I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 380 Kicked by a Donkey

"What on earth are these?"

"Did they all get bitten by dogs and have rabies?"

The couple, wearing home slippers, ran away desperately, one in front and one behind. When they looked back occasionally, they were almost scared.

Is that still a human?

The face was bitten so badly that the bone was visible. One eyeball was hanging from the chin and dangling, which made people feel sick and want to vomit.


The father was tripped by the fallen yellow pear wood carving chair, and fell to the ground with a pah, holding his calf and wailing in pain.

"Get up quickly!" The mother screamed immediately.

Jing Wenbin, who was watching on the monitor, also clenched his fists.

"Get up, Dad! The zombies are coming!"

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"No, go away! My calf hit the wood and it hurts so much." The father waved his hand and told her to run away, and shouted at the leading monster who was running at full speed: "Lao Wang, Lao Wang, it's me! Don't you recognize me? I just paid you the salary for the past six months yesterday, without deducting a cent."

'Lao Wang' had a scar as big as a bowl on his face, with bloody gums, and his eyes hanging on his chin, bouncing and shaking, just like his heart.

"I will also pay for your medical treatment and support your children to go to school! I will take care of your life in the future, just please don't bite me."

In the surveillance video, the father dragged his calf to get up from the ground with one hand, and fumbled in his pocket with the other hand to take out some money, looking at the monsters getting closer and closer with anxiety and fear -

They were all employees who were paid by him.

"Dad, why are you still talking nonsense? They have all turned into zombies. Hurry up and pick up your things to beat them up!!"

Jing Wenbin kept roaring in front of the surveillance camera, watching the zombies rushing up like wolves, and his father was still begging...

He closed his eyes in despair, everything was over.

"Go to hell!"

A loud shout + a heavy sound rang out.

Jing Wenbin opened his eyes and saw that his father finally woke up, picked up the stool that tripped him and swung it hard, and a zombie's head exploded directly.

"Well done! That's it!" He jumped up, clenched his fists and swung them fiercely in the air, as if a zombie was being beaten up in front of him.

The more thumping sounds came from the surveillance, the more powerful his fists were, and the more virtual zombies he killed.

At this timeβ€”β€”


Jing Wenbin suddenly woke up from the hallucination and turned his head to look at the surveillance. He saw his father being knocked down by a tall zombie and biting him hard on the face.



The miserable screams attracted more zombies, who opened their bloody mouths and bit various parts of his father's body. The blood quickly penetrated the cotton fabric, and the strong smell of rust made the zombies more irritable and bit them wantonly.

"Get out of here! You damn low-class people! I want to find a lawyer! I want you to spend the rest of your life in prison! I want to gurgle..."

A zombie with half of its head sunken suddenly bit his mouth and tongue, shook its head and tore...

Jing Wenbin was completely stunned, shaking all over, with cold sweat on his face. He seemed to have refreshed his understanding of the brutality of zombies.

Good, so fierce...

At the bottom of the pile of zombies, he vaguely heard a sentence: "Son... hurry..."

"Dad!" Jing Wenbin shouted, tears streaming down his face.

He didn't need to continue to look down, what his father would become, he had seen it too many times in the laboratory.

Where's the mother?

He suddenly thought of it, and eagerly lay in front of the monitor to search bit by bit.

Finally, in a storage room, he saw his trembling mother.

Her body was shaking like autumn leaves, and she walked tremblingly to a mirror that someone had pasted, looking at the panicked beautiful and pale face in it, and gently opened her red lips:

"So white, it would be beautiful if she put on pink blush."

She straightened her back, pulled down the silk collar, revealing a touch of her shoulders, and made an innocent look of a frightened beauty.

The hand outside the mirror searched around on his body, "Where is my phone? I have to take a photo of such a beautiful scene and post it as a record. The copywriting should be written as "Suffering will never let go of a person who loves life # Find joy in suffering # Peerless beauty # ... # Official assistant."

"Mom! What on earth are you doing!" Jing Wenbin roared.

Zombies are coming outside, and you are still thinking about taking a photo and posting it on WeChat Moments? ?

Will a few likes help?

"Ding Ding Dong~"

He took out his phone - 'Mother' updated a video status, click to view.


He swiped the screen, turned on the front camera, took off his shirt and lay on the small bed, and poked his left pinky finger around his eyelid.


The text: He fell asleep, his eyelashes are longer than mine, angry.

Scheduled to send in half an hour.

Jing Wenbin closed his phone contentedly, so that no one would know where he was.

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The phone rang again.

Another update?

He glanced at it casually, and was stunned when he saw it clearly.

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Fortunately, I didn't forget about him. It really didn't go in vain after investing so much!

The blueprint is about to unfold. Mom, your son will lead you to live a good life in the future.

Hmm? Who is she talking to?

His beautiful mother looked at the door with horror, as if she heard a sound more terrifying than the zombies surrounding her.

Who is outside the door?

He scanned and confirmed that the passage where his mother turned off the lights when she escaped was pitch black. If the all-black surveillance camera could clearly see the face, there was light at the end of the road. A white ball.

Who is in front of the door? He couldn't see it clearly.

Just as he was scratching his head and thinking about all the people he had offended, the light suddenly came on.

There was a white spot in front of the camera, and Jing Wenbin cursed anxiously.

After it gradually adapted, the person standing in the picture was someone he had never considered.

"Jing Yimai?! How could he come back?!"

The sharp voice rushed into the small room, hitting the eardrum with full malice.

"Didn't they say that there are many people in the airport? How could he avoid those people's eyes and ears?!"

Jing Wenbin's brain felt like being kicked by a donkey, and he felt dizzy.

The man in the surveillance video was tall and very thin, standing there like a telephone pole. He looked up at the surveillance video, and his sharp eyes were like a blade that was sharp and bloody, piercing Jing Wenbin's body fiercely.

He was still alive, it was over, he was here to seek revenge on me, but I tricked him into the laboratory, and he was always sarcastic and occasionally gave me a small wound...

Jing Wenbin was soaked all over, as if he had just been fished out of cold water.

In the surveillance video, his mother's expression was not much better than his.

Jing Yimai really came to find him!

"It seems that you know what he did to me, and you acquiesced." Jing Yimai lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "In this way, I don't have to worry about the condemnation in my heart."

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