"Jing Yimai, how do you know so clearly!" Jing Wenbin quickly realized something was wrong, "Could it be——"

Only now did he remember that when he heard something wrong outside, the nanny ran all the way to close the door of the villa.

How could the zombies get in in the end?

Jing Yimai nodded generously and admitted, "Yes, I opened the door."

It's really him!

Jing Wenbin couldn't draw a breath, rolled his eyes back, and fell into the bodyguard's arms.

Dad, Mom, my son has found your murderer. I hope you know better and can cross the Naihe Bridge as soon as possible.

"Catch him alive!" Jing Wenbin stared at Jing Yimai with a fierce look in his eyes, countless virus injections with various 'efficiencies' flashed through his mind.

He wanted to inject it into his body one needle after another with his own hands!

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

He can't live without dying!


The bodyguards shouted in unison and rushed over.

The fastest runner has raised his fist, vowing to punch his face flat.

Dare to mess with their boss?

I am impatient to live.

Jing Yimai didn't even try to hide, he looked calmly at the growing fist, suddenly showed a trace of ridicule, moved his lips lightly, and said silently: "Let's go."


One person flew out and directly hit the safety cover of the kitchen. There was a flash of light above, which bounced the person back, and he fell to the ground hard. He arched his body and coughed out blood.

Jing Wenbin looked at the bodyguard lying at his feet and became furious, "Keep fucking me! You must be captured alive!"

The other bodyguards bravely continued to rush, but after taking a few steps, they suddenly felt as if they were trapped in an invisible swamp, and it was very difficult to move their fingers.

Xia Yan, who had seen enough, said leisurely: "Mr. Bin, you don't take the rules here seriously. If you are looking for trouble, go wash the dishes."

She waved her hand and threw the imprisoned bodyguard and the ugly-looking Jing Wenbin into the kitchen.

The man who was immersed in washing dishes inside saw the help coming. Before he could get excited, he realized that it was his boss and a group of brothers.


Jing Wenbin felt his eyes blur as he suddenly appeared in front of the sink, wearing a waterproof apron with small yellow daisies printed on it.

Looking up, he saw Jing Yimai smiling obscenely outside.

How dare you laugh at him?


He reached out to take off his apron and threw it to the ground. As a boss, when would it be his turn to wash the dishes for a small boss?

He was so angry.

But the outstretched hand didn't obey the command at all. Not only did he not untie the apron, but he stretched it directly into the sink full of detergent bubbles.

He saw his soft and white fingers picking up a plate covered with yellow stains, and the fingertips were even stained with a sticky, slippery unknown liquid. He couldn't help but "vomit".

"Come and take my place, one of you."

Jing Wenbin held his breath, refusing to breathe the mixed smell of all kinds of food.

After waiting for three or four seconds, there was still no one to take care of the work in hand. He held the corpus cavernosum in his right hand and started to wash the dishes.

Jing Wenbin's nerves exploded.

These bastards are definitely going to rebel. The next wave of experimental subjects must be sent in...

Having made up his mind, he turned around to look. Just as he was about to show his ferocity, he saw a row of bodyguards looking at him with tearful eyes, working hard with brushes in their hands.

The look in his eyes clearly said: Boss, you are finally willing to look at us. If we don't pass, we won't be able to stop ourselves.

Jing Wenbin:...

Looking away, he was shocked to find the bodyguard still sitting on the ground outside, coughing up blood.

Why doesn't he wash the dishes?

Nothing special.

The bodyguard who coughed up blood seemed to feel it was inappropriate. He moved, moved, and sat down outside the safety cover, and even pretended to be gasping for breath on the verge of death.

"Found it." Xia Yan said.

What did you find?

Xia Yan quickly solved the mystery for them.

The originally transparent safety cover in front of me suddenly turned into a huge high-definition screen, and a small mountain appeared on the screen, looking majestic and tall.

He felt a little familiar.

Xia Yan said: "In view of the seriousness of your plot, you will be punished by a day trip among the zombies."


The bodyguard's eyes widened as he coughed up blood, and as soon as his lips moved, he disappeared from the spot.

Jing Wenbin and others saw a head shaking left and right in the lower right corner of the screen.

"Where is this? Damn, there are zombies!"

The man let out a roar and ran up the mountain as hard as he could, glancing back from time to time before running away in an even more horrifying manner.

It was the bodyguard who coughed up blood.

He was teleported inside.

Is that side virtual? Are there really zombies?

Countless thoughts passed through Jing Wenbin's mind.

As if to confirm his thoughts, a ferocious zombie appeared in the lower right corner of the screen, stumbling after the person in front.

As if it would never end, after a few breaths, it gradually expanded from a small black spot to occupy half of the screen.

Looking at the zombie tide all over the mountains and plains, and the living people the size of fingernails running at the front, Jing Wenbin couldn't help but take a breath.

This is so real.

Just looking at it gives me a suffocating feeling that it's hard to breathe.

If you were really there, you would be scared to death.

Just when he thought the picture was just like this, the camera passed over the zombies like the wind.

Countless zombies below raised their highly decomposed faces, stretched out their arms, and scratched at them from a distance.

It makes people's scalps numb and their bodies shiver.

If you fall into it, you will be gnawed into bones in less than ten seconds, and you won't even have the chance to transform into a zombie.

The camera passed over the sea of ​​corpses and followed the bodyguard in front.

He climbed the seemingly low hill and his legs were sore and soft, as if they were filled with lead. When he finally climbed to the highest point, he suddenly froze, and hope burst out from his eyes and he jumped down.

The camera flipped.

"No! Don't lead the zombies over!" Jing Wenbin shouted in fear and anger.

No wonder it looked familiar, it turned out to be...

There was a small city at the bottom of the hill.

It was simple to build, but everyone was busy making the parts needed to produce the superpower gun.

The name was very low-key - Accessories City.

"If you dare to lead the zombies over, I'll kill you!"

No matter how much Jing Wenbin screamed and cursed, the bodyguard in the picture curled up like a ball and rolled down quickly.

In Jing Wenbin's horrified eyes, they gradually approached the city gate, and the zombie tide rushed down like a flood.

The whistle pierced the sky above the base sharply.

"Alert! The zombie tide broke out!"

The sudden zombie tide completely disrupted everyone's thoughts, and the zombies' roaring made them lose their minds. In panic, they held the unfinished superpower gun in front of them and pulled the trigger with their index finger to force charge.

There was only one consequence - the barrel exploded.



The cries of the injured sounded from all directions.

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