In the silence, I could clearly hear the buzzing of insects in the weeds outside the city.

"Captain, no one."

After a careful search, not to mention human figures, there was not even a mouse hole.

Strange, was the light I saw just now an illusion?

The resident captain rubbed his eyes.

He looked up at the leisure area on the top floor of the hotel, which was still lit. Was there someone who couldn't sleep and was shining a light there?

"Let's go, it's almost time to hand over the shift, let's go around again."


"Boss," Xiongxiong brought a cup of hot black liquid, "The black coffee you ordered is a little hot, do you need ice?"

Sitting in front of the window and looking at the night view, Xia Yan held her cheek and said lazily, "Okay~ Thank you for your help."

I don't know what happened, she woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, and she couldn't fall asleep again.

After tossing and turning in bed, making pancakes, but still awake, she put on her casual pajamas and ran to the leisure area on the rooftop to sit and blow the wind.

After a while, there was a sound of ice cubes colliding in the water behind her.

A hairy hand placed the coffee in front of her.

Xia Yan took a sip and then frowned.

What is this? How can it be more bitter than Chinese medicine?

It's a little sour and very bitter, and it doesn't taste sweet at all.

After taking this sip, the taste went straight to the top of my head, and I was indeed awake and full of energy.

Is it the effect of caffeine? No, it's the bitterness that can't be swallowed.

Xiongxiong sat beside her, took out a jar of honey from his small bag, ate it in big mouthfuls, and the sweet taste was much stronger than this coffee.

"Are they gone?" it asked.

"Yeah, they went back." Xia Yan pushed the coffee aside, obviously not wanting to drink the second sip.

Xiongxiong tilted his head, his cheeks bulging, and golden honey was hanging on the hair around his mouth, "They also took the food bought from the supermarket, will they resell it?"

Xia Yan: "Every product has our store name and suggested retail price on it. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Xiongxiong blinked, "Good thing."

Xia Yan: "Yes, the high price means they don't accept our suggestions. There are always people in this world who can't eat and are on the verge of starvation. If people are gone, what's the use of crystal cores? When there is more food circulating in various bases, the price will naturally not go up."

Xiongxiong thought it made sense, but it was a bit weird.

Unable to figure it out, it had to dig honey spoonful by spoonful.

Whatever the boss says is right, it just needs to be obedient.

Xia Yan couldn't help but pick up the coffee and take another sip.

Hiss, it's really bitter.

Her eyes fell on the street below, where they just disappeared.

The selling price will definitely be high.

If she didn't have only the word "sucking" in her mind, would this business be someone else's turn?

The quiet atmosphere brought some sleepy meaning. Maybe it was because it was late at night, the regular sound of eating was more like a lullaby. Xia Yan felt heavy eyelids as she listened, as if two heavy weights were hanging on her.

She closed her eyes.

Her mind suddenly became very alert.

The details of today, yesterday and the day before yesterday were very clear, like a flood that had been opened, pouring down.

Even when she was brushing her teeth, the foam spit out in the wrong direction and she didn't rinse it off in time, all of which were vivid in her mind, constantly entangled and tormented her heart.

"Ah..." She grabbed her hair in pain.

Why didn't she wipe it clean the first time...

Xiongxiong stopped and wanted to pat it, but when he saw his sticky paws, he gave up.

"Boss, be careful of hair loss."


Xia Yan took a big sip of black coffee with a complaint, it would be best if it was bitter to death.

This feeling of being sleepy but unable to sleep was too overwhelming.

"Xiongxiong, help me turn on the TV, I want to watch the slapping competition!"

Xiongxiong got up.

"Dear audience friends, welcome to watch the 32nd competition. The contestants who entered the semi-finals this time are..."

"The exciting moment has arrived!"

"Will Jessel fall first, or will the last champion retain his title? Let's wait and see!"

"Cut the camera closer and listen to this deafening sound. Will he fall?"


"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

[Detoxification progress: 100% (completed)]

[The high-end restaurant is about to open, please make sure your account balance is sufficient]

[Do you want to deduct 10 million points to open the high-end restaurant?]

Xia Yan clenched her fists and stood up, with a pink blush on her face.

In front of her, the system prompt interface and the picture of the final winner raising his fist on TV overlapped.

"Congratulations! The final winner is - Je! Sai! Er!"

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