Mr. Shen felt a pain on his face and was forced to withdraw from the memories.

He picked up the thing that slapped his face and saw that it was a strand of smooth black hair.

He let go of his hand and looked at the sea in confusion.

If he had thought correctly, he saw three new pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

The extra pair is...

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

He turned his head and stared at Boss Xia's back.

Who was she seeing? Why didn't you show up or why did you cancel the experience before they came back?

Now that I think about it, Boss Xia looked a little sad at that time.


The two got out of the car.

A huge plaque stands at the entrance of the supermarket, and the huge words can be seen clearly even with short-sightedness.

Mr. Shen discovered that she really liked glass - this kind of thing meant that it was easy to be robbed in the apocalypse.

You can see it everywhere here, even such an important resource as the supermarket is made entirely of glass.

Before he even entered, he could see that the shelves inside were filled with supplies that everyone was craving for.

Really, arrogant.

Stepping into the supermarket door, you can feel the comfortable temperature changes on the surface of your hot skin.

Fortunately, there is not a huge gap between hot and cold.

After being cleared by the robot inspection, Mr. Shen skillfully pulled out a shopping cart.

This made Xia Yan, who brought the purchase order, dumbfounded.

Don’t we need to buy a lot of goods? Why do you still use the shopping cart?

Mr. Shen would not say that this was a subconscious action after going to the supermarket with his wife, "Well, let's buy some snacks for the children, so as not to interfere with business."

"How old is Mr. Shen's child? I will choose a set of toys for him to take home to play with." Xia Yan touched the toy shelf with his hand, sincerity in his eyes.

Mr. Shen blinked, "No, if he still plays with toys at this age, I will beat him to death."

"How old?"

"I just turned 30 this year."


Xia Yan's eyes clearly showed the resentment that "he is almost having a child but he is still a child".

She picked up some snacks that were selling well and put them in the shopping cart, saying, "Take it back and eat it, you're welcome."

Mr. Shen: What is the difference between your behavior and giving meat to others at a buffet? !

In the end, it wasn't him who paid the bill!


Mr. Shen became more and more frightened the more he shopped, why the supermarket had everything he wanted.

Generally speaking, the shelf life of bread is very short, only a few days.

But when he picked up a package and checked the date, he found that it had the latest date on it.

He picked up the others to check, and was surprised to find that the production dates were all very close.

Does she still have a food processing factory?

"Processing factory?" She said: "No, there is not, but I welcome you to open a factory on the island. It only requires a small amount of rent. It can also solve the employment problems of residents. It is safe and convenient to purchase goods. Please consider it."

Needless to say, he was really moved.

"How much is the rent?"

"It depends on your location and area before deciding."

"I see there is a big mountain to the west..."

"It's also for rent. If Mr. Shen has a suitable candidate, remember to recommend it. When the time comes, I'll give it to you first."

Xia Yan spoke categorically, and Mr. Shen beamed with joy.

He opened the purchase order, checked the boxes without blinking, and said, "Actually, you don't even need to look at it. I need everything you sell."

Xia Yan said with a smile: "But it's not like you want me to have it."

"That's right. Look, if possible, the more each product can provide, the better."

It's not greedy, the main reason is that there are many people, and every base is his child. It's not okay to favor one thing over another. The water has to be leveled.

When I came to the checkout counter and was about to settle the final amount, a small problem arose.

[No point card detected, settlement will not be processed]

Mr. Shen: "...must I use a card?"

Xia Yan: "You didn't apply for a card?"

Just when I was about to ask him how he had eaten, he remembered that Chu Wanfu was the last person to pay the bill.

“If you want to buy supplies here, the first thing you need to do is apply for a card first and then make purchases.”

You want her supplies, but you don’t want to apply for a card. What are you doing? If you like it, buy it. If you don’t, I will send you away now.

Seeing that she was not giving in, and even wanted to take the supplies back, Mr. Shen hurriedly shouted stop, took out five or six pieces of fourth-order crystal cores, and got himself a card.

For the sake of long-term cooperation in the future, personal interests are nothing.

While he was struggling with how to get the things back, Jin Feng and Du Cheng tiptoed in with their backs to each other.

"It's okay, the leader is not here, he should still be eating." Jin Feng said.

"Let's do it now. This time we go to another base. This thing sold out too fast. It was sold out as soon as we got it back. It would be great if we could get more stock."

Du Cheng touched the bulging pocket and listened to the pleasant sound of the banging inside, feeling very satisfied.

When I save more, I must go to a high-end restaurant to enjoy a meal!

"Jinfeng, Du Cheng, what are you two doing with your sly looks?" Mr. Shen said in a deep voice.

This voice sounds too familiar...

The two of them turned around stiffly, and to their dismay, they discovered that the person in front of them was the leader they were just talking about.

"Good leadership."

Jinfeng felt very guilty when she saw his accusing eyes. Never go back and sue her parents...

Mr. Shen frowned, "Come here and help carry things."

If anything happens, you have to go back and worry about it. In front of outsiders, you will lose your face.

"Eh, eh."

Xia Yan smiled, "Mr. Shen, are you going back? We haven't finished visiting Lidai Island yet."

She was planning to rent a storage area to him, so she was leaving in such a hurry?

"I've been out for too long, and my official duties have been delayed. I'll come back next time to have a good look." Mr. Shen thanked him for the invitation.

"I can't prepare the supplies now, and the earliest will be tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick up the goods tomorrow morning."

After the negotiation, Xia Yan sent the person back.

Before he could catch his breath, more than a dozen neatly dressed customers walked into the supermarket.

His eyes widened in shock, revealing his shock without any concealment.

The shelves here are full of supplies!

Beer, beverages, mineral water, peanuts, melon seeds, ham sausages.

"It's actually a supermarket with no purchase restrictions at all!"

"Can you buy goods? I'm the base chief of xx base."

"I warn you not to steal my car, this long line is all mine."

"Boss Xia, if I want to go back to get people, do you dare to let me come back? That, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Xia Yan retracted his gaze, opened the mall backend, accurately searched for the self-service purchase machine, bought ten in a row, and stood them at the entrance of the supermarket.

"We can buy goods. You can operate the machine. The goods will be delivered within seven days after receiving the order."

"Can I get a discount if I buy more?"

"No, I will buy at the original price."

"How can I deliver it? Do I have to wait here for three days? It's not impossible."

Don't mention it, they are willing to do this job.

Xia Yan wanted to tell them to go back and wait, and then he would open the portal to pick up the goods.

But then he thought, isn't this the base information delivered to the door? After the goods are distributed, he can promote the card application business, and the points will be swiped?

"Leave the exact address when placing the order, and the delivery will be guaranteed after the freight is paid."

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