"What did he do before?" Jing Wenbin asked.

"I don't know, maybe he's a financial man?" A certain bodyguard wanted to sound more professional, like a financial practitioner, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his words to be as rude as possible.

Jing Wenbin was surprised for a second, "I've never heard him talk about it."

Bodyguard: "I guess it's just an internship." If you don't tell me, what's the use? Give me an extra steamed bun?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

The man in the kitchen returned to the sink, grimacing and continuing to wash the dishes.

The attitude of working seriously is not affected by emotions at all.

"Mr. Bin, please think of a solution quickly. There are too many people coming and going. It's not good for me to bear this name, and it won't affect your reputation."

Only then did Jing Wenbin notice that a line of words suddenly floated out like a scrolling screen above his head: Deliberate attack on employees, punishment for washing dishes for 12 hours - (Jing Wenbin) One of Mr. Bin's bodyguards.

"Fuck," Jing Wenbin couldn't help but cursed out loud, "You are the one being punished. Why did you mention my name? Did you just give it to me?!"

This place is located in the center of the restaurant. People are coming and going, and as soon as you raise your eyes, you can see an idiot washing dishes here, and his name is floating above his head?

Is he taking the blame for his subordinates?

The veins on Jing Wenbin's forehead jumped sharply, and there was a storm of anger brewing in his eyes.

The people inside saw that the situation was not good, so they worked hard and pretended not to hear.

As everyone knows, the more he lowers his head, the more clearly the words above appear in front of the other person's eyes.

Jing Wenbin felt as if these words were mocking him ferociously.


Very good, he has become famous, and through an absolutely unexpected situation, countless people have firmly remembered the three words Jing Wenbin!

"You," he poked the protective shield hard, and the ripples made his outline and expression become twisted and ferocious, "very good."

The people inside were trembling.

"Hey, Mr. Bin hasn't eaten yet?"

Just when he was furious and had nowhere to vent, a voice that sounded extremely hateful to him suddenly came to his ears.

Looking back, it turned out to be the woman who claimed to be Boss Xia.

In his eyes, Xia Yanqian's gentle smile was like a demon waving a knife and fork and laughing loudly.

If possible, he wanted to...

"Mr. Bin seems to be very dissatisfied with me?" Xia Yan smiled, looking directly into his gloomy eyes, not timid at all, and even eager to throw him in to wash the dishes together.

There weren't enough people right now, so she could add a few more hours if she volunteered.

Jing Wenbin suddenly felt his breathing become stagnant, as if the water around him was vaguely shrinking him inward, and his limbs felt a gentle entanglement.

He suddenly realized where he was, swallowed his emotions, tried his best to smile, and said in a calm tone: "Of course not, I'm just curious, Boss Xia, I remember never telling you my name. Is it my subordinate who said that?"

"Does this matter?" Xia Yan asked.

Jing Wenbin took a deep breath, "Okay, it's okay, I just have a request - can you change the information above to his own name?"

Xia Yan moved his eyes to that line of words.

"There is a certain truth. If everyone can see it, who will commit a foul? Then who will be left to wash the dishes? You can't just ask Mr. Bin's people to do it every time. In other words, Mr. Bin will give you the job. Have they trained housekeeping? This bowl is too bright.”

She opened the background and canceled the settings.

"That's good."

Refreshing and refreshing.

Jing Wenbin said with a dark face: Although the process was contrary to what he thought, it was fine as long as the result was perfect.

When he casually glanced at the people around her, he suddenly noticed that a tall brown-black man among them looked familiar.

"You!" He strode over and reached out to pull the mask covering his face, "Who are you?!"

The tall man frowned, with extremely disgusting hatred bursting out of his eyes. When he was about to touch it, he waved it down hard.


Jing Wenbin was in pain, but his eyes did not leave his face, looking directly into those very familiar, handsome eyes that he saw every day.

Suddenly, happiness came to my heart, "It's you! Jing Yimai!"

Xia Yan glanced between the two of them, "So you know each other?"

"More than just acquaintance," Jing Wenbin shook his red hand and showed an excited smile, "This is my cousin, isn't it? Cousin, I wonder if you have been on the run these days. Have you ever thought about my brother? I miss you so much that I can’t sleep at night~”

The bodyguard standing next to him, gearing up and approaching slowly, his whole face filled with the harshness and indifference of the apocalypse.

Do you know what is worthless?


Jing Yimai ignored it, and his low voice penetrated the thin mask, "Where were you hiding at the beginning? Under the bed? Or, in a small bathroom in a secret room?"

Just such a word without beginning or end made Jing Wenbin's face turn the color of pig liver.

Jing Yimai took off his mask, revealing a face that was very similar to his.

Jing Yimai smiled, and his teeth looked even whiter against his dark skin, "I guessed it right."

Previously, Xing Wenbin's favorite thing was to do some kind of escape room under his villa.

A certain inconspicuous wooden board is likely to be a secret door leading to the next room, or it may be a vertical sliding tunnel.

It seems to be just an ordinary refrigerator for storing drinks. After pulling a switch hidden somewhere, a soft ladder will descend...

There are too many similar mechanisms. Jing Yimai was invited to experience it once, and he also knew that he had been making changes, adding countless cameras and small attack mechanisms.

What it turned out to be in the end, no one except him knew.

This is why Jing Yimai finally threw a fire in.

"I remember you once said that there was electricity inside. Could it be that you just huddled inside and watched them being bitten to death by zombies?"

Jing Wenbin's face was pale, and he looked at him with horror.

That was the secret he hid deep in his heart. How could Jing Yimai know it? !

Jing Yimai took a step forward, "When they screamed your name and asked you to hide and not come out, you just watched silently with your current expression? You are really a good son to your parents."

Jing Wenbin was immediately dragged by memories, and a high-definition electronic screen appeared in front of him-

On the small surveillance screens, he pointed his finger in panic to find his parents running fast in a certain screen.

Looking at the end of the passage, he saw that the latest experimental monsters-zombies were following behind them.

"How could it be? How could they spread so quickly? Didn't they say it was under control?!"

Jing Wenbin punched the wall angrily, clutching his hair with both hands in agony.

It had only been a few days, and the virus had managed to cross mountains and seas and reach his home?

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