I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 386: Poor performance

"Okay, okay, eat slowly, I'm leaving first.

Xia Yan said hello twice in a row and rushed into the car at lightning speed.

If she didn't leave, she would be afraid that the customers would drag her to eat with her. It could only be said that she had other things to do.

On the other hand, watching them gulp down their food is quite appetizing - just ignore the grease on their mouths.

The crabs under the car stretched out their legs at the same time, swung back and forth and accelerated, leading a car full of people out of the cafeteria.

Looking at the strange-shaped coral reefs and the clown fish swimming leisurely in the gaps, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

The naughty child stretched out his arm to touch it, but a seahorse jumped on it and used it as a springboard.

"Oh, it's Sea Insect that ran down my arm."

"Don't be naughty and sit still."

"No, no, mom, look, there are beautiful starfish."

Languages ​​like this are heard in the car, and no one finds it noisy or objectionable. In the apocalypse, the innocent voices of children can be heard, which is a symbol of a safe and beautiful living environment.

A child who doesn't have enough to eat, doesn't have enough clothes to wear, and is always worried that zombies will burst into the house and kill his parents will never be able to utter such an exclamation.

Everyone enjoyed the rare leisure time and stretched out their hands to feel the water flowing through their fingers.

Slightly cool, like fine silk.

You can even see the ripples when the silk is disturbed.

Xia Yan also imitated them and stretched out his hand. Different from the impact of the wind passing through his palm, the touch felt smooth and soft.

The small jellyfish that served as an ornament next to the car window fluttered and fell, its soft tentacles gently wrapping around the little finger, causing Susu's numbness.

Xia Yan laughed out loud when he was tickled. He opened and closed his five long fingers, and the little jellyfish swam and played among them.

"So comfortable."

"Yeah, I feel so peaceful inside, as if the apocalypse is over."

"Alas, such a day will come."

"When that day comes, everything will be on track."

"Will do."

After passing through the shell path and then through a seagrass bed, the view suddenly opened up.

A towering restaurant appears at the end.

"We're here, there's a high-end restaurant in front of us!"

Everyone was unbearably excited and stood upright to watch.

"So majestic!"

Different from the fully open cafeteria, the high-end restaurant is surrounded by a huge colorful bubble. Water elevators falling from the sky directly penetrate the big bubble and fall smoothly.

The guests who walked out of it stepped onto the green grass with a confused look on their faces.

Isn't it under the sea?

Why is it lush grass? !

Looking at their reserved movements, the customers in the car couldn't help but smile kindly.

It turns out that it’s not just me who finds it novel!

The tour bus gradually approached, and in everyone's eyes full of surprise, colorful bubbles flashed and popped into the car, slowly squeezing into the bus.

Starting from the first row of seats, it seems to be slow, but in fact it is wrapped up and 'swallowed' quickly.

The little jellyfish playing in Boss Xia's fingers was gently pushed back to its original position.

The little seahorse hidden under the seat jumped out of the car, and the clownfish hiding in the gap flicked its tail and slipped away quickly.

Even the scallops that were not ‘formally organized’ were floating up and down.

"Ah, it's Xiaoyuyu~"

The children stretched out their hands to catch it, but the next moment they were grabbed back by nervous parents and were not allowed to move.

The colorful bubbles soon came in front of them, and the flash of light was even more intense. People couldn't help but hold their breath to greet them. Suddenly, their face felt warm, their eyelashes itched, and they couldn't help but blink and take a deep breath.

It's like stepping into a strange rainbow door. When you open your eyes again, you are already inside.

"Coming in now?"

Everyone looked back in amazement and saw that the side of the bubble turned into a flowing blue water wall with schools of fish swimming and sparkling waves.

Then the tail of the car went through the bubbles, disturbing the wall of water.

The ripples I had seen before all appeared on the surface of the water, but in front of me was a big circle that was standing vertically, bigger than a car, and 'standing up to the sky and the ground'~

Soon everyone discovered that no matter which angle they looked at, the bubbles were icy blue, and the never-ending waves converged into flowing ripples under the sunlight.

It's just that the ripples only stay on the outer layer of the bubble and will not affect the light inside - to put it simply, the light inside is stable.

"Where does the light come from?"

After walking around in circles countless times with their heads held high and eyes wide open, someone exclaimed:

"It turns out bubbles are the source of light!"


"That's it~"

Customers were very curious about the big bubble that was both a protective cover and a lighting tool. The cars stopped and looked back, speechless.

Xia Yan got out of the car and looked at the high-end restaurant in front of him.

First, she had to give her a thumbs up.

The restaurant is resplendent and majestic under the blue sea view, standing quietly like a mythical palace under the sea.

Very stylish, she likes it very much.

Just two words, advanced~

"Welcome boss~"

The revolving door opened, and the well-dressed staff filed out, stood in two rows, bowed slightly and spoke in unison.

For a moment, both Chu Wanfu and the old customers outside the door looked at Xia Yan with complicated eyes that could not be described in words.

A little bit, too awesome.

The usually amiable and straight-faced boss suddenly reveals a big boss aura that cannot be ignored?

Xia Yan, the bad guy, said calmly: "Very good, we have worked hard today. Everyone, come in."

Walk into the lobby and scan the interior of the restaurant to know what to expect.

"Give General Chu a 10% discount on his table, plus two additional dishes."

After she finished speaking to the waiter, she smiled and looked at Chu Wanfu and the middle-aged man next to him.

"Thank you for supporting our business. We have a long-term cooperation."

When did Boss Xia ever give discounts to people? And send food? With her amazing strength, everyone wanted to have a little bit of relationship with her, even if it was just to get to know her. Why did she give him a discount and send food?

This made the leader who changed his mind and wanted to have a good relationship with her immediately show an admiring look of "You are really good"!

Chu Wanfu didn't care about these false names. At this moment, under the leader's concern and love, he was excited! Eyebrows are eyebrows, eyes are eyes, and he was breathing heavily!

Yes, everyone loves to praise, and he is no exception.


Xia Yan wiped the corner of his mouth and clicked the button.

After three seconds of waiting, the next dish, moussaka, appeared in front of everyone.

No one spoke, and they ate quietly.

This is a baked golden and tempting square tower, with thick cheese on the top and slightly burnt surface, making a pleasant little snapping sound when cut.

Breaking the skin, a strong cheese aroma comes to the nose, and inside is a layer of mixed fillings.

Xia Yan cut a small piece and put it in her mouth. It was crispy and fragrant at first, and then the mixture of several ingredients gradually produced an extremely pleasant feeling in her mouth.

She ate it very satisfyingly.

Obviously, the other party also had the same idea. He obviously had a lot of things to say, but when he put it in his mouth, the deliciousness that exploded on the tip of his tongue made his brain crash, and only two words floated across his mind like a blue screen - delicious.

When they ate the last dessert and tasted tea, the two of them slowly calmed down and leaned back on the comfortable chair with a silly smile on their faces.

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and drank tea.

No one can resist delicious food, no one.

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