“I don’t know if it’s expensive to eat it once, but my mouth is almost watering when I look at these foods.

"It is indeed a high-end buffet restaurant. Damn, it's so awesome."

They had only seen this kind of scene in food streets in peaceful times.

"Boss Xia, how much does one crystal core cost here?" Qi Hua stroked his mother's hand and asked.

Whether it is from the unique decoration or the variety of food, it is no longer something that a first-level crystal core can stop.

Even in the past, wouldn’t a restaurant of this caliber cost thousands of dollars per person?

When he asked, the others fell silent and looked at Boss Xia in front of them with burning eyes.

She turned around and met a pair of shining eyes, "Fortunately, it's not particularly expensive. It costs 1888 points per person."

Everyone:! ! !

Just guessed it!


With nearly two thousand points, you need to kill 19 level one zombies, or kill 4 level two zombies, or kill one level three zombie and still have some points left.

If you go up further, the fourth-level crystal core can be exchanged for two meals and 1,224 points are left. The fifth-level crystal core can be exchanged for 10,000 points, and you can eat 5 meals in a row!

After a simple conversion, everyone’s eyes lit up.

After all this calculation, it is indeed not expensive!

Xia Yan said with a smile: "So everyone should work hard to upgrade. When the strength increases, it will be easier to kill high-level zombies. When the time comes, everyone will come here to eat every day, and maybe one day you can take root in a high-end restaurant and enjoy all kinds of top-notch food."

Everyone was startled.

I began to reflect on whether it was a wrong decision to use all the crystal cores to stock up.

The car stopped slowly, and the staff handed the cream ice cream that had been whipped in advance through the car window.

Xia Yan also took one, scooped it out with a transparent spoon and stuffed it into his mouth. The milky flavor was rich, the texture was delicate, and it was delicious.

"Everyone eats, you're welcome, there are all the customers who visit the store."

It’s just that not every customer is given ice cream balls, as well as water-free cream cakes in small cups.

Many customers usually eat erratically and eat one meal but not the next, resulting in fragile gastrointestinal tracts. A small cake with honey is the most suitable gift.

At this time, Zhizhao decided to prepare after observing - the food and facilities in the cafeteria were far beyond the customers' understanding. Instead, he was very cautious and did not dare to apply for a card to eat. He sat on the tour bus and sipped his saliva while feeling incomparable. Brainwash yourself carefully but firmly.

"Illusions are all hallucinations."

"I must have woken up too fast this morning, I actually saw a cafeteria opened under the sea!"

When they see someone actually picking up food, they will also say: "That's too much, you're actually showing a VR eating show! Anchor, eat a cuttlefish head quickly, I want to see rice!"

Zhiji, who was wiping the countertop at the side, was so shocked that he couldn't recover.

As a store manager, how could he tolerate customers just walking away?

Didn’t you say it was fake? I want you to eat it now!

Zhiji stopped the tour bus, filled the paper cups with small cakes, inserted a small fork, and got on the bus in full view of everyone.

"Everyone is welcome."

He brought the fork to the guest gently and without refusal.

"A small gift, please taste it."

The customers looked at each other in bewilderment. The forks in their hands weighed a thousand pounds. The sweet aroma of honey went straight to their noses, and the golden color made people salivate.


"It's so real."

Finally, someone couldn't help but raised the cake to his mouth, stuck out his tongue and took a lick.

The next moment, his eyes widened.


After hearing the words, everyone followed suit, and the sweetness on their tongues brought back memories that were almost forgotten in their minds.

This is what sweet tastes like!

I just heard a long belly rumbling——Gu~

"If you die, eat it!"

A brave man could no longer resist his hunger and put the cake into his mouth.


what is wrong? Is there a problem?

Hearing the strange scream, everyone hurriedly took away the cake that was almost in their mouths.

Suddenly there was a blur in front of my eyes.

"Give me another one! It's so delicious! I haven't had such a delicious cake in a long time!!"

The warrior who was screaming strangely just now was pulling at Zhichi's arm, and he was so moved that he almost shed tears. His eyes were fixed on the small cake in his cup, and he wanted to grab it and pour it into his mouth.

This is normal behavior. Satisfied, Zhizhi gave him another one.

He threw it into his mouth, and before he could chew it, he said, "Dad, give me another one!"

Zhiqiu, who likes to be a father:?

Seeing this, the others hurriedly threw the cake into their mouths, their eyes lit up - delicious!

"Dad, we want it too~"


Xia Yan ate ice cream and looked at the group of customers standing at the dining table in front of them and devouring their ice cream.

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Zhizhi led several employees to stand beside them, and from time to time he would hand them a glass of water and pat them on the back.

"Eat slowly, there is enough food, no need to grab it."

"Aww, Daddy, it's so delicious. I love you."

Zhiji's face was covered with black lines, and he wanted to throw away his hands and leave, but he was worried that they would actually choke to death if they ate too quickly.

He thought, even if he selfishly left her a letter before he died, hoping that she could give birth to a child with his blood, and left enough money for them to live in the future, but...

Has the world developed to the point where you can recognize any father at will?

Wait, why did he suddenly come up with such an idea? Just as he was about to think about it carefully, the 'cheap eldest son' beside him suddenly choked and pounded his chest hard, and his face flushed in the blink of an eye.

Zhikang threw away his miscellaneous thoughts and skillfully went around to the back and pressed his fists against his stomach.


The foreign body was discharged, Zhikang handed over the water, and breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to recall his previous thoughts, he found that his brain was blank, and he even forgot what he was looking for.

"Zhikang, why don't you let the customers eat at their seats?"

A car stopped behind him, and Qingyue's familiar voice came.

He turned around, with a bit of grievance in his tone, "Boss, I've tried to persuade them, but they won't."

"Mmmmmmm (He's right)!" The customer who was rescued by him pierced a sweet shrimp with chopsticks, wrapped it with seafood sauce, opened his "bloody mouth" wide, and used his fingers to help stuff the shrimp at the tail end into his mouth. His cheeks were bulging and he chewed hard. He looked at Xia Yan and nodded continuously.

The other customers next to him were similar - they picked up a plate of oyster meat, poured some secret sauce on it, and slurped it up.

"Yes, it's too troublesome to walk back and forth. You can digest more by standing!"

The voice came from the opposite side. Xia Yan looked over and saw that the man was holding a leg of lamb in one hand and a steak in the other, eating with oil dripping from his mouth.


Looking further away, the scene in front of the food counter was almost the same.

Even the food cart was parked not far behind them, ready to receive the used plates at any time.

"Xia Niaban, this Guo!"

The customers praised incoherently and gave a thumbs-up.

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