"Follow me quickly, Boss Xia is going to Lidai Island.

"Son, stop playing. Mom will take you to see the world."

"Isn't it better for us to go empty-handed like this? At least Boss Xia has made sure everyone has enough to eat, so we don't have to go hungry anymore. We have to show our appreciation in a small way."

"It must be necessary!"

When the people watching in the hall saw Xia Yan disappear behind the door, their cheeks sore from laughter. They grabbed their children and hurried back to the house to get their things.

"Who wants to go out of the city? Inform the outgoing team that Boss Xia is opening."

Someone shouted, and someone immediately responded: "I'll drive there."

The team guarding the farm not far away turned over the soft soil half-heartedly, looking back at the towering gate of the base from time to time.

My heart felt like it was being fried on a hot oil pan, it was very burnt.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a Hummer with a speed of 240 kilometers roared out, kicking up thick clouds of dust.

"It's done, it's done! Go back quickly!"

Everyone happily threw their shovels into the truck bed, and in the blink of an eye, the team members got on the truck collectively.

Before the Hummer arrived, someone stuck his head out and shouted: "We're back in town, buddy, we're about to open!"

"Eh~ Got it~"

The soldiers standing on the sentry post looked at the thick smoke at the rear of the car and said in a sour tone: "Looking at how busy they are, those who don't know think his store has opened."

"On weekdays, I want to be outside 24 hours a day, but I'm not in a hurry today."

The sound of footsteps reluctantly climbing up the ladder came from below, and a wilting voice sounded: "Changing of the guard."

"Hey, hey, hey," the soldiers suddenly became excited and wanted to perform a 360-degree backflip on the spot. "Brother, he is definitely a dead brother!"

"When my brother comes back, I will tell you the details of the opening~"

The newly appointed soldier stood in a standard posture, looked around with sharp eyes, and forced out a sentence from the depth of his throat: "If you don't want me to beat you to death, get out of here."

Sprinkling salt on the knife edge hurt him to death.

They are not jealous, absolutely not.

Wow, so unlucky.


"Knock knock."


"General Chu, the flower basket you want is ready."

"Okay, let's go."


After Xia Yan stepped into the vacation door, what he saw under his feet was not a soft and delicate beach, but a piece of hard tiles plated with fine gold lines.

Looking up, in front of you is a cylindrical super-large building that gradually shrinks upwards, with an inverted cone-shaped ring-shaped platform protruding from the top of the 'small waist'.

There is an exclusive venue with a radius of two kilometers around the building, including 20 strip-shaped lakes that go deep into the seabed. Five tourist boats are parked in the blue water.

Close to the building, palm trees are dotted among them, and four torch tubes with local characteristics stand respectively.

The entire first floor is supported by thin glass, and a six-wing revolving door operates silently at the entrance.

[Please ask the store owner to purchase employees, you need to pay 1 million points]

Xia Yan stopped suddenly.

"Why is it so expensive?"

It only costs 300,000 points when the account balance is full. I can’t afford it, I absolutely can’t afford it.

[Staff throughout the building]

"Ten million points opens up the entire building?" Xia Yan was confused. This building couldn't be that cheap.

[No, but employees need to purchase it once]

Xia Yan looked at the sky speechlessly. At the critical moment, the system would come out to disrupt the situation.

She suddenly felt itchy...

[It was recognized that the store owner’s balance was insufficient and all employees in the building have been paid in advance, please check]

A new message suddenly popped up in front of her. After she clicked to confirm, countless employees suddenly appeared in front of the glass door.

A collective bow.

"Hello, boss~"

I still have a general understanding, but there is something wrong with this hand, and suddenly it doesn't itch anymore.

Xia Yan glanced at them and roughly estimated that there were a thousand people.

The employees are the same height, have similar faces, wear well-fitting work clothes, and have work badges pinned to their chests stating their respective positions.

However, there is an acquaintance——

"Why did you come here?"

The one standing in the front, thin, tall, and handsome, is not none other than Naichi!

His hair was slicked back and sprayed with hairspray. He wore a black suit with wide shoulders and narrow waist. He also wore glasses with thin gold rims on the bridge of his nose, phoenix eyes with thin lips raised above his eyes.

Duan looks like a polite scumbag.

At the same time, he was holding a high-top chef hat in his hand.

Zhizhi smiled and bent at a 45-degree angle, "Boss, I received your promotion letter. I will do my job as store manager and chef with all my heart."

Xia Yan:?

When? How come she doesn't know.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." She smiled kindly.

Xiaotong, you are very good.

Xia Yan took out hundreds of flower baskets and welcome balloons that had been ordered in advance, and brought out twenty salutes and hundreds of boxes of fireworks.

Including the store, we also bought festive ties and gave them to employees to decorate.

Finally, she took out an extremely heavy golden toad made of pure gold, covered with various gemstones and top-grade crystal cores, and kissed it hard twice.

"big baby!"

Lots of luck!

While the employees were busy, the customers at the base arrived belatedly and kept exclaiming when looking at the real scene in front of them that was absolutely beyond imagination.

“Oh my God, is this a fancy restaurant?”

"It wasn't like this a few days ago, but it suddenly became so luxurious!"

"When was this lake dug? I haven't heard any movement at all."

When they saw the rows of salutes, fireworks, countless flower baskets in full bloom, and round and colorful balloons, everyone felt as if they were in a dream——

In any case, they never thought that in the apocalypse full of devastation and pain, there would be a day when they would not have to worry about attracting zombies by making loud noises, they could breathe and run freely, and they would see The sky is full of fireworks...

Among the chaotic crowd, they found Boss Xia, who was supervising the work, and handed over gifts expressing their blessings.

Xia Yan was surprised.

They looked at the gift box they were holding in astonishment, with a neat red bow tied on top and a postcard with handwritten blessings on it.

I haven't used a pen in a long time. The handwriting is deep and winding, and there are even wrong words.

But she still felt a sincere emotion.

No matter how she suppressed it, the heat wave that opened the blockade still swept through her body.

"It's not anything particularly exquisite," the woman smiled shyly, "They're all dried fruits, vegetables and the like that I found when I went out. They're quite rare, so I managed to scrape together a box. Don't dislike it, Boss Xia."

Xia Yan's eye sockets were hot.

She pursed her lips and smiled and shook her head, "I don't mind it. It's just that it's not easy for you to collect these things. They are too precious and I can't keep them. I'm very happy if you can come and cheer me up."

She lacked nothing, how could she take the food they had fought so hard for?

She once watched their backs as they left early in the morning and returned late at night. She also saw people who were injured and just licked the scars with their tongue to disinfect them, leaving them to recover slowly.

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