How could Xia Yan accept it?

Seeing her smiling and shaking her head again and again, he just took off the postcard clipped on it and carefully stuffed it into his handbag.

The people around him looked at her with red eyes and seemed to be choking.

"Boss Xia, don't think too much," Sang Zhengyi sighed, "The base has been getting better and better recently. We have food in our hands and we will never be hungry again. I heard that this place is open for business. Everyone has been busy all morning to sort out a box of gifts that can be presented. Just accept it. This is also everyone's way of thanking you."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

If it weren't for the terribly cheap meals in the restaurant, how could they have survived until now and have stored food?

When a disaster that cannot be resisted by human power comes, who will still be rich?

The people around Sang Zhengyi echoed: "Yes, you must not think that these things are precious. We picked them up when we went out to kill zombies-"

"What do you mean we picked them up? We picked them up by ourselves!"

"--Ah, yes, look at my mouth, I just talk nonsense, Boss Xia, don't take it seriously!"


Everyone turned around when they heard the sound, and saw the store manager Xiongxiong holding a matchstick that was quickly burned to the end, scratching his head in embarrassment.

It said: "I accidentally lit it."


The fireworks exploded into colorful flowers above their heads, and after blooming, they fell into shining trailing meteors, which were very beautiful.

Just like Xia Yan's current mood.

Everyone looked up at the fireworks, and Xia Yan looked at them, sweeping across the wrinkles at the end of his eyes, the brown freckles on his nose, and the corners of his mouth that were deeply wrapped in brackets.

The excited child in the distance stopped running wildly, and his bright eyes reflected the gorgeous fireworks. Although it was fleeting, it still awakened the scene deep in his memory.

Not only did they come, but also pregnant women with big bellies, and the survivors who had finally raised their flesh and blood, all looked at the sky at this moment.

There was nostalgia on their faces.

Although Boss Xia was not the one who opened the cage personally, they would never forget the scene of hope for redemption when they saw her appear after the zombie tide...

When the fireworks fell, Xia Yan refused with a firm attitude. She had already accepted the gift, but she would never accept the dried fruits and vegetables.

Rather than leaving them in the system grid to gather dust, it would be better for them to eat them.

Sang Zhengyi sighed again. Only Boss Xia could refuse food.

Although he was rejected, he felt touched.

"Congratulations, Boss Xia, and good luck in opening the business!"

Chu Wanfu's arrival dispelled the slightly depressed atmosphere, and his eyes quickly swept over the gift boxes in everyone's hands.

He was extremely smart and quickly understood what happened.

Chu Wanfu laughed and said, "I sent you a flower basket, you can't refuse it."

He clapped his hands, and a row of soldiers walked out from behind him, each holding the same bright flowers.

There are also two red ribbons with auspicious words on them.

Xia Yan: "If you also send food, I will treat it equally and refuse it, but if it is flowers, then thank General Chu."

Chu Wanfu laughed heartily.

When the time came to the auspicious time, Xiongxiong's ears fell down, and he jumped to the salute, put his paws on his mouth, took a deep breath and shouted: "Fire the gun~"

His hands clicked.

"Tong tong tong!"

A row of salutes sounded one after another, exploding small balls of gray smoke in the air, and then the fireworks were lit straight up.

"Swish, swish swish!"

"Fireworks are coming! Fireworks are coming!"

"Wow, so beautiful~"

"Mom, look, I like it so much~"

A group of children raised their heads high, their little faces full of surprise, pointing their fingers above their heads, wishing they could jump high.

The smell of fireworks was blown away by the sea breeze, forming small vortices that could not be seen by the naked eye, slowly rising and being blown away.

Amid the noisy sound, Xia Yan smiled and opened the control panel, tapping the button of "recruiting customers".

[Flyers will be distributed soon, the invitation time is five minutes]

[Is it distributed indiscriminately]

What kind of question is this? Xia Yan frowned slightly, "Yes."



At the same time, people all over the world stopped what they were doing, and looked up at the virtual blue screen that suddenly appeared in the air in great astonishment.

"Hello everyone, I am Boss Xia."

The moment the voice exploded in their ears, the unprepared people were aroused on the spot, waving their palms in horror to try to disperse it.

"What is it? Go away, you will attract zombies!"

The picture was within reach, but the fingers easily penetrated the air and could not touch anything, and the face was even pale.

"Please don't worry," a young and beautiful woman walked out of the screen, smiling kindly and bowing slightly, "To ensure your safety, a safety shield has been established within ten meters of the promotional interface, and zombies cannot enter."

As soon as the voice fell, a warm yellow light shield fell from the four corners of the screen.

Some survivors who were frantically fleeing in the zombie pile suddenly found that the zombies that were originally close at hand were suddenly "pushed" ten meters away by force majeure.

They bent down and panted violently, looking at the figure in the air.

"Boss Xia? Huh, have you heard of her?"

"No, who is she?"

"...Two eggs grow under her eyebrows, she can only breathe but not see."

Only the three words "Boss Xia" floated above the head of the woman on the screen.


In other places, there were also people fleeing frantically, until they were far away from the protective shield, they huddled in the corner and stared at the screen, full of vigilance.

The woman on the screen did not change her expression, nor did she pursue him relentlessly, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

In the background behind the man who claimed to be Boss Xia, fireworks were blooming in the air, and below them were a group of survivors with smiling faces and cheering.

Looking closely, there were pregnant women with big bellies and young children inside.

What kind of place is this?

Is it another trap?

The screen turned slightly upward, revealing a magnificent new building. The woman disappeared, but a gentle voice sounded:

"This is the high-end restaurant of the resort hotel. Today is the grand opening day, and we sincerely invite you to come in this way."

"It's the resort hotel!"

The people standing on the ridge of the field carrying plows and walking with difficulty on their thin legs burst into surprise. They hurriedly rolled up their sleeves, carefully rubbed the dim cards on them, and looked at the sky with a yearning look.


A whip wrapped in a gust of wind suddenly lashed down, and a long bloodstain fell on the thin arm.


"Being lazy, huh? Did I tell you to take a break?!" The man with broken eyebrows and white eyes cursed fiercely, holding a whip and hitting the people pulling the plows one by one, "Look up, I'll let you look, look."

A faint sobbing sound was heard.

But it was not the person being beaten.

The man whipped the person hard and threw him to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

"Who is crying? Stand up! I'll beat you to death."

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