Jing Wenbin looked expressionless, but in fact he was terrified and powerless.

Everything that happened today had severely hit his thoughts.

After the end of the world, he was the king. Anyone he met, anyone! They were all cautious with him and acted according to his mood.

He was also used to having all the resources in his own hands. He would show favor from time to time according to his mood. In that kingdom, he was the sky.

Even if he knew that some places were trying to rebuild, one was starting from scratch, and the other was going a step further from the source. They didn't need to pay much attention. Occasionally creating chaos, under the cover of greedy human nature, everything couldn't be easier.

But, when did this hotel appear? !


Jing Wenbin gritted his teeth in anger. He looked at the colorful fish swimming leisurely outside the water wall, turning around and wrapping the water elevator in the middle.

The sun penetrated the sea, sparkling everywhere.

The water elevator gradually went deeper into the seabed, and more and more marine creatures appeared around.

Unlike the strange and aggressive ones we usually see, the marine creatures here are very gentle, not afraid of people, and very free.

Isn't the whole sea contaminated by radiation?

Are there any spared places?

"We are about to arrive at the underwater restaurant." The staff suddenly said, "The first stop is the high-end buffet restaurant."

Jing Wenbin was shocked and put away his thoughts.

I saw a huge restaurant building below. Looking down from above, you can see a variety of special dining areas with completely different designs-

The openable independent dining area made of super giant clams, the colorful coral and water grass dining area, the suspended dining area on the huge whale skeleton, etc.

The dining tables and chairs in each area are made of various baroque, round and multi-colored pearls.

The food pick-up counter in the middle is one thousand meters long and five meters wide. It is filled with a variety of delicacies, paired with green leaves and dry ice. Under the extreme visual impact, it makes people's appetites open and full of appetite.

There are five such food pick-up counters, spanning the entire restaurant, ensuring that customers at any location can pick up their food nearby.

Jing Wenbin's shock can no longer be described in words.

It's too perverted!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

And the bodyguards around him were even more out of control, lying on the water wall one by one, laughing foolishly, making a hissing sound.

The water elevator slowly fell, and when their feet stepped on the exotic tiles, the six water walls softly mixed with the surrounding water flow and disappeared.

Jing Wenbin stared, and when he covered his mouth and nose with his hands, he could still feel the touch of the icy cold water passing through his fingers.

! !

Why did they throw him directly into the water!

Do you want to drown him? !

He looked up and saw the extremely distant sea surface flashing with light waves, and saw other water elevators approaching at super high speed, getting bigger and bigger on the retina!

**, Jing Wenbin's scalp exploded, and he hurried to the staff. His extremely hypoxic face turned redder due to excitement.

His brain was not working well.

Who knew if there would be any mistakes in this elevator? What if it could not recognize people? His reputation would be ruined... It couldn't possibly kill its own employees, right?

"Boss, why are you covering your mouth?" The silly bodyguard looked at him blankly.

Why did he pout?

Jing Wenbin's almost unconscious mind suddenly became clear. Wait, how come he was fine?

Could it be that --

Jing Wenbin would never admit that he could not control his physiological instinct to breathe. This was his noble character of daring to take risks and try things that controlled his body -- open his nostrils and breathe.

The sweet oxygen rushed through his nasal cavity into his lungs, and he couldn't wait to breathe deeply until he came back to life.

The staff waiting next to him did not urge him.

Jing Wenbin looked at the big sign at the entrance of the restaurant, "High-end buffet restaurant."

If it had been before, he would have laughed at the owner's presumptuousness. He dared to open a store with two moldy pickled vegetable buns.

But just now, he saw the delicious food on the food counter with his own eyes.

It was a million times better than what he usually ate, so he couldn't say anything.

"Please get in the car." The staff waited for a thin tour bus made of coral and shells.

Yes, it would take a long time to walk in such a big place.

Unconsciously, Jing Wenbin began to convince himself and find reasons that he could understand for every wonderful existence.

For example-

"It's normal. There's no place to refuel this car. It's reasonable for crabs to carry the car."

"It's normal. This place can accommodate so many guests. The waiter doesn't have to ride a dolphin to make up for the meal."

"This is also normal. Seahorses have good jumping ability and are most suitable as crutches and clothes hangers."

By the end, Jing Wenbin had almost brainwashed himself.

When passing the open kitchen, the chef wearing a white hat raised his cold knife expressionlessly and wielded it with exquisite knife skills.

Pieces of thick and chewy sashimi were placed on exquisite plates, topped with hand-polished mustard sauce and mint leaves for decoration, and then handed over to the waiter to take it to the table.

"The restaurant uses the freshest ingredients, which are cooked by five-star chefs to create delicious food for customers."

Jing Wenbin was too lazy to listen to the bullshit official talk that made his ears calloused. He took a few steps forward in surprise.

At this time, he felt pain in his toes, as if he had kicked something hard. He looked down and saw a transparent barrier appeared around the kitchen, and circles of ripples appeared where it was touched.

He pressed his hands up, and ripples also appeared around his palms.

The words "No Trespassing" appeared.

The staff came forward, "Please don't come any closer."

"Okay." He put down his hands and went around the back along the protective shield.

He saw a familiar face.

The bodyguards who followed him closely also saw it and exclaimed:

"Hiss, isn't that Lao Liu?"

"He's really not dead."

"What is he doing? It seems he's really washing dishes!"

"There are so many dishes, people must be exhausted after finishing them."

Jing Wenbin stopped, bent his fingers and tapped, not knowing if he could hear it inside.

The bodyguard who was dragged down by the water before was now wearing an apron, washing his hands in the oversized sink, and didn't even notice the bubbles flying above his head.

He was very familiar with using a sponge to scrub around the bowl, washing off the grease on it, and then wiping along the outer edge, and then throwing the clean bowl into the second sink.

The fact is, even if he can't hear, he can feel the difference in front of him.

"Bin, President Bin!" The bodyguard immediately shed tears of excitement as if he had seen his savior, "Save me, I'd rather die than live! Do you see the 'mountain' behind me? They told me to wash them all. Look, the bowls are stacked so high, they are longer than my life!"

The man cried while washing the bowls, rinsed them in the No. 2 sink, rinsed them in the No. 3 sink again, and finally stuffed them all into the disinfection cabinet and pressed the timer for disinfection. He also took out the disinfected plates and stacked them neatly in the cupboard.

The bodyguard outside had a complicated look on his face: "Why do I think he is doing a good job..."

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