Or, does she have so many goods in her hands?

Shangjing has more than 70 bases of various sizes, with the largest population of 400,000 to 500,000 people and the smallest of several hundred people.

Just water alone consumes a lot every day.

Even if it is an ATM, you can add a note from time to time, she...

The leader is very suspicious.

The main thing is completely beyond imagination. Does she have a pocket like Doraemon? Can she just take out her pocket for anything she wants?


Chu Wanfu dare not guarantee this. Although there are supermarkets in Lidai Island, after everyone's crazy rush, the shelves will not be replenished at the time when they are empty, and some goods will be replenished several days later.

What's more, he knows very well that even the residents here have fruits and vegetables to eat and don't have to starve, they are crazy about stockpiling goods.

When they arrive at other bases that are short of supplies, there is no need to waste shelves, and the boxes may not even need to be dismantled, they will be carried away by people.

Everyone is afraid of being hungry, and when they can really eat, they will also hoard food.

This is a psychological disease.

The leader also thought of this, "Let's talk about other things later, let's solve the current problems first."

"Okay. I'll ask when I have time."

"We're about to arrive at the high-end restaurant."

The two stopped talking, waited for the car to stop, and walked down.

The entrance to the high-end restaurant is also on the seabed. Since the two came by car, it is not clear whether they can see the whole picture of the high-end restaurant when they take the water elevator?

Unlike the open door of the buffet restaurant, the entrance here is composed of a thin vertical undulating water wall, and the interior construction cannot be seen clearly.

There is a shiny plaque hanging on the top, and several receptionists wearing silk fabrics are standing at the door.

"Welcome, please come in."

Crossing the door, it is like passing through a thin and tasteless smoke, and behind the door is another world-

The extremely spacious hall is full of rare and exotic plants, and the fragrant flower fragrance enters the nose leisurely, fresh and sweet but not greasy.

The chirping of birds was endless.

Looking up, there was a blue sky with sticky clouds hanging on it. Looking down, there were green grass and unknown wild flowers covering the soles of the feet.

Chu Wanfu stepped hard and even bent down to pull up the grass roots.

"It's actually real grass."

He gestured to the leader to show the grass roots that were still covered with soil.

"This is really it," the leader looked out. They seemed to be in a tropical rainforest somewhere. Various lush vegetation rose to the sky, and at the top, a large flower with a diameter of one meter bloomed. The honey in the stamens flashed a sweet light under the light. "It's amazing."

The vegetation here is lush, but it doesn't feel stuffy and humid. Instead, it's easy to breathe, as if the turbid air in the body has been exhaled after a few breaths, and the whole person is full of energy.

"Welcome, boss."

The waiter behind him said in unison.

The two turned around and it turned out that Xia Yan led the old customers to visit.

It can be seen that if she hadn't led the way, this group of people would never come in.

A high-end restaurant, just think about who can come in?

Either powerful or powerful.

For those who just want to live their own lives quietly, this is not a place to come.

Originally, they only planned to walk around the entrance of the buffet restaurant and see the world. Even if they didn't go in, they were attracted by the novel things they saw along the way.

Mom, Boss Xia is worthy of being Boss Xia.

Looking at this scene, even if they live another life, they can't imagine that one day, humans will open a restaurant on the seabed, and people who come to eat don't need to wear anything, and can breathe freely on the seabed!

Just as they were about to walk around and leave contentedly, they saw Boss Xia hurried over in high heels.

"Why don't you come in?" she asked.

"No, we'll just come down to take a look, so as not to cause you trouble." Qi Hua's mother waved her hands repeatedly, her face flushed with excitement.

"Yes, we just came to take a look. Boss Xia, you are busy, we will leave now."

After saying that, they turned around and prepared to leave, but Xia Yan hurriedly stopped them.

"Since we are all here, let's go inside and take a look. What's so interesting just from the outside?"

"We have seen it. We saw it when we came down just now. It's so beautiful!"

"That won't work. It's completely different from the inside. You haven't been to a high-end restaurant, have you?" Xia Yan called for a tour bus, "Let's get on. It's big inside and we can't walk around in a short time."

It was hard to refuse the hospitality of the people. They were indeed very curious, but they were always thinking that they would not consume and occupy a car, delaying the boss from earning crystal cores...

Xia Yan saw their thoughts at a glance and said with a smile: "I have opened such a big restaurant, can I only prepare this one car? Come on up, I just have to go to a high-end restaurant."

It's embarrassing to say that as the boss, she didn't know what it was like inside...

When everyone got on the car, several little heads popped out of the windows without glass, curiously looking at the big crab legs sticking out from the bottom of the car, walking forward with a car full of people in a neat pace and very easily.

"Ahhh, big crab!"

"So many crab legs!"

"What a beautiful shell seat, mom, so pretty!"

The children touched and looked at the strange things and danced with excitement.

The parents hugged their children and laughed so hard that their mouths could not close. The whole car was filled with laughter.

When I saw the endless food counter, I looked at the various freshly cut deep-sea fish fillets, raw marinated seafood, super-large lobsters, black gold clams, general caps, deep-sea arctic clams, wild oysters, etc., which were placed on it. There was a long row, and I couldn't see the end.

On the opposite side, there were pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and fish made by various methods. There was nothing you couldn't imagine, but nothing you couldn't see.

As for fruits, there was no need to mention it - to be simple and crude, there was a fruit market on the counter, and you could eat 4J cherries, blueberries and mangosteens the size of a one-yuan coin at will.

Barbecue, skewers, hot pot, pizza burgers, rich and sweet high-quality ice cream, freshly brewed pure milk tea, and all kinds of candies and chocolates.

If you are not interested in the juice on the counter, you can take the fruit and DIY it yourself.

There is also a wine area dedicated to wine and drinks. The refrigerator is full of special beers and fruit beers, and the red wine racks are full of red wines and wines made from various years and grapes.

There is a large barrel of fresh beer on the cabinet next to it. You can pour as much as you want. On the other wall, there are all kinds of liquor, sake, shochu, whiskey and brandy.

The cold cabinet in the cake area is filled with layer cakes made of animal cream, durian mille-feuille, puffs, daifuku, iceberg lava and cheesecake, etc.

No limit, no limit on everything, as long as you can finish it and don’t waste it!

Even if you dine in the store on your birthday, you can receive a beautiful cake from the cake shop, which you can take away~

"Boss Xia has brought everything on the market in..."

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