Although the strong are respected in the end times, sometimes they have to consider the negative impact, and will not kill in front of so many people, unless... her strength is so strong that she doesn't need to consider anyone's feelings at all...

Xia Yan suppressed her anger and looked around the guests in front of her slowly with an expressionless face.

They were all different in size, some were extremely well-dressed, some barely covered their bodies, and some even hugged a few beauties with layers of red lip prints on their necks.

None of the well-dressed people came alone, and they were surrounded by black-clad bodyguards with powerful superpowers and vigilant surroundings.


The guests seemed to be divided into their own camps.

Xia Yan raised her standard smile again, "Boss Bin, I killed your people, you won't be angry, right?"

If the man hadn't called out his name, she really didn't know that Boss Bin was here.

Xia Yan raised her eyebrows. Since she was here, let her see it.

When she called out the name "President Bin", the old customers on the right crowded around. Some people who were standing in the front retreated and hid at the back, with embarrassed hatred and fear in their eyes.

And some local customers who came to watch the excitement took off their clothes and covered their heads with them as soon as they saw the familiar face, covering up their unique hair color, and ran back to the hotel room in fear and slapped themselves hard.

Chu Wanfu took in all the changes and became much more cautious about the President Bin who Jing Yimai said might be a member behind the scenes.

Who could it be?

Which group of people is he in?

Before Xia Yan had to wait for long, a voice with a young voice came out.

"Haha, what are you talking about, Boss Xia? Violating the rules must be punished, absolutely no problem."

Everyone made way.

The group with the largest number of bodyguards retreated to both sides to make way, leaning forward, and respectfully extending their left hands to the side, looking very respectful.

The leather soles made a crisp tapping sound on the tiles, and a young man in a well-tailored silk suit walked out with a smile.

The soft and bright sunlight reflected the hand-sewn dragon embroidery.

Before he got close, a woody perfume of ebony agarwood came to his nose.

"That's good, Mr. Bin is still sensible." Xia Yan nodded with relief.

When he heard the last three words, Mr. Bin's face froze. He rarely heard this tone of superiors educating subordinates.

Suddenly he remembered that he was also very angry when he talked on the phone last time.

Mr. Bin laughed even more happily, "Boss Xia, you are joking. Speaking of which, you still have a lot of people here. If it's convenient, return them to me."

Maybe it's because he rarely basks in the sun, his skin is too white. When the sun shines on it, it reveals some healthy red and pink. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, coupled with a slightly rebellious smile, he is still a bit handsome.

Xia Yan looked at a tall brown man with a mask on his right and met his black eyes.

Well, the latter is more handsome.

"I never block customers from leaving the store. If they don't want to leave, neither you nor I can force them."

Xia Yan's eyelashes were like a naughty butterfly opening and closing its wings, which made Mr. Bin feel complicated and grit his teeth.

Xia Yan looked away and clapped her hands again, "I've delayed everyone for too long. Please dine freely in the store."

She walked down the steps and walked into the revolving door first.

The firework outside was lit again, and it soared into the sky with a whoosh, exploded in the air, and bloomed into beautiful big flowers.

Everyone looked up, and the confusion in their hearts became more and more intense.

In addition to watching a tit-for-tat drama, they were completely ignorant of anything here, so confused.

The black-clad bodyguards gathered, "Mr. Bin, what should we do now?"

Mr. Bin looked at Boss Xia who was smiling at him inside the door. What else could he do?

"Go in."

The bodyguard took the lead and walked into the revolving door, followed by the others.

The staff standing on both sides waited for them to enter the hall and bowed slightly.

"Welcome to our restaurant. Would you like to visit the hall first or choose a seat to eat?"

President Bin: "...first--"

The huge waterfall in the center fell down with a bang, and the water splashed around without any cover, falling on the nearby vegetation and the ground.

He frowned, and his clothes couldn't get wet casually, "Let's eat, stay away from the waterfall."

"Okay," a staff member walked out of the queue, "Please follow me."

President Bin nodded to Xia Yan, that's it? It's really not good enough.

But the staff not only didn't take a detour as he said, but ran straight to the waterfall.

"Stop, my--" shoes can't get wet either.

He winked at his subordinates.

The bodyguard nodded, took a few quick steps, pinched the back collar of the staff with his thick palm, and tightened it.

"Didn't you hear my boss tell you to stand there?!"

The bow tie was getting tighter and tighter around his neck. The staff member's fingers touched the back of his neck, followed his hands up his arms, and pushed forward with his feet, flipping him to the ground, with two fingers pressed deep into his chin.


Before the bodyguard could resist, a strong electric current went up and down his throat, and his body was stretched straight.

From the time the bodyguard started to the time he was knocked over and unconscious, it took less than five seconds.

What was even more terrifying was that a transparent stream of water suddenly stretched out from the ground, grabbing the person easily like a finger, and disappeared without a trace in it.

Fuck, where is the person.

What the hell is this? !

The remaining bodyguards surrounded Mr. Bin, their hair standing on end as they scanned the ground under their feet.

It was obviously a natural stone, how could water seep out?

Where did the water come from?


The waterfall splashed a pool of water again, landing on the lush green leaves and the ground in front of them.

Jing Wenbin was unable to dodge and was hit on the shoulder by a ball of water. Before he could frown even more, he was surprised to find that the water ball did not penetrate into his clothes, but slid all the way to the ground.

Then the next second, the water ball seeped down, as if it was absorbed very cleanly by the stone, without any trace.

He touched his clothes-it was dry.

He bent down and touched the ground-it was also dry.

Could it be that this waterfall and water were fake? But how could fake ones have attack power?

Jing Wenbin fell into deep thought.

"Tsk," Xia Yan said slowly, "I forgot to tell you that all employees in this store have the ability to fight back automatically, so please don't do anything to them."

"Where are my people?" he asked.

Xia Yan smiled: "Your people were violent to my employees, and now they are punished to wash dishes in the kitchen. Don't worry, Mr. Bin, when the punishment time is over, he will automatically appear beside you."

"How long will the punishment last?"

"Very soon, only 12 hours."

Jing Wenbin couldn't laugh.

"Everyone, please follow me." The staff had already straightened their collars, as if nothing had happened, holding a kind smile, and stretched out their hands forward, pointing directly at the waterfall.

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