The base was in chaos.

Jing Wenbin was washing the dishes without stopping, staring at the screen, and angrily yelled: "Base Commander, where the hell have you been? Get out and guard the base for me!"

No, the bottom of the dish is not washed, and there is still oil...

At this time, I am still washing a woolen dish. I want to quit!

While talking and scolding, Jing Wenbin watched his hands uncontrollably pull the damn dish back again, and wipe off the oil stains with a sponge very carefully and gently.

He finally couldn't help but break down.

"Ah——! So annoying!"

"What happened? What are you arguing about?"

A double-opening gold and bronze door creaked, and a man who was tying his belt in a panic walked out.

"Base Commander, the zombie tide is coming!"

The base commander wanted to slap him, and he actually did so.

"Fuck you, take me to see. Brothers, bring your stuff."

Rush all the way to the city wall, stick your head out and look, sweating profusely.

Why are there so many...

"Where did the patrol team outside die?" he roared.

Someone pointed to a place below.

He looked closely and saw that the man with the rotten face was the leader of the patrol team.

It turned out that the whole army was wiped out. No wonder no one came back to report.

"Dear base commander, please, throw me a rope. I can't hold on any longer."

A weak voice with a few coughs sounded under his feet.

"Who?" He looked outside.

Unexpectedly, there was a strange man hanging on the wall.

"Who is this man?"

The subordinate shook his head, indicating that he didn't know him.

Jing Wenbin outside the screen shouted: "Kill him for me!"

The head of the base commander disappeared at the edge of the city wall, and a voice with some anger came: "Push him down, the zombies must be brought by him."


"You can't kill me, I'm Mr. Bin's personal bodyguard! How dare you kill his people?!"

Jing Wenbin outside the screen roared: "I agree, you are removed from the list!"

The base commander paused for a moment, and the face reappeared, with a mocking smile on the friendly face, saying in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"He is a fart, in my territory, I want you to die, you have to die. Push him down."

The bodyguard screamed, and the sound of biting and chewing that made people's backs ache suddenly appeared under the city.

"Be prepared, all of you, I will call for reinforcements."

The base commander left, and the roar of artillery sounded continuously on the city wall. Wherever he went, groups of zombies were blown up.

Mixed with mud and rotten flocs, a bloody storm fell.

Outside the screen, Jing Wenbin was unusually quiet.

The bodyguards who were washing dishes beside him lowered their heads, pursed their lips, and washed dishes desperately, trying their best to reduce their presence.

"I didn't expect that your popularity is still so bad."

Bodyguard: Who? So brave? Oh, it's his brother, so let's get back to work.

Jing Wenbin looked gloomily at Jing Yimai, who was carrying a plate to him to eat sashimi.

He wanted to show more momentum, but the daisy apron in front of him and the washing movements in his hands were very lame.

In addition, Jing Yimai was eating outside and he was washing dishes inside. The status gap between them also made his nerves swell and his hatred grew stronger.

After Jing Yimai finished the last piece, he handed the plate to a waiter, "Sorry for the trouble."

The waiter stuffed the used plate into the full dining cart, rolled into the kitchen, and put it in Jing Wenbin's sink.

Jing Wenbin:...

Jing Yimai looked up at the surveillance screen and said sarcastically: "Your base commander is going to abandon the city and escape."

The base commander who said he wanted to call for help sent several messages in a row, but he didn't receive a reply after waiting for a long time. He listened to the screams and cries of zombies entering the city and the sound of gunfire.

He trembled and ordered people to open the portal.

"Boss Bin, Boss Bin, it's not that I want to escape, there are too many zombies, and I can't contact you. It's a helpless move, a helpless move!"

Jing Wenbin was so tired that he couldn't speak.

He could only watch and could not do anything. This feeling of powerlessness has not been experienced for a long time.

It seems that choosing to eat at this high-end restaurant today is the most wrong decision!

Who on earth came up with the idea of ​​asking him to come and test it? !

He looked past the shameless Jing Yimai who picked up another plate of food in front of him, and looked at Boss Xia who was gradually walking away.

We have to think of a way...


"Like you said, she is really strong."

Chu Wanfu nodded, he touched the cushion made of seaweed, it was slippery, not cold and not scratchy, it was quite comfortable.

Looking into the distance and above his head, there were sparkling waves everywhere after the sun was shining.

They are now on the seabed, taking a car to a high-end restaurant?

This feeling...

He looked at the marine life that whizzed past his eyes.

It was so amazing.

The door to a new world was completely opened.

The leader around him obviously had the same idea as him.

"Are you sure you never heard any construction noise on weekdays?" The leader couldn't help asking.

With such a large amount of work, even if it was digging mud on the seabed, the sea surface couldn't be calm.

Looking at the large area of ​​the buffet restaurant, the food counter, the dining seats, various raw materials and personnel, these can't appear suddenly, right?

The leader's eyes told him not to believe it, but Chu Wanfu did not notice the construction noise.

"We go to the detoxification station every day to purify fruits and vegetables. Even though we are very close to the building, we really haven't heard any construction noise."

Speaking of this, Chu Wanfu was also a little confused.

“The only thing I know is that fine dining restaurants took a long time to build.”

The piece of green cloth had been around for a long time. Although it was always brand new, there was no dust at all.

However, compared to a new leader, he felt that he could completely accept it.

Isn't it just an underwater restaurant?

I’ve already seen Ridai Island, and I’ve lived in a private villa. What’s missing is a restaurant like this?

Even Chu Wanfu himself didn't know that he felt vaguely proud of the emergence of a high-end restaurant.

"Leader, you were always trying to persuade me before, and today I will boldly advise you: Let her be. As long as she has no bad intentions, why not just go with the flow?"

The latter nodded, laughed, and patted him on the shoulder.

At this time, another water elevator dropped rapidly from the sea, and it was Jin Feng and the other three who came out.

The leader said: "When I saw Jinfeng, I thought of her aunt, who sent me a large package of health care products early this morning. I asked her how she came, and she was honest and said that Jinfeng came from the resort hotel. bought."

Chu Wanfu smiled. Soldiers had already reported the three people's departure last night. Just thinking about it, he knew it was them.

Carrying a lot of things through two bases, do you really think that no one in the base is supervising anything unusual?

Almost as soon as they returned to Shangjing, someone with supernatural powers sensed it. Otherwise, if anyone wanted to teleport, wouldn't there be chaos in the base?

"I thought about it later. If I want to absolutely avoid buying and selling, I can only open a supermarket in each base. As for the source of goods, based on your understanding of Boss Xia, will she sell goods?"

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