When I saw the man responsible for guarding them being easily killed by Boss Xia, my first real reaction was that I was very happy to see my enemy die tragically. But before I could think of being rescued, I heard the leader next to him whispering to his survivors. Cursed:

"Don't make trouble for me, just stay there and I'll allow you to meet me when I get back. If you don't obey me... Hey, just leave it to God to decide where they will be sold and who will fall into their hands.

"...I know, I know."

The leader glanced at this place and gave a second warning, "Stay away from them. They are all rebelling against each other, but they still haven't grasped the handle, otherwise, haha."

The sound of footsteps leaving was heard from all directions, and a vacuum belt appeared around them. No one wanted to get close, and they stayed far away as if they were avoiding bad luck. They seemed like bottom-class garbage abandoned by everyone.

It seemed like even standing in the same position as them made me feel sick.

Yes, a man with some status was killed by the garbage he managed and could be killed at will - even if they were not the ones who killed him, he was killed by his boss because they called for help.

But why don't they stay away from people who have done all kinds of evil things, but blame everything on them who are forced to endure man-made suffering?

I understand, because they are soft persimmons and broken windows. Anyone who sees them wants to throw a stone.

The funny logic is their instinctive approach without using their brains.

Great, I understand another truth.

There is another reason to pay for it with blood and tears: it is useless to shout that it hurts when you are being beaten. No one cares whether you are in pain or not. They will not stop beating you just because you are in pain, but they will kill you because you scream.

They held their heads high, their slender necks not white and tender, but still easy to break.

Even they themselves didn't know that the depths of their eyes looking at Xia Yan were full of desire for life.

"Little bears, come here quickly." Xia Yan looked up and saw the little bears sitting in the middle of the flower basket, secretly shouting that the helpers had arrived just in time.


The little bears jumped down and ran to their sides, and with a simple push of their little paws, they helped the guest up.

"Go and get a glass of water for the guests," she said.

"No, no, no, water is too precious. We just ask that they don't drive us away."

When they heard that they were being given water, a group of people's faces turned pale with fright, as if they had seen a ferocious beast, and they took a few steps back.

Xia Yan: "What's wrong?"

They pressed their lips tightly together and said nothing, surrounded by intense sadness.

Little Bear Xiong carried a large bucket of water, took out a disposable water cup, filled it and handed it over.

"Drink quickly, it's clean."

Lips are chapped.

"No, not thirsty."

Your voice is dry and hoarse. Are you still not thirsty?

Little Bear put it in her hand, but she didn't want her to flatten her palm. The paper cup fell to the ground, and the water splashed all over the floor, turning it brown.

The woman immediately fell down in panic and tried to take the water back into the cup, but how could she take back the water that had been poured on the ground?

Xia Yan frowned, stepped forward and pulled her arm hard, "What are you worried about? Do you think I will sell you if you drink the water?"

The woman looked as dark and dead as she was told.

Xia Yanjing: "Do you really think so? Do you think so too?"

The rest of the people remained silent, their heads half lowered in approval.

It was because of a mouthful of food that I fell into the trap. Every time I had a full meal, I was trafficked back and forth. After changing hands several times, I lived a life where I could not survive but could not survive...

"Do I need to make a fortune this way? Let me ask you, who am I."


"I am Boss Xia. I run a hotel, three restaurants, a supermarket with everything you need, and more than 20 private villas. What do I want?"

Xia Yan exhaled: "You don't have to ask me. It's up to you to decide whether you want to go back. If you think it's not good there, you might stay in a hotel, or -"

She looked back at Chu Wanfu, took a step back, and let everyone see him, "——Go directly to General Chu and live in the base he manages."

She ignored Mr. Shen next to her and looked at Chu Wanfu with naked eyes: It's your turn to play, right? It's quite peaceful to watch the excitement.

You need to spend points to stay in a hotel. These people can't touch the crystal core at first glance. Otherwise, they would seize the time and charge it directly to the card. How could they be so hungry?

Chu Wanfu coughed slightly in embarrassment, looked up and saw a base staff member eating a lunch, and waved over.

"Everyone is welcome to join the base." He was concise and direct, without a word of unnecessary nonsense. "Register their information and allocate housing according to normal procedures."

"Roger it." The staff member quickly finished scooping up the rice, wiped his mouth, took out the workbook he carried with him from his pocket, took out his pen and walked to the front, "What is your name? Do you have any special powers..."

Maybe it was because things were moving too fast. These people were a little confused and immersed in sadness. They never imagined that they would actually land ashore in a blink of an eye. They were dumbfounded and answered whatever the other party asked.

His eyes glanced at Xia Yan and Chu Wanfu from time to time, and he felt helpless as if the heavy mountain that had weighed on him for countless years and been tortured was blown away with a gentle breath.

It turns out that this is something that is extremely difficult for me, but for those who are capable, it is just a matter of words.

Another group of people squatting under the shade of the tree stood up slowly, their mouths wide open, which was incredible.

"They entered the base here..."

"Can we do it too...?"

"It's different. If you stay, what will happen to the people who stay over there? If you stay, you won't see them again for the rest of your life."

"But, even if we go back, they might be sold separately one day. Where will we find them then?"

"...Then, oh, I don't know, I don't know anything."

Xia Yan noticed them, "Are you coming to register your information?"

"The boss asked us, what should we do?"

"If he knew, we would be beaten to death."

"I'll register!"

Someone suddenly stood up and raised his hand high. Feeling someone pulling his trouser legs, he lowered his head, and a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

"Going back means death, I won't go back!"

"You're crazy, what about your mother? She will be tortured to death by them, put your hands down, and squat down before he comes out."

"No, I won't go back. My mother is already dying. She will starve to death soon. She can understand me. She hopes that I can escape and live a stable life. I have to listen to my mother..."

He shook off the hand that was clinging to him and strode towards the staff. He looked at the clean, tidy and safe environment, and thought that he would no longer have to work hard day and night and be hungry and beaten in the future, so he trembled with excitement.

"We can't let him go! If we lose more people, we'll all be doomed!" A loud shout suddenly rang out from the crowd, and the atmosphere of fear, stubbornness, and anger of being abandoned spread instantly.

The man ran away, shouting in a high and extremely terrified voice: "I volunteer to join the base! My name is xx..."

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