Fortunately, the two of them did not forget the purpose of inviting her to dinner, and found a suitable opportunity to talk about it during the chat.


"How much do you need to buy at a time?"

Xia Yan tapped the table with his fingers, thinking.

Want to buy goods from her and distribute resources to the bases under her name? It's not impossible, can she remember that she had traded information about various bases with Chu Wanfu before?

Well, it must be that there are too many things to do in normal times, and she forgot it.

Chu Wanfu picked up the teacup and sipped it lightly.

He couldn't get involved in what happened next, so it's not bad to be a quiet tea taster.

Mr. Shen gestured a number.

"Eight thousand boxes?"

"No, eight hundred thousand boxes." It might not be enough.


Xia Yan shook her head, "I'm afraid I can't do it, there are too many."

Boss Shen: "800,000 boxes of supplies may sound like a lot, but the base number is large after all. If they are divided among the bases, they won't get much."

Xia Yan was puzzled: "Then how did they survive?"

Since so many supplies had to be consumed, how did Boss Shen, as the top leader, balance the distribution of supplies?

Besides the fact that the Yinshanling base would kill mutant beasts and transport them to Shangjing in the third season, do the other bases have their own ways to survive?

Boss Shen sighed and said desperately: "To be honest, we have five sources of supplies. The first is the purified mutant beasts as the main source. The second is the protected superpowers in each base whose superpowers are food.

The third is the fruits grown in the large and small cultivation rooms. To be honest, the yield is the lowest. The fourth is the supplies searched back. The fifth..."

He paused, sorted out his words, and continued to say to Xia Yan's curious eyes: "Exchange supplies with other bases."

Other bases?

Which other base would use the most important food for exchange?

Xia Yan was puzzled and asked.

President Shen coughed and questioned Chu Wanfu with her eyes - does she usually ask questions like this?

Chu Wanfu replied - emmm, occasionally?

President Shen drank tea, "Yes, eating too much meat will make you sick. Fresh and non-toxic vegetables are rarer than meat, and they are very popular at the public exchange. The public exchange is a large exchange organized by us, and anyone can participate."

Xia Yan understood.

But the strange setting of supermarket purchases, she could not guarantee that the certain goods he wanted were in stock.

In the spirit of not letting go of any business that came to the door, she said: "How about this, President Shen, I have a supermarket on the island, if it's convenient, go and have a look? On-site decision, if I have the goods, I will sell them to you, how about it?"

"When I'm free!" President Shen nodded hurriedly.

It's better than not being able to buy any. Who else in the world dares to say the words "on-site decision"? That's her.

President Shen smiled and raised her head to drink up the tea in the cup.

Taking the water elevator back to the lobby on the first floor, walking out of the door, the smell of the sea clearly demarcates the boundary between the seabed and the sea surface.

"It always feels like a dream..." The customers squatting at the door to bask in the sun sighed.

Someone pointed to the sea surface, "The sea surface is rough, and the buffet restaurant under the sea is awesome!"

A touch of red passed by the end of his eyes, and he stood up in a flash.

"Hey, Boss Xia."

A group of three people walked past him, and no one paid attention.

The three words Boss Xia quickly drifted away, and the new customers sitting in the shade of the trees raised their heads slowly, looked at each other, stood up, twisted the frayed edges of their clothes, and their dry and peeling lips were bitten bloodless. They dragged their feet closer with worry and hesitation.

The glamorous boss Xia...

A restaurant that only high-ranking bosses are eligible to eat in...

A points card with no balance...

Even the survivors living here are better off than them...

The eyes that are depressed and hopeless are dull and empty, and the dragging feet are decadently slipping towards them.

Unreservedly showing the hardship and despair of having fallen into the deep quagmire and not being able to live like a human being no matter how hard they struggle.

Xia Yan stopped and stood one meter away from them.

This distance is very close, so close that she can smell the mixed smell of not taking a bath for many years and being hot and sweating without breathing hard.

She has some impression of these people. They should be the targets of the whipping of the man who was punished to death by her.

Under the indiscriminate call, there will naturally be customers who come to try their luck but actually have few crystal cores in their hands.

Xia Yan saw their reservedness, uneasiness, anxiety and fear, and tried to make herself look more friendly and speak softly, "Is there anything wrong?"

Unexpectedly, with just a simple sentence, the eyes of this group of people suddenly turned red, their knees slid down softly, and they fell to the ground with a plop, crying:

"Boss Xia, please don't drive us back, save us."

Xia Yan was shocked and hurried forward to help, "Everyone, if you have something to say, please stand up. There is gold under your knees, so you can't kneel down easily!"

"Boss Xia," a thin woman grabbed her arm, her eyes lowered and full of pleading, "We are really desperate. If we go back, we will be tortured to death and exhausted to death by those people!"

As if to verify her words, she pulled open the clothes that could hardly cover her body, stretched out her two black and purple arms in front of her, and pointed at the crisscrossing scars on her body in a messy manner.

"Not only me, but also her."

She violently pulled the woman next to her, anxiously pulled apart her hair that had solidified into strands, revealing the thick scars underneath. She was sure that Xia Yan had seen it, fearing that she would impatiently turn around and leave. She grasped every moment she was still there, hurriedly pressed her head again, pulled open the clothes on the back of her neck, and the cloth on her shoulders stuck to the wound and was suddenly pulled apart by the rough movement.

The woman under her gasped in pain, but knelt quietly.

"Look at the wound on her shoulder, it's all caused by carrying a plow! Look at the rotten meat, it's so rotten that you can almost see the bones. Please, Boss Xia, please save us," the woman cried and shouted, rubbing her knees forward, clasping her hands together, and kowtowed desperately, and her forehead swelled up after just a few kowtows.

The woman with bloody shoulders raised her head and said in a hollow voice: "It's not just me, everyone is almost tortured to death."

As soon as the words fell, people from all directions began to unbutton and tear the cloth on their shoulders, revealing the scars of all sizes on their bony bodies.

They didn't cry, and called for help many times, but each time they were beaten more severely, and they were no longer able to struggle. Perhaps there was a desire to be free in their ink-black eyes.

But at this moment, they just looked at her silently.

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