As the TV roared and applauded, Xia Yan said softly:


The number showing the balance in the upper left corner dropped sharply by eight digits, leaving only a fraction hanging on the account.

[The high-end restaurant is under construction, estimated time: five minutes]

Xia Yan closed the pop-up interfaces one by one and suddenly felt refreshed.

I turned back to face the window and stretched, only to find that the sun drew a rose-colored arc in the east.

Turning off the TV, the suppressed breath of life came to my face.

"Morning, have you eaten?"

"I ate, what about you."

"Just about to go."

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Amidst the beautiful greetings, Xia Yan stepped into the elevator with a smile.

She was going back to wash up, change into festive clothes, and then prepare for the opening ceremony of a high-end restaurant.

The floor number keeps shrinking until it reaches 1.

"Ding." The door opened.

After seeing the faces of the people who were about to rush in, they hurriedly opened their arms and fell backwards to resist the force of pushing forward.

"Don't squeeze! Let Boss Xia go out first!"

"First down, then up!"

Seeing the unconcealed joy on her face, Sang Zhengyi asked curiously: "What's the boss happy about?"

Xia Yan turned around and said with a smile: "There is one thing. You will find out when you come to Lidai Island in the afternoon."

He asked again: "Has the enclosed building been completed?"

Xia Yan was surprised, "Your guess is quite accurate."

Sang Zhengyi said implicitly: "I saw it this morning when I was putting out supplies. The green screen has been removed."

How could he say that he was observing every day and always guessing what kind of building it was.

When I looked out as usual this morning, I was surprised to find that at some point, all the surrounding facilities had disappeared, and a building with exquisite appearance and full sense of design stood on the vast flat land.

"Boss Xia plans to use it as...?"

Xia Yan thoughtfully answered: "High-end restaurant."

โ€œFancy restaurant?!โ€

Everyone shouted in unison.

"Is there any food in there?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xia Yan nodded cheerfully and said cheerfully: "Everyone is welcome to come and dine at that time."

The elevator door closed for the fourth time, and this time no one reached out to stop it, allowing it to close.

Sang Zhengyi's expression did not change, "Okay, I will definitely support you when the time comes."

Looking at her back, everyone fell silent.

Fine dining restaurant.

Just the word "advanced" is enough to make their spirits tremble.

Based on past experience, anything linked to high-end products is cheap.

Luxury, boutique, high-end, top-notch, private customization... No matter how you replace the nouns, they will still spend more money in the end.

Boss Xia is sincere and just goes straight to the word "high-end".

If you go there once, your pockets will be drained, right?

At the end of the crowd, three people with their heads lowered to hide the dark circles under their eyes looked at each other and exchanged shock.

After leaving for half a night, Lidai Island made another big move?

What the hell is a fancy restaurant?

In their eyes, the current restaurant is very high-end!

Du Cheng leaned into Jin Feng's ear and whispered, "I know what you did when you went back, don't panic, I won't sue you."

He looked around, but no one was paying attention. He ignored Jin Feng's alert eyes and continued, "I want to cooperate with you, just the two of us."

Jinfeng pushed him away violently, knowing that she had sold all the supplies, so what? Her family knew many people, and they were all connections. Why should she share them with outsiders?

Take him to earn crystal cores? You must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Du Cheng had long expected that she would be like this, so he came up with a second set of words: "Don't refuse in a hurry, just listen to what I have to say."

Jinfeng gave him a 'you tell me' look in question.

"I'm referring to other bases. I also have my own connections in Shangjing. I don't have as many as you, but I won't starve to death. But you won't just focus on that little bit of Shangjing, right?"

Du Cheng smiled steadily.

Now they have heard with their own ears that Boss Xia said that a high-end restaurant is about to open. What is the concept?

As long as there are crystal nuclei, you can eat any delicacies from mountains and seas!

The days of emperors are beckoning to them!

As for why she wanted to find Jinfeng, as she said, after all, she has a lot of connections...

If you want to make more money and avoid risks as much as possible, only cooperation can create greater profits.

Moreover, although the two of them don't deal with each other, they are the same people at heart - they both want to return to their previous superior life.

Eat well and drink spicy food, don't eat fat, Baozi, do you need to say more? !

Jinfeng lowered his head and thought quickly.

Du Cheng has a portal, and he can also control the choice of going to the base.

Instead of worrying and making small fuss in the Shangjing base, it is better to do something big with one vote!

"Okay, cooperate." Jin Feng suppressed his exposed emotions and added in a harmless tone: "As long as it doesn't cause too much trouble, I will protect you in the Shangjing base. As for the division, I will take six and you will take four."

Du Cheng smiled and waved: "It's not urgent, we'll talk about it later."

Soon, the news that Boss Xia's high-end restaurant was about to open spread throughout the small streets and alleys of the base.

Chu Wanfu stopped the pen in his hand and asked, "Did she really say that?"

Subordinate: "Yes, everyone in the base knows it. The team that went out today has not gone far and is searching nearby farms."

Those farms have long become "newbie villages". Even the most vigorous weeds cannot grow, and they are all bare.

The ground looked more like it had been rolled over countless times by a giant loach, and it was covered in pieces.

It would be a miracle if something could be found.

Chu Wanfu lowered his head and continued to work on the job. After his subordinates reported the situation, they quietly closed the door and left.

He only needed to report the news in time. As for the final decision, it was up to the leader to consider.

Five minutes was actually very short.

Before Xia Yan could find the right clothes, the system had already prompted her that the construction of the high-end restaurant was completed.

"Got it." Xia Yan couldn't find the right clothes, so she immediately opened the mall and bought a privately customized elegant cheongsam.

As for this "person".

From the moment she placed the order, a pair of transparent but clearly visible hands passed through the void and took a tape measure to help her measure the dimensions.

In order to match the skirt, she also found a senior makeup artist to give herself a beautiful makeup.

Everything was in preparation for the opening of the restaurant.

When she appeared in the hall again, a group of residents who were squatting in front of her poked their heads out and were instantly startled.

"Then that's Boss Xia?"

"Isn't this too pretty?!"

"From today on, the boss is the only goddess in my heart, goddess, please accept my sincere kiss~"

"Ahem," Xia Yan coughed slightly, "Article 5 of the store rules."

It is strictly forbidden to disturb the boss in any form!

The man wailed heartbreakingly: "No~"

Xia Yan looked at it with amusement and called Xiongxiong, but found that it had also changed into new clothes and tied a small black bow tie.

It looks both solemn and cute.

"It suits you very well, very handsome," she clapped her hands and praised generously, "Let's go, my dear Manager Xiongxiong, let's go to greet our new customers together."

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