No one dared to speak.

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The people closest to him couldn't help but tremble, but they were thinking: Could it be that he couldn't see the screen in the sky? Can’t see Boss Xia either?

So can they take a chance?

The man couldn't find anyone to vent his anger to, so he randomly found someone he didn't like and whipped him hard several times until the little girl was covered in bruises and kept spinning and twitching on the ground.

"Bah - work!"

After all the people were pulling the rake, he put his hands behind his back, whistled, and looked into the void.

The woman above is introducing the eight major cuisines of the restaurant.

He thought he could see it himself, but it turned out that they could too.

"Now I will briefly introduce the high-end buffet restaurant. In addition to the daily chicken, duck and fish, there are new dishes such as bluefin tuna, Australian lobster, deep-sea sweet shrimp, etc. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy."

The man couldn't help but salivate just listening to it.

Darling, what kind of place is this? Why do you want everything?

It sounds as vague as having a small project and making 100 million after completion?


"This invitation only lasts for five minutes, and you will not wait until it expires. If you are dissatisfied, you can choose to exit at any time and return to where you were."

A huge countdown appeared on the screen, and various delicacies scrolled in turn.

Tsk, once you go in, can you still come out?

The man took off the cigarette hanging from his ear, lit it and took a deep breath, exhaled the cloud of smoke, put his head in and inhaled again into his lungs.

Only a fool would go.

While she was squinting to enjoy the smoke, she suddenly caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd behind her, and her eyes immediately stretched to their maximum size——

Well, then, isn't that Mr. Bin? !

Why did he go too? !

"One more minute."

With the boss here, there is a danger of having a fart.

The man stared at him closely, and the light spots at the end of the cigarette burned upward very quickly, and was spit out when it was about to burn to his mouth.

"Made, I'll go and see too - to protect Mr. Bin."

"You two, please be honest with me. I will be back soon. If I find that you dare to be lazy, I will work for you 24 hours a day without any rest until you are exhausted!"

People whose shoulders were worn to the point of ulceration did not dare to stop at all. They endured the severe pain from the wounds and gritted their teeth and moved forward.

What people are most afraid of is having worries that they can’t let go of in times of suffering. They are being held captive, unable to survive or die, and are in extremely painful situations.

"In addition, I want to remind everyone," Boss Xia reappeared on the screen, smiling slightly, but his eyes were cold to the core, "Whether it is in the safety shield or here, everyone must abide by the store rules, and making trouble is strictly prohibited."

The man walked into the protective shield and sneered in a low voice.

The nerves of the people who were pressed by the plow until they were almost buried in the soil were throbbing. Under the attack of severe pain, they were depressed, angry, and the resistance of the deep pressure gradually raised their heads.

They tried hard to look back, but the person they cared about the most had been tortured to a state of disgrace.


Sooner or later, they will die from exhaustion here, so why can't they resist once? !

"Countdown 20 seconds, 19...15."

Time is getting less and less.

The people who raised their heads again had crazy lights in their eyes!

"You want to rebel?" The man realized something was wrong and pulled out the long whip folded on his waist.

Fight! ! !

People suddenly overturned the plow, and endless strength suddenly surged out of their thin bodies. They ran to their families, grabbed their hands, or directly carried them on their shoulders, and rushed into the safety cover.

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Seeing this, the man's face turned ashen. He grabbed the whip with both hands and swung it hard at the fastest runner.

"I think you are looking for death!"

The person who was about to be whipped tensed up, hunched her shoulders, and was ready to bear the whip. But at this moment, she heard the man exclaim.

"Why can't I move? What's going on!"

Her frightened expression disappeared, revealing a huge surprise.

"He can't hit anyone anymore! He can't hit anyone anymore!!"

"You guys run quickly!"

"The time is almost up, run quickly, he is imprisoned and can't move at all!"

"5, 4..."

The countdown that was about to end stimulated them to run desperately into the safety cover, coughing violently and almost spitting out their lungs.

The man was forced to stand in his original position, still maintaining his previous movements, with a strong knife-man-like glare in his eyes, which made them tremble.

They ran in, and then they lost all the points in their cards.

If they were driven back directly - there were several desperate gasps in the crowd, and it would be a luxury to wish for death directly.

"Just wait, it's best not to fall into my hands." The man smiled grimly.


Boss Xia on the screen clapped his hands to signal the end, and at the same time, all the people on the screen and in the safety cover disappeared, just as they came.

Some people with high vigilance waited patiently for more than ten minutes. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, they ran and jumped and disappeared completely.


"Welcome to the high-end restaurant." Xia Yan stood on the high platform in front of the door, smiling and clapping towards everyone.

The old patrons of the hotel automatically stood on her right side, smiling and applauding enthusiastically.

Opposite them, the open space to Xia Yan's left was filled with customers who came to dine voluntarily.

Fortunately, the venue was big enough, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate more than a thousand people.

There seemed to be an invisible river between the two groups, and they were constantly sizing up and guessing at each other.

Compared with the plump cheeks and unpatched clothes of the old customers, the new customers across the street looked like typical representatives randomly selected from all walks of life.

Xia Yan coughed a few times, attracting everyone's attention. Just as he opened his mouth to say a few more noble nonsense, he was interrupted by a scream——

"Ah, help!"

"He's going to kill us."

At the same time, the man cursed angrily: "How dare you resist if I don't beat you to death? Everyone's skin is itching, right? Mr. Bin, I'm going to kill them all!"

There was a crackling sound in the air when the whip was swung. If it fell on the skin, it would definitely burst the flesh.

Customers nearby hurriedly moved away, fearing they would be whipped.

"Dare you make trouble?" Xia Yan suddenly turned cold, waved his arm, grabbed the person from the air, and pulled him in front of him.

"Didn't you hear what I said before?"

Before the astonishment in the man's eyes in the transparent square could subside, he glanced at the well-maintained and well-dressed real-life boss, who was obviously not an ordinary person, and secretly thought it was terrible.

This is a real boss!

"No, no, no, I heard you clearly, Boss Xi, but they are my subordinates. Managing my subordinates shouldn't cause trouble, right?"

Xia Yan: "In my territory, no one is allowed to cause trouble. Can anyone understand these three words? Moreover, I am opening my business today, and you are here to get me into trouble?"

"I don't dare, Boss Xi. How dare I-"

"Also, my surname is Xia!"

After she finished speaking, she squeezed her palm inward, and the transparent square shrank suddenly. With a bang, the man and his long whip turned into blood mist.

The bright red squares floated in the air, going up and down. The new customers' hearts trembled when they saw them, and they had to pay attention to the seemingly weak and harmless young female boss.

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