Jing Wenbin was wearing striped pajamas, hugging a pillow with sleepy eyes, his eyes widened and he screamed:

"Why are you in my house?"

Xia Yan smiled and shook his fingers, "Boss Bin, you are forgetful. Yesterday's punishment time has not yet ended. You have to continue washing the dishes.


"Also, thank you for the opening gift from Boss Bin. I accepted it."

Xia Yan waved his hand, and Jing Wenbin and his nemesis bodyguard disappeared from the spot, finally feeling the speed of falling like flying.

Back in front of the nightmare sink, Jing Wenbin rubbed his eyes, doubting that he was still dreaming.


"Didn't it all end yesterday? ! "He roared at the void.

"Boss Bin," the bodyguard's timid voice came from the side, "The time above your head shows that there are still 4 hours..."

He turned around and saw a countdown time hanging above the other person's head - 03:10:45.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of the safety cover.

Jing Wenbin turned his head with a stiff neck and looked at the person who came.

Jing Yimai picked up a piece of fat and lean cumin lamb chops, slowly tore it off, chewed it slowly, and stared at him.

"Can't you die and eat?" Jing Wenbin gritted his teeth.

Jing Yimai ignored it and put the plate with seasoning in the cart.

"What did you send to Boss Xia?"

"None of your business."

Jing Wenbin rolled his eyes, and the bad dandy breath came to his face.

He suddenly thought of something, looked up and down, and said slowly: "By the way, you seem to know each other. "

Jing Yimai is not stupid, so he naturally knows that he is not referring to Boss Xia, but the source of the tube of liquid.

Jing Wenbin approached the protective shield and said in an evil tone, "What is his name? It seems that his last name is Chen."

Chen Juqing!

This is the only name that comes to his mind.

Didn't he escape?

Jing Wenbin stared at his expression and laughed with satisfaction.

"Haha, I knew you knew each other! Do you think he really escaped? Haha, naive, too naive!"

Jing Yimai said firmly: "He can't go back."

Chen Juqing hated that place as much as he did, and when they set the fire, they burned it together.

How could he go back!

Jing Wenbin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Brother, brother, why are you still so naive? Didn't he tell you why he went in?"

Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Jing Wenbin couldn't help laughing again, "He was sent back by his mother."

Jing Yimai took a step back, "Impossible! "

Jing Wenbin blew away the bubbles on his lips, and did not hide his malicious intention of watching the show, and sneered: "Do you understand what human nature is? In the reconstituted family, there are mothers who persuade their sons not to resist and wait for death obediently. Why can't he be sent back to the laboratory by his mother? Is it so easy to get 100,000 dollars? Haha."

Jing Yimai's nerves jumped suddenly, and he walked forward with a fierce look in his eyes and put his forehead on the safety cover, "Jing Wenbin, sooner or later you will die in my hands."

Jing Wenbin sneered, "I'll wait for you."


"Boss Xia."

Xia Yan turned around and it turned out to be Chu Wanfu.

All intact, no injuries.

"Has the mission been completed?"

"80%, three people were seriously injured and died. "Chu Wanfu has seen too many deaths, and there will be no big fluctuations in his heart.

He remembered the purpose of coming here this time, "Come to discuss cooperation?"

Xia Yan: "Content."

Chu Wanfu: "In the future, throw the survivors who lack crystal cores and have no place to live to me, and the reward is that they must apply for a score card after they have crystal cores. "

Chu Wanfu wanted people, Xia Yan wanted points, and they hit it off.

Xia Yan thought about it and said, "From now on, you will send a team here every day. If there are customers who are willing to join, you will be responsible for taking them out. "

Chu Wanfu said it was no problem.

Xia Yan returned to the private villa nearby and opened the panel to check the orders on it.

She began to prepare the supplies according to the order number: 1000 boxes of instant noodles, 5000 bags of ham sausage, 2000 bags of 50-jin flour, 5000 jin of pork...

Xia Yan sighed that it was fortunate that there was no detailed classification of tastes, otherwise it would be very troublesome for her to purchase goods.

After the items added to the shopping cart were confirmed twice, she clicked to pay, and the items immediately filled a certain system grid.

She renamed it below, marked the base name, and if there were any duplicates, she would add the name of the base leader.

Yesterday's orders were not many, only more than 40 orders, plus the quantities were all integers, and the types of purchases were also similar, so it only took two hours to process them.

When there are more orders in the future, she can completely modify the settings, but for now, she still enjoys the shopping process.

Running back to the hall, picking up the fruit basket, the price appraiser and the simple card machine, Xia Yan rode the small yellow electric car that she had only used once.

"Xiongxiong, I'm leaving, please take good care of the store. "

In fact, she was still very excited. She was working on the surface, but she was actually going out to play.

Xiongxiong stretched out his palm, "Be careful on the way~"

Xia Yan opened order number 2 and clicked to confirm the delivery.

I saw a milky white portal gradually appearing in front of me, constantly rotating inward. She put on a mask and a sun hat, twisted her right hand, and opened it.

The other side--

Near noon, the residents of Yishan Base all lay on the ground in front of the base director's door, enduring the scorching sun above their heads, and wailing intermittently.

"Ouch, my intestines are almost broken. "

"The crystal cores have been handed in, why haven't the food been distributed yet? Base Commander, are you lying to us?"

"You said that the supplies would be distributed today, but where is this thing? I can't see a single hair. Hey, don't press my legs, it's numb."

The door was locked, and the people inside walked around anxiously, as if their butts were burned by fire, and they couldn't stop for a moment.

"Go, let them lie down in the shade, one by one, they just know how to threaten me."

If Xia Yan was there, he would definitely recognize this two-meter-tall, muscular base commander.

The people next to him didn't agree: "Just let them lie down, don't always spoil them, they will die from the sun if they lie down for a while?"

"By the way, base commander, did you really say what you said yesterday? Is there really someone delivering supplies?" Why is he so unconvinced?

A large supermarket with everything you need, water, electricity, and no one to watch over it, the base commander is not under too much pressure and has gone insane.

"Be patient, the order says it will be delivered within 7 days."

"Oh, they must have been scammed. In 7 days, the person would have disappeared."

The others agreed. It sounded unreliable.

The base commander blushed and was furious. "Why don't you believe it? Didn't I burp for you to smell yesterday? Damn-"

"Is Base Commander Liu here? I'm here to deliver the goods."

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