Mr. Shen's first time was dedicated to a stranger like this.

Fortunately, he has lost a lot of weight now, otherwise he would not be able to squeeze into the small seat space before.

The front balls of his two feet were on the pedals, and his hands had nowhere to put them in embarrassment. He could only rest them on his thighs, turning his head sideways and looking at the slowly moving scenery, letting the sea breeze blow away the embarrassment on his cheeks.

It's really unbelievable that one day he actually got on an electric car and let his wife know about it, so she couldn't make fun of him?

Having said that, this place not only has the delicacies of the peaceful era, but also the peace and tranquility that is rare in the last days. It is really a paradise. Next time you have the opportunity, you can bring your wife to experience it.

It's a pity that my mother is not here... No, I saw her today. My mother is still the same as in my memory...

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

He recalled the scene he saw while eating, and he couldn't help but feel frightened and at the same time felt sad and bitter——

“Actually, the high-end quality of a high-end restaurant lies not only in the exquisite meals.”

Xia Yan put down his chopsticks gently, wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at them. He lifted his fingers and tapped on the table. A beam of downward light lit up directly above the dining table. The dark light spots in it gathered together, and dozens of them gradually emerged. options.

[Selection of dining scenery pictures: 1. Bamboo forest. 2. Ocean. 3. Starry sky. 4. Clouds. 5. Cliffs and cliffs...]

"You can try it," she said.

After Chu Wanfu and Mr. Shen looked at each other, they reached out and touched the clouds.

After the confirmation, the beam of light immediately dispersed, covering the three of them. The scene in front of them completely changed in the next second - there was a soft touch under their feet. When they looked down, they were surprised to find that it was actually a white cloud.

The area is about the size of a pool table, and the edges of the clouds seem to be blown away and gathered by the wind.

When I raised my head, I saw a large, dazzling golden disk hanging in the sky. Looking around, I saw several clouds of different shapes floating slowly. Below them, the devastated city looked like a puzzle piece, and the green mountains and green spaces were like ornaments in the sand table.

"Isn't this really going to the sky?"

Xia Yan smiled and shook his finger, "Of course not. You have a technology called VR, which is similar to that."

Chu Wanfu smiled bitterly, "It is not possible to eat in the scene in VR for the time being."

"Try the next picture."

Mr. Shen took action and clicked on the starry sky option.

The light in front of my eyes suddenly dimmed, a chill came over me, stirring up knots. The large candlestick on the dining table lit up, and the soft yellow light brought a warm temperature.

At this moment, they were surrounded by endless void, giving people the illusion of falling in all directions.

The stool under the buttocks and the dining table with delicious food are all floating in the void, making people feel very insecure.

After your eyes adapted to the darkness, bright star clusters spread across the entire space, with various colors blooming like colorful flowers.

I can't help but sigh at the vastness of the sea of ​​​​stars and the brilliance of light.

What a space walk, they are eating in space right now!

The two looked at Xia Yan opposite with indescribable excitement.

Is this a scene that VR can create? !


Even if there aren’t that many meteorites in real space, are they imitated?

Looking at the azure planet that occupies the entire field of vision on the left, my whole body was violently shocked!

Are there really living things on this planet?

Is it such a beautiful planet, and the humans living on it are suffering from annihilation?

An overwhelming and deadly loneliness came over me.

Now, I feel sad after eating a meal.

Seeing the two people's expressions gloomy and the aura of decadence lingering around their bodies, Xia Yan hurriedly spoke:

"Actually, there are other pictures. I think you might like them. Let's take a look."

Mr. Shen scrolled casually with a look of boredom. When he saw the last option, his eyes widened suddenly.

[23. Loved one]

Chu Wanfu was also stunned, and the next moment his eyes shone with a captivating light.

"What does this loved one mean?"

"Try it." Xia Yan said calmly.

The fingers were pressed eagerly, and for the first time, the two of them looked forward to each other and could not bear to blink.

I saw a chair appear on each side, and two sets of tableware were added to the dining table. At the same time, the scene they saw became different.

In front of Mr. Shen, the hut deep in his memory turned into a small house. The small house was clean and tidy. His favorite black and white TV was covered with embroidered white cloth. A sewing basket was placed next to it. A pair of half-knitted red woolen trousers was placed next to it. On blue plaid sheets...

All of this has appeared in my mind countless times late at night.

The sound of cooking outside the door stopped, and the footsteps gradually approached. He couldn't help but become nervous. He missed the person who was about to appear, but was also afraid that it wasn't her.


"Son, what are you doing standing around stupidly? It's time to wash your hands and eat."

The familiar voice and the familiar face were his mother who passed away early, and she was an old mother who had not enjoyed any blessings.



Chu Wanfu found himself sitting on a bench. The street lamp not far away dimmed and went out, illuminating the path getting darker and darker.

She should be coming soon.

Just as he was thinking about it, the sound of a small shoe heel hitting the brick surface seemed to come from nowhere.

Still as cautious.

Not long after, a young girl carrying a big schoolbag walked slowly over. When she saw him, her smile broke out and she hesitantly quickened her pace.

"Xiao Wanwan, you are here~"

Chu Wanfu looked at Qiao's smiling face and raised the corners of his mouth, "Well, are you scared?"

"Don't be afraid, I know you are here."

Chu Wanfu took off her schoolbag naturally, put it in his arm, and asked her to walk on the right side.

"Are you tired today."


Hearing this, he knelt down and said, "Come up, I'll carry you."

The girl giggled, jumped up unceremoniously, put her arms around his neck, and continued:

"I weighed myself today and gained a pound. The teacher asked me to lose weight~ He also said that I dance like a fat swan. Do you think I look like that?"

The girl tugged on the tip of his ear, approaching with a slight threat.

The fragrant fragrance rushed into the ear canal with hot air, blowing the tiny hairs, which made it itchy. Chu Wanfu tipped her head up without changing his expression, and held her slender ankle.

"It doesn't look like that."

He added: "Like a graceful white swan."

The cygnet that beats and spins forever on the apex of his heart.

The girl giggled happily, and the sound was like a pleasant bell, which made him feel sour in his heart.

"You're so kind, I'll treat you to dinner~"

Chu Wanfu was startled for a moment, then raised his eyes to see Xia Yan, who was sitting at the dining table with a soft smile in front of him against the soft background.

How could he forget...

After Mr. Shen washed his hands, he was about to wipe them with a towel when something occurred to him and he deliberately wiped it on his clothes, leaving a wet mark.

The mother may have to scold him again.

He laughs.

As soon as he took a step, the scene changed. His mother was sitting at the luxurious dining table, looking at him expectantly.

His eyes swept over Xia Yan, the three sets of bowls and chopsticks, and the exquisite meals produced in the restaurant.

Alas, I couldn’t eat that bite of food after all.

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